CS2 HUD Commands

Below is a searchable list of all hud console commands from Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. This category contains all of the Counter-Strike 2 console commands that can be used to edit and optimize your heads-up display (HUD), such as changing its color or size.

How to Use CS:GO & CS2 Commands
  1. Enable the developer console:

    Go to Settings > Game Settings and set "Enable Developer Console" to "Yes".

  2. Press ` or ~ on your keyboard.

  3. Enter a command and hit ENTER on your keyboard to run it!

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Enable or Disable Net_graph

The net_graph console commad was removed in CS2, but there's a command that does something similar. It's cl_showfps.

To show the CS2 equivalent of net_graph text (FPS, latency, etc), type the following command into your developer console:

cl_showfps 2

To disable this, use the following console command:

cl_showfps 0

Change HUD Size Command

Changing the size of the HUD (also known as the GUI) is done with the hud_scaling command. This command has a minimum value of 0.5 (the smallest you can make your HUD), which can be set with this command:

hud_scaling 0.5

The maximum value is 1.1 - this is the largest you can make the HUD. This value can be set with the following console command:

hud_scaling 1.1

To set your HUD size to something other than 0.5 or 1.1, replace NUMBER in the below console command with a number between 0.5 and 0.95 (e.g. 0.8):

hud_scaling NUMBER

Always Show Team Equipment Command

The "always show team equipment" feature is very useful. It allows for the equipment of your teammates to always be displayed above their head (even when out of spawn). This has two big benefits: you will always know where your teammates are, as their equipment will be displayed through walls, and you will also know what grenades and weapons your teammates have, so you don't have to ask them or guess.

To enable "always show equipment", type this command into your developer console:


If you want to hide the equipment HUD from above the heads of your teammates, you can disable this feature with this command:


HUD Color Command

The command that changes the color of your HUD is, unsurprisingly, called the cl_hud_color command. There are many colors to choose from, just copy your desired color command and paste it into your console to apply the color:


cl_hud_color 0


cl_hud_color 1

Light Blue

cl_hud_color 2

Dark Blue

cl_hud_color 3


cl_hud_color 4


cl_hud_color 5


cl_hud_color 6


cl_hud_color 7


cl_hud_color 8


cl_hud_color 9


cl_hud_color 10

Hide or Show the HUD

In order to enable or disable the HUD, you must first enable cheats on your server. You can do this by typing the following into the console:

sv_cheats 1

After enabling cheats, typing the following command into the console will disable (hide) the HUD:

cl_drawhud 0

To show the HUD after having hidden it, use the following command:

cl_drawhud 1

Commands List

cl_drawhud <0 / 1>

This command can be used to completely hide all features of your HUD (heads up display) or to enable them to show again.

Name Description
0 / 1

Add a 1 after the command to turn the HUD on, and a 0 to hide all aspects of the HUD.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_hud_color <HUD Color>

This is the console command used to change and customize the color of your HUD (heads up display). It can be changed to a variety of colors, which we have listed examples for.

Name Description
HUD Color

A number from 1 to 10 that is used to alter the HUD color.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_hud_radar_scale <Radar Scale>

This useful console command controls how much room in your HUD your radar takes up. You can choose to make it a smaller feature or larger than the default value.

Name Description
Radar Scale

A number between 0.8 and 1.3. The larger the value, the larger the radar will be. The default value for this command is 1.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_radar_always_centered <0 / 1>

This command decided whether or not your radar is always centered to your location. Turning this feature off can be useful, as when you're by the edge of the map less of the radar's space is taken up by empty space, meaning you can see your surroundings more clearly.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enter a 0 after this command to disable having your radar centered around you all the time. Enter a 1 after the command to return the radar to centering around you.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_radar_icon_scale_min <Icon Scale>

This console command changes how large your character dot appears on the radar.

