Chat Commands

Below is a searchable list of all chat console commands from Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. These commands all relate to chat box and communication in CS2. The sort of commands that you'll find in this category are commands that bind messages to certain keys to send in text chat or disable communications with your teammates.

How to Use CS:GO & CS2 Commands
  1. Enable the developer console:

    Go to Settings > Game Settings and set "Enable Developer Console" to "Yes".

  2. Press ` or ~ on your keyboard.

  3. Enter a command and hit ENTER on your keyboard to run it!

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Commands List

say <Message>

This command will make you say the specified message in chat.

Name Description

The message to send in chat (to all of server).

Examples, Generator & More
say_team <Message>

This command will make you say the specified message in team chat.

Name Description

The message to send in team chat.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_mute_all_but_friends_and_party <0 / 1>

This command, if enabled (1), will mute communication from all players that aren't your friend on Steam, or in your party. Default is disabled (0).

Name Description
0 / 1

Set to 0 to not mute anyone. Set to 1 to mute everyone who isn't your friend or a member of your party.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_mute_enemy_team <0 / 1>

This command, if enabled (1), will mute communication from all enemy players. Default is disabled (0).

Name Description
0 / 1

Set to 0 to not mute enemy team. Set to 1 to mute enemy team.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_radial_radio_tab_0_text_1 <Message>

Assigns a specific action or message to a slot in the player's radial radio menu.

Name Description

The message or action to assign to the radial radio slot.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_radial_radio_tab_0_text_2 <Reference ID>

This command is used to configure the text displayed for the second option in the first tab of the radial radio (communication wheel) in the game. The value is specified by a reference ID that corresponds to a predefined text in the game's language files.

Name Description
Reference ID

The ID that references a predefined text in the game's language files.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_radial_radio_tab_0_text_3 <Text Identifier>

This command is used to customize the text displayed on the third slot of the first tab in the radial radio menu.

Name Description
Text Identifier

The identifier of the text to be displayed. Predefined identifiers usually start with '#Chatwheel_' followed by the command.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_radial_radio_tab_0_text_6 <Custom Text>

This command sets the text displayed on the 6th position of the first tab in the radial radio chat wheel to a custom value.

Name Description
Custom Text

The text or identifier to set for the radial radio menu item.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_radial_radio_tab_0_text_8 <Text Identifier>

Sets the text for a specific chat wheel slot, often used for quick communication in-game.

Name Description
Text Identifier

The identifier for the text message to be set on the chat wheel.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_radial_radio_tab_1_text_1 <Text>

Sets the text that is displayed for the first option in the first tab of the radial radio menu, typically used for quick communication in-game.

Name Description

The text to display for the selected option in the radial menu. This should be a string that corresponds to a localization token.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_radial_radio_tab_1_text_2 <Text>

This command sets the text displayed for the second chat message in the first tab of the radial radio menu, allowing customization of quick communication options.

Name Description

The text or chat wheel command to be set for the specified position in the radial radio menu.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_radial_radio_tab_1_text_6 <Text>

This command sets the text for a specific item in the first tab of the radial radio menu, commonly used for quick communication in-game.

Name Description

The text or chat wheel command to be displayed or used in the first tab, item 6 of the radial radio menu.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_radial_radio_tab_1_text_7 <Text>

Configures the text displayed for option 7 in the first tab of the radial radio menu, typically assigned to quick communication commands.

Name Description

The text to be displayed for option 7 in the first tab of the radial radio menu.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_radial_radio_tab_1_text_8 <Custom Text>

Sets the custom text for the 8th slot in the first tab of the radial radio menu, allowing players to customize in-game communication.

Name Description
Custom Text

The custom text that will be displayed in the 8th slot of the first tab in the radial radio menu.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_radial_radio_tab_2_text_1 <Text>

Configures the text or command for the first slot in the second tab of the radial radio menu, commonly used for quick communication.

Name Description

The text or command to be configured for the radial radio menu slot.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_radial_radio_tab_2_text_2 <Text>

Assigns a specific text or chat wheel command to the second slot of the radial radio (chat wheel) under tab 2.

Name Description

The identifier for the chat or command to be used in the specified radial radio slot.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_radial_radio_tab_2_text_3 <Text>

This command sets the text displayed on the third slot of the second tab in the radial radio (chat wheel) to a custom value or a predefined chat command.

Name Description

The text or command to be displayed on the specified slot of the radial radio.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_radial_radio_tab_2_text_4 <Text>

Sets the text for a specific slot in the second tab of the radial radio command menu. By default, it is set to display 'Thanks'.

Name Description

The identifier for the chat message to be displayed. These are typically localized identifiers starting with '#'.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_radial_radio_tab_2_text_6 <Text/Command>

This command defines the text or command that is assigned to slot 6 of the radial radio menu's second tab.

Name Description

The text or command to assign to the specified slot in the radial radio menu.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_radial_radio_tab_2_text_7 <Text>

This command customizes the message displayed as option 7 in the second tab of the radial radio menu, allowing players to communicate predefined messages quickly in-game.

Name Description

The text or message to be displayed for the specified radial menu option.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_sanitize_muted_players <0 / 1>

This command is used to hide the names and avatars of players that have been muted, enhancing the user's game experience by reducing distractions and potential harassment from muted players.

Name Description
0 / 1

This argument controls whether the names and avatars of muted players are hidden or shown.

Examples, Generator & More

This command clears the console output across all views, effectively cleaning up any text or messages that have been displayed.

Examples, Generator & More

Creates a ping notification where the player is currently aiming. Useful for communication or marking specific locations in the game environment.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_show_teammate_death_notification <0 / 1>

This command configures whether a notification is shown in the chat when a teammate dies.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether the death notifications for teammates will be shown in chat.

Examples, Generator & More
ui_party_msg_sound_enabled <0 / 1>

This command controls whether a short sound is played for lobby messages. When enabled, every time a lobby message is received, a notification sound will play.

Name Description
0 / 1

Toggle the lobby message sound notifications on or off.

Examples, Generator & More