The Best Green CS2 Skins
Green-ify your inventory.Not much can compare to having a color themed inventory in CS2. When each weapon you pull out has the same color as the last, to your sidearm, and even down to your gloves in some cases, you look like that one person in the party who has things all figured out.
We’re here to help you get that look, by listing off the best green CS2 skins that exist.
Hopefully you’ll come out of this with a solid game plan for putting together your dream green loadout.
1 . SCAR-20 | Powercore (Factory New)
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The Powercore brings a healthy amount of greens to the table just like your mother after you’ve been away from home for a while, with a lovely yellow trim to make up a color combo we had no idea went so well together!
2 . Galil AR | Eco (Field-Tested)
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You’ll be hard pressed to find a CS:GO skin that looks as clean as the Eco series. With a delightfully simple combination of green and white, this Galil is really at home in a green inventory.
3 . AK-47 | First Class (Minimal Wear)
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The green on this skin is subtle, but also just as pronounced as it needs to be. A darker shade to most on this list, one thing we love about a green inventory is the different shades you can play with.
4 . AK-47 | Hydroponic (Field-Tested)
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A staple skin if you’re looking to go green is the Hydroponic. Often plastered with 4/20 stickers, you can leave it as natural as you like to fit this theme, as it’s patterns and green trim fit in so well.
5 . AK-47 | Emerald Pinstripe (Factory New)
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This AK-47 is as smart as they come. Without overdoing it, it laces just the right amount of patterning on its plain body, with the colors weaving in and out of each other on either end of the gun. This is a great choice for your T-side rifle.
6 . AUG | Chameleon (Factory New)
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The AUG Chameleon is one of the special CS:GO skins that features an animal on the weapon. Thankfully for us it’s a chameleon showing a green camouflage, and this color is subtly repeated up the gun before stopping at the scope.
7 . FAMAS | Colony (Factory New)
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It’s plain, it’s basic, but it fits in with this inventory. Plus, a skin like the Colony won’t cost you any more than $1 so it’s no real hit on the bank.
8 . M4A1-S | Boreal Forest (Factory New)
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It’s tough to find a good, green M4A1-S, so if you like the silenced version of the CT rifle you may have to make a friend of the Boreal Forest. Your wallet will thank you, though.
9 . AWP | Pit Viper (Minimal Wear)
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What’s a Pit Viper and a (good) wielder of the AWP have in common? They both strike before the opponent has a chance to react. And this skin gives a whole meaning to the weapon’s nickname as the “Big Green Gun.”
10 . M4A4 | Jungle Tiger (Minimal Wear)
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With a tiger-like patterning running along the body of this skin in an array of jungle colors, if you prefer your M4 loud and proud then we think this will make a great addition to a green loadout.
11 . M4A4 | The Battlestar (Factory New)
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If the Jungle Tiger doesn’t float your boat, you’ll be able to find a green M4A4 alterantive in the form of The Battlestar, which has a circuit board-like design featuring - you guessed it - green as the main color!
12 . SG 553 | Atlas (Factory New)
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The SG 553 (Kreig) made a real comeback in the CS:GO scene when the pro scene went wild for it and the AUG in 2019. Thankfully with the Atlas, you can pick up a solid skin for it without spending much at all.
13 . SSG 08 | Necropos (Factory New)
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What do you do when you have $1700 and your teammates tell you to eco for the next round? Pick up a Scout and go for an aggressive peak based on your spawn, of course! Only now, you can do it in style.
14 . MP7 | Powercore (Factory New)
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Deep green color with plenty of extra details engraved in and finished with an appealing trim? Yeah, this is a great option for a cheap MP7 option.
15 . P90 | Emerald Dragon (Minimal Wear)
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Whilst the Emerald Dragon might be an expensive skin compared to the rest in this list, we can’t say that’s not justified. Coiling dragons snake their way around the unique shape of the P90 to look totally badass. Let the opposing team try and call THIS skin nooby.