Name Description
Icon Scale

Enter a value between 0.4 and 1 to set how big your character icon appears on the radar. This will be your lobby/character color if playing matchmaking. The default value for this command is 0.6.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_radar_rotate <0 / 1>

This command toggles whether or not your radar rotates as you rotate and look around with your camera. Some players find disabling this feature makes it easier to use the radar.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enter a 0 after this console command to prevent the radar from rotating as your character model rotates. Use a 1 after this command to have the radar rotate as you rotate (default).

Examples, Generator & More
cl_radar_scale <Radar Scale>

This command adjusts the scale of your radar, which affects how zoomed in or out the radar is. A lot of players use this command to zoom the radar out and have a complete view of the map.

Name Description
Radar Scale

A number between 0.25 and 1. The smaller the number, the more zoomed out the radar appears. The larger the number, the more zoomed in the radar appears. The default value for this command is 0.7.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_radar_square_with_scoreboard <0 / 1>

This command decided whether the radar is a square or a circle whenever you toggle the scoreboard open.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enter a 1 after this command to make the radar shape change to a square when you open the scoreboard. Enter a 0 to keep the radar a circle whenever you open the scoreboard. The default value is 1 (square).

Examples, Generator & More
cl_showfps <0 / 1>

This command produces a simple FPS (frames per second) count in the top left corner of your screen. Unlike the net_graph command, the only value shown is your FPS, which some players like for its simplicity.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enter a 1 after this command to turn on the FPS counter, and a 0 after the command to turn it off.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_teamid_overhead_maxdist <Max Distance>

This console command sets the max distance that you will be able to see the icons above teammate's heads if team ID overhead is turned on.

Name Description
Max Distance

The default value for this command is 3000. Add a larger number to increase the max distance, and use a lower number to decrease the max distance.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_teamid_overhead_maxdist_spec <Max Distance>

This console command is for spectators and observers, and determines the max distance you can see team icons at.

Name Description
Max Distance

The default value for this command is 2000. Change this to a larger number to increase the max view distance, and use a lower number to increase the max distance.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_teammate_colors_show <0 / 1>

This command is used in competitive games, and you can set it so that players on your team have different colors on the radar and scoreboard (default) or you can turn it off.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enter a 1 after this command to turn different colors on for your teammates, and use a 0 after the command to turn this off.

Examples, Generator & More
fadein <Duration> <R G B>

This command will fade your client in. You can optionally specify a duration (seconds) and an RGB value for the color of the screen it fades in from.

Name Description

The duration of the fade, in seconds. This is optional (2 seconds is default).


An RGB value for the color of the fade screen. Optional. The 3 values (red, green and blue) should be separated by spaces, e.g. 255 255 255.

Examples, Generator & More
fadeout <Duration> <R G B>

This command will fade your client out. You can optionally specify a duration (seconds) and an RGB value for the color of the screen it fades out to.

Name Description

The duration of the fade, in seconds. This is optional (2 seconds is default).


An RGB value for the color of the fade screen. Optional. The 3 values (red, green and blue) should be separated by spaces, e.g. 255 255 255.

Examples, Generator & More

This command will close the game UI (pause menu), provided it is open.

Examples, Generator & More

This command will hide the console (same as pressing the console key again).

Examples, Generator & More
hidehud <0 / -1>

This command, if set to 1 (default) will show the game's HUD. If set to -1, the game's HUD will be hidden.

Name Description
0 / -1

Enter 0 to show the HUD (default). Enter -1 to hide the HUD.

Examples, Generator & More
hud_scaling <0.5 - 0.95>

This command can be used to scale the size of the HUD. Scale must be be between 0.5 and 0.95. Default is 0.85.

Name Description
0.5 - 0.95

A number between 0.5 and 0.95 to scale the size of the HUD by. 0.95 = biggest, 0.5 = smallest.

Examples, Generator & More
hud_showtargetid <0 / 1>

This command can enable or disable the red text with an enemy's that appears when you hover over an enemy. Default is enabled (1).

