CS2 & CS:GO mp_taser_recharge_time Command

CS:GO & CS2 Compatible
mp_taser_recharge_time <Time>

This console command sets the recharge time when using the taser/zeus.

Argument Information

The syntax for this command is as follows:
Name Description

The research time you want to set. Set this to -1 to disable being able to fire the same taser multiple times (default).

Extra Information

Find additional information relating to this command below.
sv_cheats Required
Client or Server Command
Default Value
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Command Generator

Adjust the settings below to automatically generate a command. Once you've got everything right, hit the Copy button and paste it into the console in CS:GO.

mp_taser_recharge_time 0
1/1 arguments filled

mp_taser_recharge_time Examples

mp_taser_recharge_time 5

Once the taser/zeus has been shot, you must wait 5 seconds before you can shoot it again.