CS2 Console Commands List

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Below is Total CS' searchable list of all CS2 console commands. Each command in our database has detailed documentation, with help and argument explanation (hover over a command to view). Click on a command's name to visit its individual page, on which you can find more information including working examples and its default setting or value.

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Updated for CS2: We've updated our list to include over 1,000 console commands that were added in CS2.

We're the only website that has a complete list of all Counter-Strike 2 commands with complete documentation and examples. CS:GO Commands are hidden from this list by default. If you're playing on CS:GO, check the "Show CS:GO Commands" box to show commands that exist in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

How to Use CS:GO & CS2 Commands
  1. Enable the developer console:

    Go to Settings > Game Settings and set "Enable Developer Console" to "Yes".

  2. Press ` or ~ on your keyboard.

  3. Enter a command and hit ENTER on your keyboard to run it!

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Commands List

Command Description More

Automatically re-zooms sniper rifles after firing a shot. When enabled, the player's sniper scope will automatically re-zoom after each shot without needing to manually zoom in again.

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cl_sniper_auto_rezoom <0 / 1>

Determines whether the team counter displays the number of players instead of avatars.

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cl_teamcounter_playercount_instead_of_avatars <0 / 1>

This command controls whether the introduction sequence for versus mode is played.

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cl_versus_intro <0 / 1>

Enables or disables the commentary mode, which provides developer insights on various aspects of the game.

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commentary <0 / 1>

Adjusts the scale of the map preview in the Counter-Strike 2 interface.

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csgo_map_preview_scale <Scale>

Adjusts how far into the distance the viewmodel can render. Primarily used for debugging purposes.

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csm_viewmodel_farz <Render Distance>

This command adjusts the maximum visible distance for viewmodels, affecting how far away models can appear in-game.

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csm_viewmodel_max_visible_dist <Distance>

Adjusts the proximity of the viewmodel to the screen on the Z-axis. Useful for fine-tuning how weapons and hands are displayed in the player's view.

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csm_viewmodel_nearz <Z-axis proximity>

This command is used to draw the behavior tree of the specified bot, aiding in understanding and debugging the bot's decision-making processes. It is particularly useful for developers and testers.

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cv_bot_ai_bt_debug_target <Bot ID>

This command is used to visualize the hiding spots for bots within the game. It is a developer tool mainly used for testing and debugging AI behaviors in various maps.

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cv_bot_ai_bt_hiding_spot_show <0 / 1>

This command, when enabled, visualizes the next hiding spot a bot plans to check. Useful for understanding bot movement and pathfinding in relation to hiding spots.

Examples, Generator & More
cv_bot_ai_bt_moveto_show_next_hiding_spot <0 / 1>

This command is used to execute a cfg (configuration) file over a period of time instead of all at once. It is particularly useful for applying settings that could potentially disrupt gameplay if loaded instantly.

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exec_async <File Name>

Sets an additional frame rate limit while in tools mode and when a window other than the game window has focus. This allows for lower frame rates in tools mode without affecting the main game's fps_max setting. If set to 0, there is no specific limit for tools mode.

Examples, Generator & More
fps_max_tools <Frames per second>

Sets the maximum frame rate for the game UI. A setting of 0 removes the limit.

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fps_max_ui <Frame rate limit>

This command allows the server hostname to be shown in the client's status information.

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hostname_in_client_status <0 / 1>

This console command changes the distance between separate flame spawns when using molotov and incendiary grenades.

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inferno_flame_spacing <Spacing>

This command sets the deadzone for the x-axis of a joystick, determining the minimum movement required on the x-axis to be recognized as input.

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joy_axisx_deadzone <Deadzone Value>

Determines if the joystick's X-axis movements are interpreted as relative inputs. Primarily affects how camera or character movement is handled in relation to the joystick's horizontal movements.

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joy_axisx_relative <0 / 1>

Sets the deadzone for the Y-axis on a joystick, which is the threshold below which joystick movements are ignored.

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joy_axisy_deadzone <Deadzone Value>

This command sets the Y-axis of the joystick to operate in either relative or absolute mode for movement.

Examples, Generator & More
joy_axisy_relative <0 / 1>