Name Description
0 / 1

Enter 0 to disable the red text that appears when you hover over an enemy. Enter 1 to enable (default).

Examples, Generator & More

This command opens the console.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_drawhud_force_deathnotices <-1 / 0 / 1>

This command sets circumstances under which deathnotices should be drawn (deathnotices is another word for kill feed that appears in the top right). See argument information for help.

Name Description
-1 / 0 / 1

Options are:

  • 0 - Default, draw deathnotices only when HUD is enabled
  • 1 - display killfeed/deathnotices even when HUD is disabled
  • -1 - never show deathnotices
Examples, Generator & More
cl_drawhud_force_radar <-1 / 0 / 1>

This command sets the circumstances under which the radar is is displayed. See argument information for help.

Name Description
-1 / 0 / 1

Options are:

  • 0 - Default, draw radar only when HUD is enabled
  • 1 - render the radar even when the HUD is disabled
  • -1 - never show radar
Examples, Generator & More
cl_drawhud_force_teamid_overhead <-1 / 0 / 1>

This command sets the circumstances under which the "team ID" is drawn over your teammates heads (this is their name, weapons they're holding, etc). See argument information for help.

Name Description
-1 / 0 / 1

Options are:

  • 0 - Default, draw team ID only when HUD is enabled
  • 1 - show team ID even when the HUD is disabled
  • -1 - never show team ID
Examples, Generator & More

This command, if set to 1, will swap the player names and team names to the other side of the screen for spectators. Default is set to 0 (normal side).

Examples, Generator & More
mapoverview_icon_scale <Multiplier>

This command sets the scale multiplier for icons on the overview map (that spectators can open usually by pressing CTRL). If set to 2, icons would be 2x the size they usually are on the overview map. Default is 1.

Name Description

Your desired multiplier for the size of icons on the overview map.

Examples, Generator & More
cc_delay_time <Delay Time>

Sets the delay time before showing captions for close captions in the game.

Name Description
Delay Time

The time in seconds before a close caption is shown after being triggered.

Examples, Generator & More
cc_spectator_only <0 / 1>

This command controls whether Closed Captions are displayed only when the player is spectating. Closed Captions include various in-game sounds as text.

Name Description
0 / 1

Set to 0 to enable Closed Captions during play and spectate, set to 1 to restrict Closed Captions to spectator mode only.

Examples, Generator & More
cc_vr_caption_speed <0 / 1 / 2>

Adjusts the speed at which VR captions are displayed, with options for slow, medium (default), and fast.

Name Description
0 / 1 / 2

The speed setting for VR captions.

Examples, Generator & More
cc_vr_font_size <Font Size>

This command changes the size of fonts when playing in virtual reality mode; different settings toggle between small, medium (default), and large.

Name Description
Font Size

Determines the size of the font in VR.

Examples, Generator & More
cc_vr_width <0,1,2>

Sets the closed captioning virtual reality width. This command configures the width of closed captions in VR, where '0' sets it to narrow, '1' to medium (default), and '2' to wide.

Name Description

The width setting for the VR closed captions.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_allow_animated_avatars <0 / 1>

This command specifies if animated avatars are allowed in the game.

Name Description
0 / 1

Specifies whether animated avatars are allowed.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_auto_cursor_scale <0 / 1>

This command enables or disables automatic scaling of the cursor size based on the resolution.

Name Description
0 / 1

Turns automatic cursor scaling on or off.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_cursor_scale <Scaling Factor>

Adjusts the size of the cursor by applying a scaling factor.

Name Description
Scaling Factor

The factor by which to scale the cursor size.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_deathcam_audio_mix_phase1_fade_amount <Fade Amount>

This command sets the volume ducking amount during the first phase of the death camera fade out. A higher value results in more significant audio ducking, making environmental sounds quieter as the death cam engages.

Name Description
Fade Amount

The amount of audio ducking to apply during the first phase of the death cam fade-out, with 1 being the maximum.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_deathcam_audio_mix_phase1_fade_time <Fade time>

This command adjusts the duration of the fade-out effect for audio during the first phase of the deathcam.

