CS2 Console Commands List

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Below is Total CS' searchable list of all CS2 console commands. Each command in our database has detailed documentation, with help and argument explanation (hover over a command to view). Click on a command's name to visit its individual page, on which you can find more information including working examples and its default setting or value.

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Updated for CS2: We've updated our list to include over 1,000 console commands that were added in CS2.

We're the only website that has a complete list of all Counter-Strike 2 commands with complete documentation and examples. CS:GO Commands are hidden from this list by default. If you're playing on CS:GO, check the "Show CS:GO Commands" box to show commands that exist in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

How to Use CS:GO & CS2 Commands
  1. Enable the developer console:

    Go to Settings > Game Settings and set "Enable Developer Console" to "Yes".

  2. Press ` or ~ on your keyboard.

  3. Enter a command and hit ENTER on your keyboard to run it!

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Commands List

cli_ent_pivot <Entity ID>

Displays the interpolated pivot for the specified entity or entities, with the pivot orientation indicated by colors (y=up=green, z=forward=blue, x=left=red).

Name Description
Entity ID

Specifies the ID of the entity or entities whose interpolated pivot is to be displayed.

Examples, Generator & More
cli_ent_skeleton <Entity ID> <0 / 1>

This command is used in CS2 to display the skeleton structure for specified entities in the game. It requires enabling cheats and is primarily used for debugging or visual inspection purposes.

Name Description
Entity ID

Specifies the ID of the entity whose skeleton will be visualized.

0 / 1

Enables or disables the skeleton display for the specified entity.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_imgui_set_status_text <Text>

This command is used to set the status text displayed in the ImGui header, primarily for debugging or development purposes within the game's UI framework.

Name Description

The text to be displayed as the status in the ImGui header.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_interpolate_report <0 / 1>

Enables the display of interpolation profile timing, primarily useful for debugging or analyzing the network interpolation.

Name Description
0 / 1

Toggle the interpolation profile timing report on or off.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_itemimages_dynamically_generated <0 / 1>

This command controls whether item images should be dynamically generated in-game. This might affect performance and loading times for assets.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines if item images should be dynamically generated.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_jiggle_bone_debug <0 / 1>

This command shows the player debugging information related to the bone physics in NPCs and other character models. It will create light beams showing how each bone is working at that time, so is useful for fixing issues with physics.

Name Description
0 / 1

Use a 1 to turn this command on and display bone information. Use a 0 to turn it off. Default value is 0 (off).

Examples, Generator & More
cl_latch_report <0 / 1>

This command, when enabled, outputs statistics regarding latching processes.

Name Description
0 / 1

Disables or enables the output of the latching processes stats.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_obs_interp_pos_rate <Interpolation Rate>

This command adjusts the rate of positional interpolation for observed entities, impacting how smoothly they move in the observer's view.

Name Description
Interpolation Rate

The rate of positional interpolation for observed entities. Lower values can reduce potential lag effects but make movements less smooth.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_particle_simulate <0 / 1>

This command enables or disables the simulation of particles within the game.

Name Description
0 / 1

Disable or Enable Particle Simulation

Examples, Generator & More

Displays the status of the query cache on the client side, including usage and performance statistics. This can be particularly useful for developers and testers to assess the efficiency of data retrieval processes in the game.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_radial_radio_version_reset <Default Value>

Resets the radial radio version to its default value.

Name Description
Default Value

The default value to reset the radial radio version to.

Examples, Generator & More

This command outputs help information for script functions available in Counter-Strike 2, useful for developers or those exploring game scripting capabilities.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_showmem <0 / 1>

This command toggles the display of approximate memory usage at the top of the screen.

Name Description
0 / 1

Toggles the memory usage display.

Examples, Generator & More

This command dumps information about serializers to the console. It is primarily used for debugging and development purposes.

Examples, Generator & More

This command is used for testing purposes, specifically to list all the entities currently available in the game. It's a cheat command, meaning it can only be executed with cheat permissions enabled.

Examples, Generator & More

This command reports the model names of the entities that are currently under the user's crosshair, primarily used for debugging purposes.

Examples, Generator & More
consoletool <cmd> <0 / 1> <Flags>

This command opens a subtool within the VConsole interface.

Name Description

Specifies the cmd subtool within VConsole to be opened.

0 / 1

Flag to enable or disable the specified behavior.


Control the behavior of the subtool being opened.

Examples, Generator & More
cq_logging <0 / 1>

Enables or disables command queue logging of events.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enables or disables command queue logging.

Examples, Generator & More
cq_logging_interval <Interval in seconds>

Sets the interval for logging command queue statistics per player in seconds. Setting it to 0 disables this logging.

Name Description
Interval in seconds

Time in seconds between each log. Set to 0 to disable.

Examples, Generator & More
cq_print_every_command <0 / 1>

This command is used for debugging purposes. When enabled, it prints every command executed by the game server to the console, helping developers or server administrators troubleshoot issues or monitor server actions.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable the option to print every command.

Examples, Generator & More