CS2 & CS:GO bot_add_t Command

CS:GO & CS2 Compatible
bot_add_t <Difficulty> <Name>

This command adds a bot to the T side. If the bot spawns dead, it will respawn at the start of the next round. You can optionally specify a difficulty and a name (if there is an existing profile).

Argument Information

The syntax for this command is as follows:
Name Description

The difficulty the spawned bot should have. Options are:

  • easy
  • normal
  • hard
  • expert

Optional - if not specified, the bot will have a random name. The name of the bot you wish to add (this name will show in the scoreboard/kill list/chat). The name must have an existing profile (e.g. Mark, Opie, etc).

Extra Information

Find additional information relating to this command below.
sv_cheats Required
Client or Server Command
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Command Generator

Adjust the settings below to automatically generate a command. Once you've got everything right, hit the Copy button and paste it into the console in CS:GO.

bot_add_t <Difficulty>
0/1 arguments filled
Click to Enable

bot_add_t Examples


Adds a bot to the T side.

bot_add_t hard

Adds a hard bot to the T side.

bot_add_t hard Opie

This command adds a bot with the hard difficulty to the terrorist side.