Name Description
Fade time

The duration in seconds for the audio to fade out during the first phase of the deathcam.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_deathcampanel_position_dynamic <0 / 1>

This command is used to enable or disable the dynamic Y-axis movement of the kill panel you see during the deathcam.

Name Description
0 / 1

This argument turns the dynamic Y movement of the deathcam's kill panel on or off.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_deathnotices_show_numbers <0 / 1>

This command controls whether numbers are displayed in the death notices (kill feed) in CS2.

Name Description
0 / 1

Whether to show numbers in the death notices

Examples, Generator & More
cl_disable_round_end_report <0 / 1>

This command disables the round end report that typically shows the scoreboard and other statistics at the end of each round.

Name Description
0 / 1

This argument controls whether the round end report is disabled (1) or enabled (0).

Examples, Generator & More
cl_display_game_events <0 / 1>

This command, when enabled, displays game events in the console or a HUD element, primarily used for debugging or development purposes.

Name Description
0 / 1

Toggles the display of game events.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_ent_show_damage <0 / 1>

Sets damage display mode. When enabled, it displays the amount of damage dealt over the target's head, allowing players to see real-time feedback on the damage their attacks are causing.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable the damage display mode.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_ent_text_radius <radius>

Displays text debugging information about entities near the player, overlaid on the entities themselves. This is useful for debugging purposes.

Name Description

The radius around the player within which entities will display debug text, measured in game units.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_glow_item_far_b <0 / 1>

This command adjusts the brightness of item glow effects at a distance, determining their visibility.

Name Description
0 / 1

Sets the state of item glow effects at a distance.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_glow_item_far_g <Green component intensity>

Adjusts the green component of the glow color for items that are far away.

Name Description
Green component intensity

The intensity value of the green component. Ranges from 0 to 1.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_glow_item_far_r <Red intensity value>

This command adjusts the intensity of the red component in the glow effect for items that are far away.

Name Description
Red intensity value

The intensity of the red component in the glow effect for distant items.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_hide_avatar_images <0 / 1 / 2>

This command is used to hide the avatar images for other players in the game. It has three settings: off, block all, and block all but friends.

Name Description
0 / 1 / 2

The setting for hiding avatar images: off (0), block all (1), or block all but friends (2).

Examples, Generator & More
cl_hud_telemetry_frametime_poor <Poor Frame Time Threshold>

Sets the threshold for considering a frame time as 'poor', impacting on-screen HUD telemetry.

Name Description
Poor Frame Time Threshold

The time in milliseconds above which frame time is considered poor.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_hud_telemetry_frametime_show <0 / 1>

Adjusts whether to show the frame time (FPS) on the HUD. Can be set to never show, show only if the FPS is poor, or always show.

Name Description
0 / 1

Controls the display of frame time on the HUD.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_hud_telemetry_net_misdelivery_poor <Packet delivery rate threshold>

Sets the threshold for considering the packet delivery anomaly rate as 'poor'. The range is from 0 to 100.

Name Description
Packet delivery rate threshold

The threshold value above which packet delivery rate is considered poor.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_hud_telemetry_net_misdelivery_show <0 / 1>

This command controls whether to display the packet delivery anomaly (loss or out-of-order) rate on the HUD. It can be set to never show, only show under poor conditions, or always show.

Name Description
0 / 1

Controls the display of packet delivery anomalies on the HUD.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_hud_telemetry_ping_poor <Ping Threshold>

This command sets the threshold for when ping is considered 'poor' in milliseconds. If your ping is higher than this value, the game considers your connection poor.

Name Description
Ping Threshold

The threshold in milliseconds above which ping is considered poor.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_hud_telemetry_ping_show <0 / 1 / 2>

This command controls whether the player's ping is displayed in the HUD and under which conditions.

