Moan Bind Alternatives

The moan command is no longer enabled (probably due to people causing havoc with this bind), but there are alternative radio commands you can still use when in-game. These commands can be used when you want to give information without using your microphone or to command bots. There are three variations in this bind that are linked to the following keys: M (radio1), N (radio2) and B (radio3).

Bind Commands

The commands to use to activate our moan bind alternative can be found below. Once activated, there are the keys you can use: M (radio1), N (radio2) and B (radio3).

bind m "radio1"; bind n "radio2"; bind b "radio3";

How it Works

This is one of the more simple binds. The first command, ‘bind “z” “radio1”’, binds the ‘z’ key to the ‘radio1’ command. This means whenever the ‘z’ key is pressed, the ‘radio1’ menu will appear. The following two commands are very similar, however have ‘radio1’ switch out with either ‘radio2’ or ‘radio3’. This will bring up each of their respective voice command menus when the ‘z’ key is pressed.


Other Bind Variations

Find different variations of this bind below.

  • X Key Only

    CS2 & CS:GO Compatible

    This command will bind the ‘radio2’ command to the ‘x’ key.

    bind x "radio2"
  • C Key Only

    CS2 & CS:GO Compatible

    This command will bind the ‘radio3’ command to the ‘c’ key.

    bind c "radio3"