CS2 Console Commands List

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Below is Total CS' searchable list of all CS2 console commands. Each command in our database has detailed documentation, with help and argument explanation (hover over a command to view). Click on a command's name to visit its individual page, on which you can find more information including working examples and its default setting or value.

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Updated for CS2: We've updated our list to include over 1,000 console commands that were added in CS2.

We're the only website that has a complete list of all Counter-Strike 2 commands with complete documentation and examples. CS:GO Commands are hidden from this list by default. If you're playing on CS:GO, check the "Show CS:GO Commands" box to show commands that exist in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

How to Use CS:GO & CS2 Commands
  1. Enable the developer console:

    Go to Settings > Game Settings and set "Enable Developer Console" to "Yes".

  2. Press ` or ~ on your keyboard.

  3. Enter a command and hit ENTER on your keyboard to run it!

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Commands List

Command Description More

This console command forces all bots on the server to use knives.

Examples, Generator & More
bot_knives_only <0 / 1>

This command lets you borrow music kits from other players in your match by specifying their player slot number.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_borrow_music_from_player_slot <Player Slot>

This command adds a dot in the center of your crosshair. If you reduce cl_crosshairsize to 0, you can set it so you only have a dot.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_crosshairdot <0 / 1>

This command is used to enable or disable the dynamic Y-axis movement of the kill panel you see during the deathcam.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_deathcampanel_position_dynamic <0 / 1>

This command determines if players can hold down the secondary fire button to cycle through zoom levels on scoped weapons.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_debounce_zoom <0 / 1>

This command, when enabled, displays game events in the console or a HUD element, primarily used for debugging or development purposes.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_display_game_events <0 / 1>

This command clears the console output across all views, effectively cleaning up any text or messages that have been displayed.

Examples, Generator & More

This command is used to hide the avatar images for other players in the game. It has three settings: off, block all, and block all but friends.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_hide_avatar_images <0 / 1 / 2>

If turned on, will ignore in-game invites from recent teammates or other non-friends.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_invites_only_friends <0 / 1>

Ignores all game invites when the player is in a match if enabled. Allows invites only from the main menu.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_invites_only_mainmenu <0 / 1>

This command is used to disable the ability for players to use their sprays in the game.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_playerspraydisable <0 / 1>

This command is used to hide the names and avatars of players that have been muted, enhancing the user's game experience by reducing distractions and potential harassment from muted players.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_sanitize_muted_players <0 / 1>

This command is used to replace names of other players with non-offensive placeholders in the game environment.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_sanitize_player_names <0 / 1>

This command allows you to change what key turns mouse selection on while you have the scoreboard open . This is defaulted to +attack2 (usually right-click), and is what lets you use your mouse to click on people's names when you toggle open the scoreboard.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_scoreboard_mouse_enable_binding <Bind Key>

This command enables or disables the use of silencers on weapons that support them, like the M4A1-S.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_silencer_mode <0 / 1>

Determines whether there is a delay for the sniper rifle to unscope after shooting. Enabling this can simulate a more realistic sniper rifle behavior, where the player cannot instantly unscope after firing.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_sniper_delay_unscope <0 / 1>

This command determines whether the new weapon bobbing effect is enabled or disabled in the game.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_usenewbob <0 / 1>

This command sets the threshold at which the game switches from displaying a light wallbang tracer to a heavy wallbang tracer.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_wallbang_heavy_threshold <Threshold Value>

This command sets the size of the minimap texture when using the cs_minimap_create command. The default size is 512.

Examples, Generator & More
cs_minimap_create_output_size <Size>

This command, when enabled, forces the game to write to the demo file after every network update, ensuring all data is immediately saved.

Examples, Generator & More
demo_flush <0 / 1>