Enable the developer console:
Go to Settings > Game Settings and set "Enable Developer Console" to "Yes".
Press ` or ~ on your keyboard.
Enter a command and hit ENTER on your keyboard to run it!

Commands List
Command | Description | More | Syntax |
mp_teamscore_2 | This command sets the score of team 2 for BO (best of..) games. Entering 1 here would make it so that team 2 had already won 1 of their games. |
mp_weapon_prev_owner_touch_time | mp_weapon_prev_owner_touch_time
noclip_fixup | noclip_fixup
report_cliententitysim | This command will print to console all clientside simulations and the time it takes to execute. Default is 0 (disabled). Command will be set to 0 again after it has done calculating and printing. |
Examples, Generator & More | report_cliententitysim
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report_clientthinklist | This command will print to console all clientside simulations thinking and their thinking time. Default is 0 (disabled). Command will be set to 0 again after it has done calculating and printing. |
Examples, Generator & More | report_clientthinklist
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showtriggers | This command does not work. Use showtriggers_toggle instead. |
voice_modenable | This command disables your microphone if set to 0 (you can still hear other players). Default is 1 (your microphone is enabled). |
Examples, Generator & More | voice_modenable
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