Infinite Money Commands

65535 was the maximum amount in CS:GO!

When practicing on a CS2 map, it can be frustrating not having enough money to purchase the weapons, nades and other gear you need. Fortunately, there are many commands that you can use to give yourself unlimited money, so that running out of money when offline with bots or in a private server is a thing of the past!

1. Enable and Open the Developer Console

You can skip this step if you've already enabled the developer console.

In order to use these commands, you'll need to have enabled the developer console. To enable the developer console, go to your Counter-Strike settings, then the Game tab, and set the Enable Developer Console dropdown to Yes.

You can open the developer console by pressing the ` or ~ key on your keyboard.

If you are having trouble opening or using the console, check out our enabling the developer console guide for more help.

2. Infinite Money Commands

After opening the console, copy and paste the command below into the console. Running this command will give you unlimited money and restart the game so that the changes take effect.

mp_maxmoney 100000;mp_startmoney 100000;mp_afterroundmoney 100000;mp_restartgame 1


Bonus: Infinite Money, Round Time and Buy Anywhere Commands

If you're looking to also make the round time unlimited and buy from anywhere in the map, enter (copy and paste) the set of commands found below into the console.

mp_maxmoney 100000;mp_startmoney 100000;mp_afterroundmoney 100000;mp_buytime 60000;mp_buy_anywhere 1;mp_roundtime_defuse 60;mp_roundtime_hostage 60;mp_roundtime 60;mp_restartgame 1

Explained: How These Commands Work

If you'd like to understand what those commands do, check out our explanations found below. It is important to note that the most money you can ever have in CS2 is 100,000 (regardless of what number you enter in the commands).

We set the maximum amount of money you can have at once to 100,000 with the mp_maxmoney command, then the amount of money you start the game with to 100,000 with the mp_startmoney command... and then the amount of money you receive after a round has ended to 100,000 with the mp_afterroundmoney command. In order for the changes to take effect, the game needs to be restarted. This command does that:

mp_restartgame 1

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