CS:GO +use Command
This command will prompt you to perform the "use" action on an item or object if its applicable. For example, this command will make you plant the bomb if you're on a bombsite carrying the bomb when you use it. It can also open doors if you're in front of one. It acts in a similar way to the E key on a default keyboard setup. Use the -use command afterwards, as otherwise you will not be able to use this command again.
Extra Information
Find additional information relating to this command below.sv_cheats Required | No |
Client or Server Command | Client |
+use Examples
Find working examples of this command below.Using this console command whilst you have the bomb on a bombsite will plant the bomb for you. It can also open doors, or do any other action that the E key on your keyboard would usually do.
CS:GO -use Command
If you have previously used the +use command, you must run this command after (to deactivate it), so that you can use the +use command again.
Extra Information
Find additional information relating to this command below.sv_cheats Required | No |
Client or Server Command | Client |