CS2 Console Commands List

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Below is Total CS' searchable list of all CS2 console commands. Each command in our database has detailed documentation, with help and argument explanation (hover over a command to view). Click on a command's name to visit its individual page, on which you can find more information including working examples and its default setting or value.

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Updated for CS2: We've updated our list to include over 1,000 console commands that were added in CS2.

We're the only website that has a complete list of all Counter-Strike 2 commands with complete documentation and examples. CS:GO Commands are hidden from this list by default. If you're playing on CS:GO, check the "Show CS:GO Commands" box to show commands that exist in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

How to Use CS:GO & CS2 Commands
  1. Enable the developer console:

    Go to Settings > Game Settings and set "Enable Developer Console" to "Yes".

  2. Press ` or ~ on your keyboard.

  3. Enter a command and hit ENTER on your keyboard to run it!

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Commands List

Command Description More
sv_air_pushaway_dist <0 / 1>

This command sets whether or not you can receive text chat from players in the "all chat" channel.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_allchat <0 / 1>

This command sets whether or not votes (e.g. timeout votes) are allowed. Default is allowed (1), set to 0 to disallow.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_allow_votes <0 / 1>

This command sets whether or not players can hear the voice communications of the enemy team. Default is 0 (can't hear enemies).

Examples, Generator & More
sv_alltalk <0 / 1>

This command, if set to 1, will make you automatically refill your ammunition when you enter a buyzone during buy time.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_autobuyammo <0 / 1>

This command, if enabled (1), will make it so that "alltalk mode" (voice communications are sent to and heard by enemies) is enabled during warmup, halftime and at the end of the game. Default is 0 (disabled).

Examples, Generator & More
sv_auto_full_alltalk_during_warmup_half_end <0 / 1>

This command sets the "weight" (or chance) of a bot buying a decoy grenade. Think of this as the amount of "raffle tickets" for a virtual raffle between this weight and the weights of all other grenades when a bot is deciding which grenade to buy.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_bot_buy_decoy_weight <Weight>

This command sets the "weight" (or chance) of a bot buying a flashbang grenade. Think of this as the amount of "raffle tickets" for a virtual raffle between this weight and the weights of all other grenades when a bot is deciding which grenade to buy.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_bot_buy_flash_weight <Weight>

This command sets the chance (percentage) a bot has of buying a grenade when they have leftover money after purchasing armor and weapons. Default is 33, which would be equivalent to 33%.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_bot_buy_grenade_chance <0 - 100>

This command sets the "weight" (or chance) of a bot buying a high explosive grenade. Think of this as the amount of "raffle tickets" for a virtual raffle between this weight and the weights of all other grenades when a bot is deciding which grenade to buy.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_bot_buy_hegrenade_weight <Weight>

This command sets the "weight" (or chance) of a bot buying a molotov grenade. Think of this as the amount of "raffle tickets" for a virtual raffle between this weight and the weights of all other grenades when a bot is deciding which grenade to buy.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_bot_buy_molotov_weight <Weight>

This command sets the "weight" (or chance) of a bot buying a smoke grenade. Think of this as the amount of "raffle tickets" for a virtual raffle between this weight and the weights of all other grenades when a bot is deciding which grenade to buy.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_bot_buy_smoke_weight <Weight>

This command sets the "bounce multiplier" for when collision between two entities are made. For example, with this at a value above 1, you will bounce when you jump on the head of a teammate.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_bounce <Multiplier>

This command sets whether or not cheat commands are allowed on the server. Cheat commands are commands that affect gameplay (and not just your client). Default is disabled (0), set to 1 to enable.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_cheats <0 / 1>