Legendary Eagle Master

Legendary Eagle Master CS:GO Rank

Legendary Eagle Master is one of the three highest ranks there are in CS:GO, and is an exceptional rank to have. This marks you in the top few percent of CS:GO players.

Is Legendary Eagle Master Good?

Being a Legendary Eagle Master puts you in the top 6.59% of players. That means, if you were placed in a room with 100 other players, you'd probably be able to beat 93 of them. Total CS thinks that...

Legendary Eagle Master is an amazing rank to reach, one that the majority of CS:GO players can only dream of achieving! Being a LEM means that you likely have played over a thousand hours of the game, have good aim, and understand how to play CS:GO at a high level.

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Legendary Eagle Master CS:GO Rank
Position 16 / 18 Ranks
Players in this Rank 3.2%
Also Known As
  • Legendary Eagle
  • LEM