Demo Commands

Below is a searchable list of all demo and overwatch console commands from Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Commands in this category are used when watching demos or reviewing Overwatch evidence in Counter-Strike 2.

How to Use CS:GO & CS2 Commands
  1. Enable the developer console:

    Go to Settings > Game Settings and set "Enable Developer Console" to "Yes".

  2. Press ` or ~ on your keyboard.

  3. Enter a command and hit ENTER on your keyboard to run it!

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X-Ray (Wallhack) Command

The command used to enable X-Ray, which allows you to see players through walls (like wallhack), is named spec_show_xray. To enable X-Ray in demos and overwatch, use this command:

spec_show_xray 1

To disable X-Ray in demos and overwatch use the following command:

spec_show_xray 0

Demo UI Command

The demo UI is the panel that allows you to play, pause, skip rounds, rewind, fast forward, etc in demos and overwatch. The command that's used to show it is demoui. To show/hide (toggle) the demo UI, simply type the following into the console:


Rewind and Fast Foward Command

If you are looking for an interface that allows you to rewind or fast forward overwatch or demos, we recommend using the demo UI. You can open this by typing the following command into the console:


If you want a command to rewind demos, you can use the demo_goto command. To rewind, specify a negative amount of ticks, entering -64 would rewind 64 ticks. Simply replace TICKS with the amount of ticks you wish to rewind or fast forward:

demo_goto TICKS 1

This command would rewind 64 ticks (note the negative number):

demo_goto -64 1

This command would skip ahead 64 ticks:

demo_goto 64 1

Commands List

csgo_download_match <Match ID>

This command is used to download a CS:GO match, provided you know its unique serial code .

Name Description
Match ID

The unique ID of the match you're looking to download and watch.

Examples, Generator & More
demo_gototick <Tick>

Forces the demo you're watching to skip to a certain tick.

Name Description

The tick you want your demo to skip to. Important to note that a Valve matchmaking server produces 64 ticks a second. You can enter the tick you want to skip to as a raw number (e.g. 7000) or as a minute value (e.g. 20min).

Examples, Generator & More

This useful console command is used to pause the demo you're watching. Playback can be resumed with the command demo_resume.

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demo_recordcommands <0 / 1>

This command records any commands typed into the console and saves them in a .dem file.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enter a 1 after the command to begin recording commands in a demo, and a 0 after the command to stop recording.

Examples, Generator & More

This useful command is used to resume the demo you're watching, if you have previously paused it. To pause demos, use the command demo_pause.

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demo_timescale <Playback speed>

This command sets how quickly the demo is played. In other words, it can be used to fast forward through rounds you're not interested in watching.

Name Description
Playback speed

Enter a number to represent how fast you want the demo played back. Entering the number 20 plays the demo back 20 times as fast.

Examples, Generator & More

Use this command when watching demos to toggle between being paused or not. The good thing about this command is then it will pause or play the demo, depending on if its running when the command is entered.

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Prints the demo sequence list in your developer console for you to see.

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This command will toggle the visibility of the demo player UI. With the demo UI open, you can speed up and slow down demo playerback, skip rounds, etc.

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When in a demo file, putting this command into your console will show you a list of the contents in this particular demo.

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This command will make the next demo in your current demo sequence be played.

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playdemo <Demo File Name>

This command plays the specified demo file. Demos should be placed in your Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo folder. If you place them in your "replays" folder, you need to specify "replays/" before the demo name.

Name Description
Demo File Name

The name of the demo file, placed in Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo. You do not need to specify the .dem part of the file name. If you put the demo in replays folder, specify "replays/" before the name.

Examples, Generator & More
record <Demo File Name>

This command will start recording your current game as a demo. You need to specify a filename to save the demo as. Use the "stop" command to stop recording. Demo will be saved in Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo.

Name Description
Demo File Name

The name of the file to save the demo as.

Examples, Generator & More
demo_goto <Tick> <Relative (0 / 1)> <Pause (0 / 1)>

This command skips to the specified tick in the demo. See argument information for options.

Name Description

The tick you wish to go to (or the amount of ticks to skip ahead if relative).

Relative (0 / 1)

Optional. Specify a 1 here to make the the amount of ticks you specify be the amount of ticks you skip ahead in the demo, rather than the tick number to skip to.

Pause (0 / 1)

Optional. Specify a 1 here to pause the demo after skipping ahead.

Examples, Generator & More

This command prints to console information about the demo that is currently playing.

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csgo_fatdemo_enable <0 / 1>

Enables or disables the recording of additional information in demos, making them 'fat'. Fat demos contain extra data that can be useful for detailed analysis but will result in larger file sizes.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable fat demo recording.

Examples, Generator & More
csgo_fatdemo_output <File name>

The command is involved in handling the output for 'fat' demos in Counter-Strike 2, specifically designating the output file name for such demos.

Name Description
File name

The name of the file to which the 'fat' demo output will be saved.

Examples, Generator & More
demo_flush <0 / 1>

This command, when enabled, forces the game to write to the demo file after every network update, ensuring all data is immediately saved.

Name Description
0 / 1

Whether to flush writing the demo file every network update or not.

Examples, Generator & More

This command is used during demo playback, allowing the user to skip directly to a previously marked tick in the demo file.

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Marks the current demo playback tick for later use. It enables users to tag a specific frame in a demo file for easy reference.

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demo_quitafterplayback <0 / 1>

This command, when enabled, causes the game to quit automatically after a demo playback has finished.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether the game quits after demo playback.

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Stops the looping of demos. The currently playing demo will complete before stopping.

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tv_record_immediate <0 / 1>

This command starts recording a demo in CS2 instantly, ignoring the usual delay set by tv_delay.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable immediate demo recording.

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