cammousemove Commands
This page contains help for the following commands:

CS:GO +cammousemove Command

This command will stop your mouse movements from controling your player, allowing you to move the camera to a different position. For example, you could move the camera in front of the player after enabling this command: if this command was not enabled, your player would rotate as you move your mouse. Use -cammousemove to re-activate normal behaviour.
Extra Information
Find additional information relating to this command below.sv_cheats Required | No |
Client or Server Command | Client |
+cammousemove Examples
Find working examples of this command below.Running the above command would make your mouse no-longer control your character, and instead control only the camera.
CS:GO -cammousemove Command

Provided you have previously used the +cammousemove, this command will make your player be controlled by your mouse movements (as well as the camera) again.
Extra Information
Find additional information relating to this command below.sv_cheats Required | No |
Client or Server Command | Client |
-cammousemove Examples
Find working examples of this command below.Provided you have previously activated the +cammousemove command, this will disable the +cammousemove command's effects, allowing you to control your character with your mouse again.