CS2 Console Commands List

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Below is Total CS' searchable list of all CS2 console commands. Each command in our database has detailed documentation, with help and argument explanation (hover over a command to view). Click on a command's name to visit its individual page, on which you can find more information including working examples and its default setting or value.

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Updated for CS2: We've updated our list to include over 1,000 console commands that were added in CS2.

We're the only website that has a complete list of all Counter-Strike 2 commands with complete documentation and examples. CS:GO Commands are hidden from this list by default. If you're playing on CS:GO, check the "Show CS:GO Commands" box to show commands that exist in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

How to Use CS:GO & CS2 Commands
  1. Enable the developer console:

    Go to Settings > Game Settings and set "Enable Developer Console" to "Yes".

  2. Press ` or ~ on your keyboard.

  3. Enter a command and hit ENTER on your keyboard to run it!

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Commands List

Command Description More

This command unloads a named spawn group from the server, typically used in development or testing environments to manage game resources.

Examples, Generator & More
spawn_group_unload <Group Name>

Sets the threshold for considering hits as suspicious in terms of odds. Lower values are more stringent.

Examples, Generator & More
suspicious_hit_odds_threshold <Threshold value>

This command sets the radius for detecting suspicious hits around players in Counter-Strike 2. It is used primarily for anti-cheat measures.

Examples, Generator & More
suspicious_hit_player_radius <Radius>

Defines the handling strategy for suspicious hits in the game. This is a server-side setting that can influence how potential cheating or unusual hit detections are managed.

Examples, Generator & More
suspicious_hit_strategy <0 / 1>

This command configures the extra starting equipment for Counter-Terrorists (CT) in guardian game modes. It allows customization of the initial loadout in these scenarios.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_guardian_extra_equipment_ct <0 / 1>

Sets extra starting equipment for Terrorist players in guardian game modes, enhancing their initial loadout.

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sv_guardian_extra_equipment_t <0 / 1>

This command sets the amount of health that survivors are given at the start of each new wave in the Guardian game mode.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_guardian_health_refresh_per_wave <Health Refresh Per Wave>

This command specifies a list of additional weapons for which ammo is refilled at the start of each wave in Guardian game mode.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_guardian_refresh_ammo_for_items_on_waves <Weapon names>

This command determines whether the C4 (bomb) in Guardian game mode is reset at the beginning of every wave.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_guardian_reset_c4_every_wave <0 / 1>

Sets the starting health points for players when they respawn in Guardian mode.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_guardian_respawn_health <Health Points>

Sets the starting health for Counter-Terrorists in Guardian game modes.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_guardian_spawn_health_ct <Health>

Sets the starting health of players in guardian modes.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_guardian_spawn_health_t <Health>

This command configures how many late commands are permitted to run at a 0 time scale before an on-time command is executed. It supports negative values for calculations based on network round trip, with a limit set to the absolute value of the input.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_late_commands_allowed <Number of allowed late commands>

This command sets the minimum number of chickens that the game will attempt to spawn on the map. It is mainly used in server configurations for fun or specific game modes that involve chickens.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_minimum_desired_chicken_count <Desired chicken count>

Enable this to visualize collisions between player and geometry. This command is especially useful for map developers and players interested in understanding how movement is affected by the environment.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_show_move_collisions <0 / 1>

This command is used for debugging purposes. It prevents the system from discarding old snapshots, allowing for a return from a debugger break without needing an uncompressed update. However, using this may lead to memory issues.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_snapshot_unlimited <0 / 1>

This command teleports a random player to a random position within the map. It is primarily used for testing and debugging purposes.

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Enables or disables the dynamic startup or shutdown of the HLTV server based on changes in tv_enable convars.

Examples, Generator & More
tv_enable_dynamic <0 / 1>

This command is likely related to the UI elements for displaying heat maps or statistics in Counter-Strike 2, particularly involving radio commands or possibly figurines/statues within the game's interface.

Examples, Generator & More
ui_deepstats_radio_heat_figurine <0 / 1>

Controls the visibility of the radio heat tab in the user interface.

Examples, Generator & More
ui_deepstats_radio_heat_tab <0 / 1>