Name Description
0 / 1 / 2

Controls ping visibility in the HUD.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_hud_telemetry_serverrecvmargin_graph_show <0 / 1>

This command shows a graph in the HUD displaying the server receive margin, which indicates how early or late user commands are arriving at the server before they are executed.

Name Description
0 / 1

The setting for displaying the server receive margin graph.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_inventory_radial_immediate_select <0 / 1>

This command controls how weapon selection works in inventory radial menus. If enabled, weapons are selected immediately when highlighted. If disabled, the weapon is only selected upon exiting the menu.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether weapons in the radial menu are selected immediately upon highlight (1) or only upon exiting the menu (0).

Examples, Generator & More
cl_inventory_radial_tap_to_cycle <0 / 1>

Controls the behavior of inventory selection radials, specifying whether weapons are selected immediately upon cursor highlight or only when the selection is explicitly confirmed.

Name Description
0 / 1

Toggle between requiring explicit confirmation for weapon selection in inventory radials (0) or enabling immediate selection on highlight (1).

Examples, Generator & More
cl_itemimages_dynamically_generated <0 / 1>

This command controls whether item images should be dynamically generated in-game. This might affect performance and loading times for assets.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines if item images should be dynamically generated.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_loadout_saved_sort <Sort Order>

This command sets the sorting order for the loadout items in the inventory.

Name Description
Sort Order

The method by which the loadout items in the inventory are sorted.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_ping_fade_deadzone <Distance>

This command adjusts the distance from the crosshair at which the ping marker becomes completely invisible. It is used to control ping visibility relative to the player's focus point in the game.

Name Description

Distance in units from the crosshair over which the ping is completely invisible.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_ping_fade_distance <Fade Distance>

This command sets the distance from the crosshair at which ping markers start to fade, improving visual clarity.

Name Description
Fade Distance

The distance (in game units) from the crosshair at which ping markers start to fade.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_player_ping_mute <0 / 1>

This command toggles the audio feedback when players use the ping system. When enabled, pings will generate a sound.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether pinging sound is muted.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_quickinventory_line_update_speed <Update Speed>

This command sets the speed at which the quick inventory line updates in the game.

Name Description
Update Speed

Defines the speed at which the quick inventory line updates.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_radial_radio_tab <Tab Index>

This command sets the default tab for the radial radio menu, allowing players to customize which commands group appears initially upon opening the radial radio.

Name Description
Tab Index

The index of the tab to set as default for the radial radio menu.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_radial_radio_tab_0_text_1 <Message>

Assigns a specific action or message to a slot in the player's radial radio menu.

Name Description

The message or action to assign to the radial radio slot.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_radial_radio_tab_0_text_2 <Reference ID>

This command is used to configure the text displayed for the second option in the first tab of the radial radio (communication wheel) in the game. The value is specified by a reference ID that corresponds to a predefined text in the game's language files.

Name Description
Reference ID

The ID that references a predefined text in the game's language files.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_radial_radio_tab_0_text_3 <Text Identifier>

This command is used to customize the text displayed on the third slot of the first tab in the radial radio menu.

Name Description
Text Identifier

The identifier of the text to be displayed. Predefined identifiers usually start with '#Chatwheel_' followed by the command.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_radial_radio_tab_0_text_4 <Text>

This command sets the text displayed for the 4th slot in the first radial radio menu.

Name Description

The text to be displayed in the 4th slot of the first radial radio menu.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_radial_radio_tab_0_text_5 <Custom Text>

This command customizes the text displayed for the fifth option in the first tab of the radial radio (chat wheel) menu.

Name Description
Custom Text

The text to display for the specified radial radio option.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_radial_radio_tab_0_text_6 <Custom Text>

This command sets the text displayed on the 6th position of the first tab in the radial radio chat wheel to a custom value.

Name Description
Custom Text

The text or identifier to set for the radial radio menu item.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_radial_radio_tab_0_text_7 <Chatwheel Command>

Configures the text displayed for the seventh option in the first tab of the radial radio menu to a predefined chat message.

