The Best Orange CS2 Skins and Stickers
Equally as exotic as yellow.Of all the color-themed inventories you can build in Counter-Strike 2, going for an orange one might just be our favorite.
In one weapon you’ll have a fiercely bright skin that looks like you’re staring at the sun and the next will be dark and minimalist like a sun set. Truly there are some amazing orange CS2 skins.
Here’s some of the best skins you can find to build out your orange loadout.
1 . Galil AR | Orange DDPAT (Field-Tested)
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What we really enjoy about the Galil Orange DDPAT is how the specks of orange are quite minimalist. They compliment the black background without overpowering it, which is quite rare.
2 . M4A1-S | Chantico's Fire (Field-Tested)
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The Chantico’s Fire is one of the most gorgeous M4A1-S skins in the game, and the sun-kissed appearance makes it a perfect addition for an orange-themed inventory.
3 . AUG | Bengal Tiger (Minimal Wear)
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Of course this skin was going to make an appearance on our list. When a skin is designed off one of the most powerful predators in the jungle AND features orange all over its body then it’s a really great pickup indeed.
4 . M4A4 | Buzz Kill (Field-Tested)
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Perhaps more yellow than orange, the M4A4 Buzz Kill is a great choice if you like your CT rifle unsilenced. It will blend really nicely with the orange skins in this list and not seem out of place in the slightest.
5 . G3SG1 | Orange Kimono (Factory New)
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With subtle shapes lining the scope of this autosniper and a sturdy stoked soaked in orange, this skin looks a lot nicer than its price would hint at.
6 . SG 553 | Tiger Moth (Field-Tested)
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We’re not sure if this SG 553 (Kreig) was left next to a volcano as it erupted or something, but it’s looks so alive with lava that we’re glad the player models in CS:GO wear gloves.
7 . SSG 08 | Slashed (Field-Tested)
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Slashed is what this skin is indeed. Whether it was abstract lashes of paint or a wild animal that inspired the style of this skin, we salute the inspiration.
8 . AWP | BOOM (Minimal Wear)
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You might think we’d be hard pressed to find an orange AWP if you weren’t aware of the AWP BOOM. Sporting a creative design on its uninterrupted orange body, this is a real crown to the collection.
9 . Glock-18 | Royal Legion (Minimal Wear)
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If you come to this skin for it’s orange grip, you might fall in love for its complete design. You’ll catch an assortment of orante inscriptions on the top of the gun to make it the full package.
10 . Dual Berettas | Demolition (Field-Tested)
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It’s like this skin was made for someone looking to build an orange inventory. They’re vivid and orange from head to bottom - perfection from the point of view of this list.
11 . Tec-9 | Red Quartz (Factory New)
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Here’s that minimalist tinge of orange we spoke about in the intro. Although the skin is predominantly uncolored, just the slightest addition at the top of the Tec-9 produces an effortlessly cool skin.
12 . CZ75-Auto | Nitro (Minimal Wear)
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A skin design that always works well in CS:GO is contrasting one color with a simple matte black background. That’s what the Nitro does to perfection. Picking this up in minimal wear or factory new is essential to enjoy the sleekness of the skin in full.
13 . USP-S | Orion (Factory New)
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We’d be equally convinced if you told us this skin came from outer space or from a secret government lab. The colors used are striking and deep, and there’s enough subtle inclusions of other details on the skin to enhance it without saturating the design.
14 . Desert Eagle | Blaze (Factory New)
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The godfather of orange skins. The OG, untouchable Desert Eagle Blaze. This skin is by far not cheap, but you get what you pay for - a complete masterpiece.
15 . Five-SeveN | Nitro (Minimal Wear)
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There it is again. That simple beauty of a colorful orange set against a jet black finish. You’d be ditching the CZ to use the Five-SeveN again for this skin, if the CZ didn’t also come in Nitro!
16 . R8 Revolver | Nitro (Factory New)
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We’re not fans of the R8 Revolver. It’s like the M249 of pistols - all size but no punch. Still, it comes in a beautiful Nitro finish, so if it floats your boat then you can add it to your orange inventory.
17 . P250 | Splash (Field-Tested)
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Not 25% of this skin is coated with orange, and yet the creative way in which the color is included makes for something that stands in a class of its own. It doesn’t come cheap, showing the value just a “splash” of color can bring a skin.
18 . MP7 | Orange Peel (Field-Tested)
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We’re not sure if they called this skin the Orange Peel because the first instinct of what to do with is throw it in the bin, but all the same it’s an orange welcome to the inventory!
