Command Generator
Adjust the settings below to automatically generate a command. Once you've got everything right, hit the Copy button and paste it into the console in CS:GO.
cl_crosshairstyle Examples
The default CS:GO crosshair. This moves while you run with a weapon out, so is an unpopular choice.
The default crosshair, but without the effect of moving in and out as you run with a weapon drawn.
The classic CS:GO crosshair. This moves while you run with a weapon, so is generally an unpopular choice.
Another crosshair that will move as you run and shoot. If you want a static crosshair, choose from one of the two below.
The most popular crosshair choice. This crosshair is always static and is used by most professional players.
This crosshair is static except for when you're shooting. This unique effect can make it popular with some players, but not with others.