CS2 & CS:GO inferno_damage Command

CS:GO & CS2 Compatible
inferno_damage <Damage Per Second>

This fun console command is used to change how much damage molotov and incendiary grenades do . When cheats are activated, you can set this value to be incredibly high or incredibly low.

Argument Information

The syntax for this command is as follows:
Name Description
Damage Per Second

The damage per second (DPS) you want molotovs and incendiaries to do. The default value for this command is 40, though it can be set to crazy values like 1 or 2000 damage per second.

Extra Information

Find additional information relating to this command below.
sv_cheats Required
Client or Server Command
Default Value
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Command Generator

Adjust the settings below to automatically generate a command. Once you've got everything right, hit the Copy button and paste it into the console in CS:GO.

inferno_damage 0
1/1 arguments filled
Damage Per Second

inferno_damage Examples

inferno_damage 1000

Sets DPS of fire grenades to 1,000. This means standing in the fire just a single tick will kill a player on full health.

inferno_damage 5

Sets DPS of fire grenades to 5. This means you can stand in the fire until it burns out if you're on full health, and it does a lot less damage than usual.

inferno_damage 40

Sets molotov and incendiary grenade DPS back to its original setting.