CS2 FOV and Viewmodel Commands

Below is a searchable list of all fov and viewmodel console commands from Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. This category contains all commands that can be used to modify your camera's field of view (FOV) in Counter-Strike 2, along with commands that change your view model (the location of your gun/character's hands).

How to Use CS:GO & CS2 Commands
  1. Enable the developer console:

    Go to Settings > Game Settings and set "Enable Developer Console" to "Yes".

  2. Press ` or ~ on your keyboard.

  3. Enter a command and hit ENTER on your keyboard to run it!

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Best Viewmodel Settings

The best viewmodel settings vary from person to person, but the general consensus is that the more "out of the way" your viewmodel is the better. This is because the viewmodel will obstruct your view less, allowing for better visibility.

To set optimal, most out-of-the-way, viewmodel settings, copy and paste the below command into your developer console:

viewmodel_offset_x 2.5; viewmodel_offset_y -2; viewmodel_offset_z -2; viewmodel_fov 54

We have outlined what each of these commands does below.

How to Change Viewmodel

Your viewmodel is your character's hands, the gun that you're holding, and anything else fixed in-front of the camera when in first-person mode. There are four commands commands that change the position of your viewmodel. We've outlined what they do below.

Move Gun Right or Left

The command to move your gun to the right or left is:


This command would put your gun as far left as possible:

viewmodel_offset_x -2

This command would put your gun as far right as possible:

viewmodel_offset_x 2.5

Move Gun Closer to Character

This command changes the distance of the gun from your character:


This command would put your gun as close as possible:

viewmodel_offset_y -2

This command would put your gun as far away as possible:

viewmodel_offset_y 2

Move Gun Up or Down

This command moves the gun up and down:


This command would move the gun as low as possible:

viewmodel_offset_z -2

This command would move the gun as high as possible:

viewmodel_offset_z 2

Change FOV

This command changes your viewmodel's field of view:


The highest FOV value you can have is 68. This command would set that:

viewmodel_fov 68

The lowest FOV value you can have is 54. This command would set that:

viewmodel_fov 54

To change your field of view to something other than our recommended settings outlined above, simply replace the number at the end of the command with a number between the command's "Min/Max" from the table.

How to Move Viewmodel to Left or Right (cl_righthand)

In CS2, the cl_righthand console command was removed. This means it is no longer possible to move your viewmodel to the left or right

In CS:GO, it was possible to move the gun to the left hand side of your screen with the cl_righthand 0 and back to the right with cl_righthand 1.

How to Change Your Field of View (FOV) with Commands

There are two types of field of view: your viewmodel's FOV, which changes the position of your viewmodel (your hands and gun in first person mode) and your camera's FOV, which changes how zoomed in and out your camera is. Only your viewmodel's FOV can be changed in servers without cheats (matchmaking, etc). To change your camera's FOV, you need to be in a server with sv_cheats 1.

How to Change Viewmodel FOV

Your viewmodel's field of view in CS:GO can be set to a value between 54 and 68. To set it to 68, its maximum value, type the following command into the developer console:

viewmodel_fov 68

To set your viewmodel's field of view to 54, which is its lowest possible value, use the following command:

viewmodel_fov 54

Change 54 or 68 to your desired FOV (must be between 54 and 68), it might take some playing around with to get your most preferable field of view.

How to Change Camera FOV (sv_cheats)

Changing the field of view your camera has can only be done on a server with sv_cheats enabled. You can enable sv_cheats by typing the following command into the console:

sv_cheats 1

After enabling sv_cheats, you can change your field of view by replacing NUMBER in the below command with the FOV you wish to set (default is 90):

fov_cs_debug NUMBER

Since the default FOV for CS2 is 90, the below command would make your field of view larger by setting it to 120 (meaning you can see more in your camera):

fov_cs_debug 120

And this command would make your FOV smaller by setting it to 50 (meaning you'd be able to see less than usually:

fov_cs_debug 50

Commands List


This command will set your field of view (FOV) to the specified number. This command allows you to set your FOV to any value (no matter how high or small), and therefore requires sv_cheats to be enabled before it can be used (as otherwise it would give an advantage in matchmaking).

Examples, Generator & More
fov_cs_debug <FOV>

This command will set your field of view (FOV) to the specified value, provided sv_cheats is set to 1. Unlike the viewmodel_fov command, this command does not have any limits, allowing you to set your FOV to any value you desire.

Name Description

A number - your desired field of view (e.g. 80).

Examples, Generator & More
viewmodel_fov <FOV>

This command sets your client's FOV to the specified number. You can set your FOV to a maximum of 68 using this command. The default field of view is 60.

Name Description

A number - your desired field of view. By default this is 60. You can set this to a maximum of 68.

Examples, Generator & More
viewmodel_offset_x <X Offset>

This command sets the X offset of your view model - i.e. how far left or right it is. Your view model is your hand (and the gun in it) that displays in first person mode. The maximum value is 2.5 and the minimum value is -2.5.

Name Description
X Offset

Set this to a number between 2.5 and -2.5. -2.5 would be closest to the middle of the screen. 2.5 would be closest to the edge of the screen.

Examples, Generator & More
viewmodel_offset_y <Y Offset>

This command sets the Y offset of your view model - i.e. how close or far from your character is. Your view model is your hand (and the gun in it) that displays in first person mode. The maximum value is 2 and the minimum value is -2.

Name Description
Y Offset

Set this to a number between 2 and -2. 2 would be closest to the top of the screen. -2 would be closest to the bottom of the screen.

Examples, Generator & More
viewmodel_offset_z <Z Offset>

This command sets the Z offset of your view model - i.e. how far up or down it is. Your view model is your hand (and the gun in it) that displays in first person mode. The maximum value is 2 and the minimum value is -2.

Name Description
Z Offset

Set this to a number between 2 and -2. 2 would put your viewmodel as far in front of you as possible. -2 put your viewmodel as close as possible to you.

Examples, Generator & More
viewmodel_presetpos <1 / 2 / 3>

This command will set your X/Y/Z viewmodel offsets to a preset configuration. See argument information for help.

Name Description
1 / 2 / 3

A number to represent your desired preset. Options are:

  • 1 - Desktop
  • 2 - Couch
  • 3 - Classic
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