Best CS2 Settings: For FPS and Competitive Gameplay

Get ready to dominate your matches!

In Counter-Strike 2, having the right settings can often mean the difference between a victory or a loss. Optimising your game's settings can help you achieve smoother gameplay, quicker reactions, and ensure clear visuals so that you can better spot enemies. This guide will help you configure your CS2 settings, whether that be for a better framerate, or to help you gain that important competitive advantage over your enemy.

Best CS2 Video Settings for FPS

Video Settings

To find and change your video settings, head to settings, click on VIDEO, and then again on VIDEO:

CS2 video settings path.png

The best video settings for maximum framerate can be found below:

Setting Value Explained
Display Mode Fullscreen Reduces input lag
Aspect Ratio 16:9 for regular, 4:3 for stretched Fits modern displays the best
Resolution 1920x1080 for regular, 1280x1024 for stretched Fits the aspect ratios above the best
Refresh Rate Largest amount possible, normally 60hz, 144hz or 240hz Creates smoother gameplay
Brightness 110% Makes enemies easier to spot in dark environments

Advanced Video Settings

To find and change your advanced video settings, head to settings, click on VIDEO, and then ADVANCED VIDEO:

CS2 advanced video path.png

The best advanced video settings for maximum framerate can be found below:

Setting Value Explained
Boost Player Contrast Enabled Helps players stand out
V-Sync Disabled Allows the largest amount of FPS possible
AMD Anti-Lag 2.0 (AMD users only) Enabled Decreases lag
Maximum FPS In Game 1,000 Allows the largest amount of FPS possible
Maximum FPS In Menus 1,000 Allows the largest amount of FPS possible
Current Video Values Preset Custom Allows you to edit presets
Multisampling Anti-Aliasing Mode None Makes objects less detailed
Global Shadow Quality Low Decreases quality of shadows
Dyanmic Shadows Sun Only Decreases shadow detail inside buildings
Model/Texture Detail Low Decrease model and texture details
Texture Filtering Mode Bilinear Decreases texture details
Shader Detail Low Decreases shader details
Particle Detail Low Decreases particle details
Ambient Occlusion Disabled Decreases quality of softer shadows
High Dynamic Range Performance Slightly decreases image quality
FidelityFX Super Resolution Disabled (Highest Quality) Retains original CS2 resolution
NVIDIA Reflex Low Latency (NVIDIA users only) Enabled + Boost Improves latency

Best CS2 Settings for a Competitive Advantage

To find and change your game settings for a better competitive advantage, head to settings and click on GAME:

CS2 game settings path.png

Game Settings

Setting Value Explained
Max Acceptable Matchmaking Ping 90 Reduces chance of internet lag in-game
Max Acceptable Game Traffic Bandwidth Unrestricted Allows the game to use all the internet/bandwith that is available
Buffering to smooth over packet loss / jitter None Prevents buffering in-game

Team Settings

Setting Value Explained
Show Team ID Through Walls PIPS, Names, Health, and Equipment Makes teammates' equipment, health, equipment and PIPs visible through walls
Show Player Colors in Competitive Show Colors Helps make it easier to identify teammates


Setting Value Explained
Player Pings Display and Play Sound Makes pings easier to locate
Mute All But Friends No Allows you to communicate with other teammates


Setting Value Explained
Delay Sniper Rifle Un-Scope after Shot No Rescopes the sniper when it's ready to fire again (after taking a shot)
Detach Silencer on M4A1-S and USP-S Yes Allows customisation of weapons when necessary
First Person Tracers Enabled Renders your own bullet tracers
Always Show Inventory Yes Helps you keep track of your items

Damage Prediction

Setting Value Explained
Predict Body Shot Effects No Prevents client-sided false body shots (particuarly at higher ping)
Predict Head Shot Effects No Prevents client-sided false head shots (particuarly at higher ping)
Predict Kill Ragdolls No Prevents client-sided false kills (particuarly at higher ping)

Advanced Video

To find and change your advanced video settings, head to settings, click on VIDEO, and then ADVANCED VIDEO:

CS2 advanced video path.png

Please note that although the following settings can improve your competitive advantage, they can also decrease FPS.

Setting Value Explained
Global Shadow Quality Very High Helps you to spot enemy shadows
Dynamic Shadows All Improves shadow quality when indoors
Shader Detail High Improves overall visual quality, making enemies easier to see
Ambient Occlusion High Improves quality of softer shadows
High Dynamic Range Quality Improves lighting contrast

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