Camera Commands

Below is a searchable list of all camera console commands from Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. This category contains all of the console commands that effect the way your camera works, such as changing how it's viewed or fixing technical issues with how it works.

How to Use CS:GO & CS2 Commands
  1. Enable the developer console:

    Go to Settings > Game Settings and set "Enable Developer Console" to "Yes".

  2. Press ` or ~ on your keyboard.

  3. Enter a command and hit ENTER on your keyboard to run it!

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Commands List

c_maxdistance <Maximum distance>

This command controls how far away your camera be at a maximum from your camera in third person mode. Set c_mindistance to the same value to avoid third person camera stuttering.

Name Description
Maximum distance

The maximum distance you want your third person camera to be from your character.

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This command sets your camera's maximum pitch.

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This command sets your camera's maximum yaw.

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c_mindistance <Minimum distance>

This command controls how close the minimum distance your camera can be away from your character when in third person mode. Set c_maxdistance to the same value to avoid third person camera stuttering.

Name Description
Minimum distance

The minimum distance that your camera can be from your player.

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This command sets your camera's minimum pitch.

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This command sets your camera's minimum yaw.

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cam_collision <0 / 1>

You can use this command to attempt to make the third person experience in CS:GO run smoother, activated with the command "thirdperson". When turned on, it can prevent your camera from coliding with walls around the map.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enter a 1 after the command to attempt to reduce camera collisions with walls when in thid person mode, and a 0 to disable this.

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cam_command <0 / 1 / 2>

This command adjusts your in game camera view between first person (default) and third person.

Name Description
0 / 1 / 2

Using a 1 after this command will set your camera to third person. 0 and 2 set the camera to first person.

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cam_idealdelta <Camera speed>

This command adjusts the speed that your camera attemps to fix any discrepancies between its angles when in third person mode.

Name Description
Camera speed

Enter your desired camera speed when its troubleshooting. The default value is 4.

Examples, Generator & More
cam_ideallag <Camera speed>

This command controls how fast you can move your camera around when in third person mode. The default value is 4.

Name Description
Camera speed

Use a low number, like 0.1, to make your camera move quickly in third person, and a higher number like 50 to make it move slowly.

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cam_showangles <0 / 1>

This command will enable a menu in the top right of your screen displaying the exact statistics for your camera angles when in third person.

Name Description
0 / 1

Use the number 1 after the command to turn the menu on, and 0 to close it.

Examples, Generator & More
cam_snapto <0 / 1>

This command will snap your camera up its default position when in third person mode.

Name Description
0 / 1

Use the value 1 after the command to snap the camera to default position. Use a 0 after the command to reset the camera so you can perform the action again.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_pitchdown <Degrees>

This fun command controls how many degrees down from eye level you can move your camera. That means you can edit this command to allow you to look under you, effectively looking through your character model's legs at what is behind you.

Name Description

The degrees you want to be able to look down. The default value for this command is 89 (so you can look straight up at the sky), but this can changed to 200+.

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cl_pitchup <Degrees>

This fun console command controls how many degrees from eye level you can look up into the sky. This can be adjusted to let you look so far around that you end up seeing behind you.

Name Description

The degrees you want to be able to look up. The default value for this command is 89 (so you can look straight down at the floor), but this can changed to 200+.

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This command will enable first person mode (provided you are not already in first person mode).

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Switches to an orthographic camera view, altering the perspective in-game to a 2D-like view. This command only works when cheats are enabled.

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cl_deathcam_audio_mix_phase1_fade_time <Fade time>

This command adjusts the duration of the fade-out effect for audio during the first phase of the deathcam.

Name Description
Fade time

The duration in seconds for the audio to fade out during the first phase of the deathcam.

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r_dof_override_far_blurry <Distance>

This command adjusts the distance at which the depth of field effect becomes maximally blurry, effectively controlling how far objects can be before they are fully blurred in the game's rendering.

Name Description

The distance in units at which objects will be fully blurred due to the depth of field effect.

Examples, Generator & More
r_dof_override_far_crisp <Distance>

This command adjusts the depth of field effect's 'far' crisp setting, which can determine the sharpness or blurriness of distant objects in Counter-Strike 2.

Name Description

The distance value to set the 'far' crisp distance to, affecting object sharpness.

Examples, Generator & More
r_dof_override_near_blurry <Distance>

This command adjusts the depth of field to make objects closer than a specified distance appear blurry.

Name Description

The threshold distance at which objects start appearing blurry. Negative values make objects closer than the set distance blurry.

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spec_autodirector <0 / 1>

This command enables or disables the auto-director feature while spectating games. The auto-director automatically chooses the best view modes and perspectives.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable the auto-director feature.

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spec_centerchasecam <0 / 1>

Enables or disables the camera focusing on the target player's center rather than their eye position in chase cam mode. Default is disabled.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enables or disables the center chase cam feature.

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Locks the observer's view to the current target being observed, preventing it from automatically switching to another player's perspective.

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