19 . MP9 | Setting Sun (Minimal Wear)
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The sky bleeds as the sun sets, so if you’re a skilled MP9 wielder then maybe this skin is perfect for you in more ways than its riveting orange color scheme.
20 . MAC-10 | Heat (Minimal Wear)
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We love the Heat skins. They look like someone fitting each edge with a hot metal coil underneath the skin’s surface, and that they’ve been turned on for this skin.
21 . P90 | Chopper (Factory New)
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A CS:GO skin becomes an instant fan favorite when it features the fanning of flames on its design. The P90 Chopper does that on a backdrop of dark blue. Not a common color scheme, but we wouldn’t mind to see it start trending.
22 . PP-Bizon | Osiris (Factory New)
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There’s a lot of overlap between the Osiris and the Orion skins. One detail that places this on our list of orange skins is that yellow / orange piping featuring in various areas of the skin.
23 . UMP-45 | Blaze (Factory New)
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The Factory New version of this skin comes in cheaper than the Minimal Wear, so why not splurge! It borrows the amazing Blaze design from the Desert Eagle, and while not pulling it off quite as well it still shines bright in its own right.
24 . MAG-7 | Heat (Minimal Wear)
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Tron and CS:GO crossover? The hypnotic orange lines running down this MAG-7 are seriously cool, and we’d love to see more skins follow its lead, and we’d bet it would work well with some ice blues and similar colors too.
25 . Nova | Blaze Orange (Field-Tested)
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It’s the shotgun we turn to when the night is longest. Cheap, sometimes reliable and occasionally cheerful, the Nova is that last line of defense on a 15-14 scoreline to bring you into overtime, or in an early-game force buy. May as well look good on your last legs if you ask us.
26 . Sawed-Off | Orange DDPAT (Field-Tested)
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Most of the DDPAT skins in CS:GO have some clear sort of tactical value in how they can camouflage the gun. The Sawed-Off Orange DDPAT is a bit harder to fit into that category unless CS:GO is awaiting a volcano map, but we’ll take how good this looks all the same.
27 . XM1014 | Blaze Orange (Field-Tested)
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If you’re in the shotgun menu and can afford an XM1014, we hope you’re getting it. Powerful and dependable, this is a definite skin to grab an orange overlay for so it fits your inventory theme.
28 . Trick Or Treat
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Orange is the color of Halloween, so it’s no surprise to see this incredibly evil looking pumpkin sporting the color of this inventory. Pumpkin with a pump shotgun? Whoever designed this skin deserves a treat.
29 . Support
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Another great orange CS:GO sticker is the Support role sticker. Not only does it look great, but we love the use of a life ring icon.
30 . Firestarter (Holo)
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Is the fire emoji in the “most used” section of your mobile phone? If it is, then bring your spirit...uh...symbol with you in game with this Firestarter sticker.
31 . Fearsome (Holo)
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This skin includes red, orange and yellow in one blazing fire in its background and, compared with the snarling animal in the center, makes this a truly fearsome skin.
32 . Headshot Guarantee
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This isn’t a sticker to run around idly with. It’s sending a clear message to your teammates and enemies that your aim is full speed, full time.
33 . Hot Wings (Holo)
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The Chicken is something of an unofficial mascot of CS:GO, and features in many of the sticker designs in game. One of our favorites is this one, with a chicken grasping a flaming bottle with its wings. True to the sticker’s name indeed.
34 . Doomed
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Evil, imposing and intimidating. There’s not a whole lot else to say about this devilish sticker.
35 . Small Arms
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If you exercise in real life, you’ve probably got that one friend who calls everyone they meet that isn’t Arnold Schwarzenegger “small arms”. Well, CS:GO has painted a new meaning onto the phrase with this funny dinosaur sticker.
36 . Friendly Fire
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Friendly fire. A friendly fire. CS:GO took the dad jokes up to 110% for this skin, and we love the outcome. Quirky and companionable, this sticker adds a bit of personality to a skin.
37 . Bite Me
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Why does this bear look like it’s snarling and smiling at the same time? It’s worth using this sticker just so that when an enemy salvages your weapons when you die they see this old thing saying “Bite Me”.
38 . Fancy Koi
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There’s the Golden Koi Desert Eagle in CS:GO that you can buy, so what better sticker to slap on it than the Fancy Koi? Slap a fish on a fishy skin. That works, right?
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