Name Description
Chatwheel Command

The predefined chat message command to display.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_radial_radio_tab_0_text_8 <Text Identifier>

Sets the text for a specific chat wheel slot, often used for quick communication in-game.

Name Description
Text Identifier

The identifier for the text message to be set on the chat wheel.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_radial_radio_tab_1_text_1 <Text>

Sets the text that is displayed for the first option in the first tab of the radial radio menu, typically used for quick communication in-game.

Name Description

The text to display for the selected option in the radial menu. This should be a string that corresponds to a localization token.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_radial_radio_tab_1_text_3 <Text>

This command sets the text displayed for the third slot of the first tab in the radial radio menu, often used for quick communication in-game.

Name Description

The custom text or predefined hashtag to display in the radial radio menu. Predefined hashtags trigger translations or specific game functions.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_radial_radio_tab_1_text_4 <Custom Text>

Sets the custom text displayed for a specific option in the radial radio command menu, specifically for the first tab's fourth option.

Name Description
Custom Text

The custom text to be displayed for the radial radio option.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_radial_radio_tab_1_text_5 <Text>

This command sets the text displayed for the fifth command on the first tab of the radial radio menu.

Name Description

The text to display for the command in the radial radio menu.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_radial_radio_tab_1_text_8 <Custom Text>

Sets the custom text for the 8th slot in the first tab of the radial radio menu, allowing players to customize in-game communication.

Name Description
Custom Text

The custom text that will be displayed in the 8th slot of the first tab in the radial radio menu.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_radial_radio_tab_2_text_3 <Text>

This command sets the text displayed on the third slot of the second tab in the radial radio (chat wheel) to a custom value or a predefined chat command.

Name Description

The text or command to be displayed on the specified slot of the radial radio.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_radial_radio_tab_2_text_4 <Text>

Sets the text for a specific slot in the second tab of the radial radio command menu. By default, it is set to display 'Thanks'.

Name Description

The identifier for the chat message to be displayed. These are typically localized identifiers starting with '#'.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_radial_radio_tab_2_text_5 <Text>

This command sets the text displayed for the fifth option in the second tab of the radial radio menu, commonly used for in-game communication.

Name Description

The text to display for the specified radio command.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_radial_radio_tab_2_text_7 <Text>

This command customizes the message displayed as option 7 in the second tab of the radial radio menu, allowing players to communicate predefined messages quickly in-game.

Name Description

The text or message to be displayed for the specified radial menu option.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_radial_radio_tab_2_text_8 <Text>

This command sets the text displayed on the 8th slot of the second radial radio menu to a predefined value or custom text.

Name Description

The text you want to display in the 8th slot of the second radial radio menu.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_radial_radio_version_reset <Default Value>

Resets the radial radio version to its default value.

Name Description
Default Value

The default value to reset the radial radio version to.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_radialmenu_deadzone_size <Deadzone Size>

Adjusts the size of the deadzone for the radial menu, affecting how much you need to move your mouse or joystick before the radial menu begins to change selections.

Name Description
Deadzone Size

The size of the deadzone for the radial menu.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_sanitize_muted_players <0 / 1>

This command is used to hide the names and avatars of players that have been muted, enhancing the user's game experience by reducing distractions and potential harassment from muted players.

Name Description
0 / 1

This argument controls whether the names and avatars of muted players are hidden or shown.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_sanitize_player_names <0 / 1>

This command is used to replace names of other players with non-offensive placeholders in the game environment.

Name Description
0 / 1

Toggle the sanitization of player names.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_show_equipped_character_for_player_avatars <0 / 1>

Controls whether the equipped character model is shown for player avatars.

Name Description
0 / 1

Whether to show the equipped character model for player avatars or not.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_show_observer_crosshair <0 / 1>

This command is used to show or hide the crosshair of the player currently being observed.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether the observer crosshair is shown or not.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_showmem <0 / 1>

This command toggles the display of approximate memory usage at the top of the screen.