16 . PP-Bizon | Chemical Green (Factory New)
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Sometimes a minimal statement is the best kind. The toxic green lining the Bizon’s magazine, sights and barrel do just that, and looks swish for it.
17 . UMP-45 | Riot (Factory New)
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Not a game goes past without us pulling out a UMP-45 at some point, so it’s worth getting a green skin for this weapon too. Enter (with lots of shoving and shouting), the Riot.
18 . MAC-10 | Nuclear Garden (Minimal Wear)
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That toxic green is back on the green SMGs, and this time it’s the eco-specialist itself, the MAC-10. You get the added bonus on this skin of having some ominous skulls and bones visible on the weapon’s design.
19 . CZ75-Auto | Eco (Minimal Wear)
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Just like it does on the Galil, the CZ75 Eco looks as stylish as possible. Is it possible for a CS:GO skin to look modern? If it is, then this is the one leading the charge.
20 . P250 | See Ya Later (Field-Tested)
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Alright, we need more skins using this design. Imposing-looking gnashers line the barrel of this weapon in a vivid shade of green, and you can’t not be in love with the skin’s name. All in all, it’s a solid cop.
21 . P2000 | Turf (Factory New)
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If you’re on the P2000 boat rather than the USP-S ship, then we can respect that. So long as you’re dressing that gun up nice. The Turf is your friend in that case, and is an interesting shade of green somewhere between light and dark.
22 . Five-SeveN | Jungle (Minimal Wear)
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Light green on the bottom and dark green in the canopy - this skin really does capture the Jungle. Does it capture a slot in your green loadout?
23 . USP-S | Para Green (Minimal Wear)
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The Para Green is a simplistic blend of green and black on the stylish USP-S and the result is - as you might expect - fantastic. It looks classy without needing to yell its case to the rooftops, and we can applaud that.
24 . USP-S | Overgrowth (Field-Tested)
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You’ll have to shell out a pretty penny to welcome the USP-S Overgrowth onto your lineup, but if you that unique mix of yellows, browns and greens captures your attention, then you know what they say: you gotta’ follow your heart.
25 . Glock-18 | Groundwater (Minimal Wear)
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Groundwater has to be the best name to this skin. It’s unassuming, quite plain, but it is green. And green is what we’re after. So, the groundwater is good.
26 . Tec-9 | Nuclear Threat (Field-Tested)
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Sporting that iconic radiation sign just above the gun’s magazine, the Nuclear Threat Tec-9 is definitely one of the cooler green pistols in CS:GO, though is a little more pricey than others.
27 . Sawed-Off | Limelight (Minimal Wear)
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We’re BIG fans of the Sawed-Off Limelight. It’s a shame it’s on a skin that doesn’t get much use, as the sporty greens lining the gun tinged with the odd appearance of white breaking through the black background makes for quite the spectacle.
28 . MAG-7 | Counter Terrace (Minimal Wear)
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Looking just like a terrace, we have to applaud whoever came up with this skin’s name. And the skin’s designer actually. Look at that meshwork of green to spice up the average design of skins. Applause all around!
29 . Nova | Green Apple (Factory New)
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We think this Nova is quite a tasty skin, and we aren’t referring to its (admittedly cool) name. Once more we see the beauty in a simple skin contrasting two colors together in just the right ratio.
30 . XM1014 | Jungle (Minimal Wear)
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The auto shotty is a beast of a shotgun, so it should be outfitted as a habitat for such behavior. WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE!
31 . ★ M9 Bayonet | Gamma Doppler (Factory New)
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Ok, so we know this skin is pricey. In fact, it’s actually up there with the most expensive skins in the whole of CS:GO. But, it’s a green knife. And you have to pay for those kinds of privileges!
32 . ★ Specialist Gloves | Emerald Web (Field-Tested)
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Just like the beautiful Emerald M9 Bayonet, these gloves will come at a high price if you want to complete the green loadout to the max even down to what gloves your character wears. It’s certainly not an essential part of the theme, but there for you if it’s feasible!
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