Best m_yaw Setting
The best m_yaw
setting is personal preference. There is no best setting for this command. However, there are common settings that users might prefer to use:
4:3 m_yaw Setting
If you're playing on 4:3 stretched resolution, your horizontal sensitivity will be higher than your vertical sensitivity. For this reason, some players will set the m_yaw setting to the following value so that the two sensitivities are consistent (on a 16:9 aspect ratio monitor):
m_yaw 0.0165
16:9 m_yaw Setting
If you're playing on a regular 16:9 monitor (1920x1080, 2560 x 1440, etc and want a consistent x/y sensitivity, this is the recommended setting for this command:
m_yaw 0.022
Command Generator
Adjust the settings below to automatically generate a command. Once you've got everything right, hit the Copy button and paste it into the console in CS:GO.
m_yaw Examples
Sets your X axis sensitivity to 1. This is much higher than the command's default.
Sets your X axis sensitivity to 0.001. This is much slower than the command's default.
Sets your X axis sensitivity to 0.022, the command's default value.