Name Description
0 / 1

Toggles the memory usage display.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_teamcounter_playercount_instead_of_avatars <0 / 1>

Determines whether the team counter displays the number of players instead of avatars.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable displaying player count instead of avatars

Examples, Generator & More
cl_teamid_overhead_colors_show <0 / 1>

This command enables the display of teammate identifiers (IDs) overhead in their respective team colors.

Name Description
0 / 1

A switch to enable or disable the feature of showing team overhead id in teammate color.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_teamid_overhead_mode <Mode>

This command controls the display of team identifiers over teammates, including options for showing pips, names, and equipment.

Name Description

The mode of team identifier display.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_track_aim_head_threshold <Threshold distance>

This command configures the notification sent to the rendering device when rendering a frame with an enemy's head within a certain threshold distance.

Name Description
Threshold distance

The distance within which an enemy's head proximity will trigger a notification to the render device.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_usenewbob <0 / 1>

This command determines whether the new weapon bobbing effect is enabled or disabled in the game.

Name Description
0 / 1

Specifies whether the new weapon bobbing effect is on or off.

Examples, Generator & More

This command clears the console output across all views, effectively cleaning up any text or messages that have been displayed.

Examples, Generator & More
cs_minimap_create_output_size <Size>

This command sets the size of the minimap texture when using the cs_minimap_create command. The default size is 512.

Name Description

The size (in pixels) to which the minimap texture will be set. This is a square resolution, so the value is used for both width and height.

Examples, Generator & More
csgo_map_preview_scale <Scale>

Adjusts the scale of the map preview in the Counter-Strike 2 interface.

Name Description

The scaling factor for the map preview.

Examples, Generator & More
ent_actornames_font <Font Name>

Specifies the font name used for displaying actor names in entities.

Name Description
Font Name

The font used for displaying actor names.

Examples, Generator & More
ent_actornames_fontsize <Font size>

Changes the font size of the names displayed over entities when actor names are enabled.

Name Description
Font size

The desired font size for entity actor names.

Examples, Generator & More
hud_fastswitch <0 / 1>

Controls how quickly players can switch between weapons. When enabled, players can switch weapons faster without needing to see the weapon selection menu.

Name Description
0 / 1

Disable or enable fast weapon switching.

Examples, Generator & More
mp_guardian_loc_string_hud <Localization String Token>

Specifies the localization string token to use on the HUD for a Guardian mission; it defaults to indicating kills with a specific weapon.

Name Description
Localization String Token

The localization string token to be used on the HUD.

Examples, Generator & More
panorama_debugger_theme <Theme>

Changes the theme of the Panorama Debugger.

Name Description

The theme of the Panorama Debugger.

Examples, Generator & More
panorama_focus_world_panels <0 / 1>

This command requests key focus for world panels when they are enabled, affecting how input is directed in these contexts.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether to request key focus for world panels when enabled.

Examples, Generator & More
r_csgo_postprocess_enable <0 / 1>

Enables or disables the post-processing effects in the game. Post-processing effects include bloom, color correction, and other visual enhancements that are applied after the scene has been rendered.

Name Description
0 / 1

Toggle post-processing effects.

Examples, Generator & More
r_csgo_render_overlays <0 / 1>

This command toggles the rendering of certain HUD overlays in Counter-Strike 2, primarily for debugging or performance analysis purposes.

Name Description
0 / 1

Toggle for turning the rendering of HUD overlays on or off.

Examples, Generator & More
r_drawpanorama <0 / 1>

Enables or disables the rendering of the panorama UI.

Name Description
0 / 1

Whether to enable or disable the rendering of panorama UI.

Examples, Generator & More
r_show_build_info <0 / 1>

Displays build information on the screen. It is recommended to leave this enabled when submitting bug reports in the form of screenshots or videos.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether the build information is shown (1) or hidden (0).

