Total CS is the home of CS2 commands
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Command Generator
Adjust the settings below to automatically generate a command. Once you've got everything right, hit the Copy button and paste it into the console in CS:GO.
<Bind Key> <"Bind Command">
0/2 arguments filled
Bind Key
"Bind Command"
bind Examples
bind p noclip
This command binds the noclip command (the command that makes you fly) to the P key on your keyboard. Noclip needs cheats active to use, so this bind would only work on a server with cheats enabled.
bind “F4” “buy molotov; buy incgrenade; buy flashbang; buy hegrenade; buy smokegrenade; buy ak47; buy m4a1; buy vesthelm; buy vest”
This command will bind a typical full-buy setup on both T and CT side to your F4 key. As long as you had enough money and were in the buy zone within the buy time limit, you would purchase full nades, armor and a helmet and a rifle.