★ Specialist Gloves | Marble Fade (Factory New)

Covert Gloves

Specialist Gloves | Marble Fade

Factory New $2,680.00
Minimal Wear $759.79
Field-Tested $240.82
Well-Worn $192.99
Battle-Scarred $139.00
Other Gloves

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Factory New

Item Information

  • Date Added
    • 04 December, 2020
  • Texture
    • Marble Fade
  • Rarity
    • Covert

Item Description

Durable, breathable, and stylish; these gloves are designed to take (and give) a beating.

Float 0.06-0.8

Skin Colors

Price History

Sales prices and volume

Variation MinMaxAverageMedianVolume
Factory New $2,492.88$2,530.00$2,505.97$2,495.033
Minimal Wear $610.30$1,516.76$915.34$870.0094
Field-Tested $206.98$642.63$289.00$276.491K
Well-Worn $141.46$291.75$224.58$224.46165
Battle-Scarred $96.22$240.00$146.86$139.07947