Examples, Generator & More
r_show_time_info <0 / 1>

This command enables the display of real-time information in a large format on the screen.

Name Description
0 / 1

Controls whether the large real-time information display is enabled or disabled.

Examples, Generator & More
screenmessage_show <0 / 1> <-1>

Enable display of console messages on screen. This command controls whether console messages are also shown directly on the game screen. It can be enabled, disabled, or set to automatically enable if the VGUI (Valve's graphical user interface) is not present.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable the display of console messages on screen.


Enabled if VGUI is not present.

Examples, Generator & More
spec_xray_dropped_defusekits <0 / 1>

This command configures whether dropped defuse kits are highlighted with an X-ray effect for spectators.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines if the X-ray effect is enabled for dropped defuse kits.

Examples, Generator & More
spec_xray_dropped_unoccluded <0 / 1>

Controls whether dropped C4 explosives and defuse kits are always shown with the X-ray effect in spectator mode, making them easier to spot.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable the X-ray effect for dropped C4 and defuse kits in spectator mode.

Examples, Generator & More
ui_deepstats_radio_heat_figurine <0 / 1>

This command is likely related to the UI elements for displaying heat maps or statistics in Counter-Strike 2, particularly involving radio commands or possibly figurines/statues within the game's interface.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enables or disables the display feature related to radio heat figurines in the UI.

Examples, Generator & More
ui_deepstats_radio_heat_tab <0 / 1>

Controls the visibility of the radio heat tab in the user interface.

Name Description
0 / 1

Whether to disable or enable the radio heat tab in the UI.

Examples, Generator & More
ui_deepstats_radio_heat_team <0 / 1>

This command is used to enable or disable the heat map radio commands for teams in the user interface deep statistics.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable the feature.

Examples, Generator & More
ui_deepstats_toplevel_mode <0 / 1>

This command controls the display mode for deep statistics in the user interface.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether the deep statistics top-level mode is enabled or disabled.

Examples, Generator & More
ui_inspect_bkgnd_map_B0B70CFF <Map Name>

Sets the background map used during weapon inspections in the UI.

Name Description
Map Name

The name of the map to use as a background during weapon inspections.

Examples, Generator & More
ui_mainmenu_bkgnd_movie_B0B70CFF <Movie Name>

This command sets the background movie for the main menu in Counter-Strike 2.

Name Description
Movie Name

The name of the movie to be set as the main menu background.

Examples, Generator & More
ui_playsettings_flags_official_survival <0 / 1>

This command is used to configure UI play settings related to the official survival game modes in Counter-Strike 2.

Name Description
0 / 1

Setting this value determines whether the UI play settings for official survival modes are enabled or disabled.

Examples, Generator & More
ui_show_subscription_alert <0 / 1>

This command controls the visibility of subscription alerts in the user interface.

Name Description
0 / 1

Controls the visibility of subscription alerts.

Examples, Generator & More
ui_show_unlock_competitive_alert <0 / 1>

This command determines whether the alert message for unlocking Competitive mode is shown to the player.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether the alert is shown or not.

Examples, Generator & More
ui_steam_overlay_notification_position_horz <Offset>

This command sets the horizontal offset for Steam overlay notifications.

Name Description

The horizontal offset from the default position for Steam overlay notifications.

Examples, Generator & More
ui_steam_overlay_notification_position_vert <Vertical Offset>

This command sets the vertical offset for Steam overlay notifications, allowing customization of where notifications appear on the screen.

Name Description
Vertical Offset

The vertical offset (in screen units) from the default position for Steam overlay notifications.

Examples, Generator & More
ui_vanitysetting_loadoutslot_t <Loadout Slot Item>

This command configures the visual setting for the loadout slot of the terrorist team, specifically for choosing the item displayed in the main menu.

Name Description
Loadout Slot Item

Specifies the item type to display for the terrorist team's loadout slot in the main menu.

Examples, Generator & More