Grenade Binds

Grenade binds bind grenades (smokes, molotovs, flashbangs, etc) to keys on your keyboard. This means you can quickly switch to a specific nade without having to scroll or press the number 4 repeatedly to reach the grenade you need. This bind uses the ZXCV keys (under WASD) so that you can easily access them. The binds are as follows:

  • Z - flashbang
  • X - smoke grenade
  • C - HE grenade
  • V - molotov and incendiary grenade

Bind Commands

This command will bind the following keys:

  • Z - flashbang
  • X - smoke grenade
  • C - HE grenade
  • V - molotov and incendiary grenade

Copy and paste the below command into your developer console or autoexec file to apply the nade binds.

bind z "slot7"; bind x "slot8"; bind c "slot6"; bind v "slot10"

How it Works

Like other binds on our useful binds list, this bind is actually made up of four different binds. Each of the bind commands are separated by a semicolon.

The first bind command binds the Z key to the command "use weapon_flashbang", which equips your flashbang. The second bind command makes the X key equip your smoke grenade by binding it to the "use weapon_smokegrenade". The third command in the list binds the C key to the command "use weapon_hegrenade" which will make you equip your HE grenade. And finally, the fourth command binds the V key to equip either a molotov or incendiary (whichever you have in your loadout).


Other Bind Variations

Find different variations of this bind below.

  • Flashbang Bind

    CS:GO Compatible Only

    The below command will bind the Z key to your flashbang. Paste this into your console or autoexec to apply.

    bind z "use weapon_flashbang"
  • Flashbang Bind (CS2)

    CS2 Compatible Only

    The below command will bind the Z key to your flashbang in CS2. Paste this into your console or autoexec to apply.

    bind z "slot7"
  • Smoke Bind

    CS:GO Compatible Only

    The below command will bind the X key to your smoke. Paste this into your console or autoexec to apply.

    bind x "use weapon_smokegrenade"
  • Smoke Bind (CS2)

    CS2 Compatible Only

    The below command will bind the X key to your smoke in CS2. Paste this into your console or autoexec to apply.

    bind x "slot8"
  • HE Grenade Bind

    CS:GO Compatible Only

    The below command will bind the C key to your HE grenade. Paste this into your console or autoexec to apply.

    bind c "use weapon_hegrenade"
  • HE Grenade Bind (CS2)

    CS2 Compatible Only

    The below command will bind the C key to your HE grenade in CS2. Paste this into your console or autoexec to apply.

    bind c "slot6"
  • Molotov & Incendiary Bind

    CS:GO Compatible Only

    The below command will bind the V key to your molotov and incendiary. Paste this into your console or autoexec to apply.

    bind v "use weapon_molotov;use weapon_incgrenade"
  • Molotov & Incendiary Bind (CS2)

    CS2 Compatible Only

    The below command will bind the V key to your molotov and incendiary in CS2. Paste this into your console or autoexec to apply.

    bind v "slot10"