CS2 Server Commands

Below is a searchable list of all server console commands from Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Commands in this category can be used to change server and host settings like IP addresses, query settings, etc. They're useful in private servers, dedicated servers and for use as rcon commands.

How to Use CS:GO & CS2 Commands
  1. Enable the developer console:

    Go to Settings > Game Settings and set "Enable Developer Console" to "Yes".

  2. Press ` or ~ on your keyboard.

  3. Enter a command and hit ENTER on your keyboard to run it!

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Commands List

banid <Minutes> <User ID>

This command will ban the user with the specified ID from the server, and add them to the banlist so that they cannot reconnect. The user ID of a user can be obtained by typing status into the console: the user ID is first number before a player's name in the list of players that is printed by that command.

Name Description

The number of minutes you want to ban the user for. Use the value 0 to permanently ban them.

User ID

The user ID of the person you want to ban from the server. Find the ID of a user by typing "status" into the console. The ID is the first number before a player's name in the list of players.

Examples, Generator & More
CS:GO Command


banip <Minutes> <IP Address >

This command is an alias of the "addip" command. This console command bans the specified IP from the server for the specified amount of minutes. Specify 0 as the amount of minutes to ban permanently.

Name Description

The number of minutes you want to ban the user for. Use the value 0 to permanently ban them.

IP Address

The IP address you want to add to the server's ban list.

changelevel <Map Name>

This command is used to change the map you're playing on.

Name Description
Map Name

The name of the map you want to transition to in it's technical name. Here is a full list of map codes.

Examples, Generator & More
changelevel2 <Map Name>

This command changes the map you're playing on into a single player instance. Doing this can cause the map you're trying to load into to freeze.

Name Description
Map Name

The name of the map you want to switch to in it's technical form. Here is a full list of map codes.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_hideserverip <0 / 1>

This console command is used to hide the IP of your server in your console. This is particularly useful if you're streaming and don't want viewers to be able to catch your IP address, giving them the chance the DDoS the server.

Name Description
0 / 1

Use a 1 after this command to activate the hide IP command, and a 0 to turn the command off. Using the command "status" will still show the IP, though.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_timeout <Seconds>

This network command is used to determine how many seconds your client will wait without receiving a packet from the server before disconnecting itself.

Name Description

Choose a number between 4 and 30 seconds. This sets how long you can go without receiving data from the server before disconnecting. Default value for this command is 30 seconds.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_updaterate <Packets p/second>

This command is used to set the number of packets per second of updates you request from the server.

Name Description
Packets p/second

The number of packets you want to receive a second from the server. This can only be changed when you aren't playing, like when you are in the main menu for example.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_upspeed <Upspeed>

This command controls your upspeed. The default value for this is 320.

Name Description

The upspeed value you want to set. Default is 320.

Examples, Generator & More
connect <IP>

This console command allows you to easily connect to other CS:GO servers if you know the server's IP address.

Name Description

The IP address of the server you want to join. This has to be accurate for the command to connect you to the correct server.

Examples, Generator & More


cvarlist <Command>

This command prints to console a list of all console commands (cvars). You can optionally specify part of a command's name as parameter, and only commands that contain that will be listed.

Name Description

Optional, if not specified, all commands will be listed. The name, or part of the name, of the command you wish to search for.


This command will disconnect you from your current game and return you to the home screen (including offline games with bots, scenarios, etc).

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This command will force a heartbeat of master servers.

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This command only works on dedicated servers. It will time the amount of time that was spent idle in the previous frame (ms).

Examples, Generator & More
host_flush_threshold <Threshold>

This command will set the memory theshold for the which host should flush caches between server instances. When below this value, the caches will be flushed.

Name Description

The threshold that the caches should be flushed under.

Examples, Generator & More
host_framerate <Framerate>

This command will change the "frame rate" of the host (server). Lower numbers will mean time passes faster, higher numbers will mean time passes slower. Set to 0 to disable.

Name Description

Your desired host framerate.

Examples, Generator & More
host_info_show <0 / 1 / 2>

This command can be used to change the amount of information that is shown when your server is queried (e.g. by server lists, the community server browser, etc). See argument information for options. 1 is the default setting for this command.

Name Description
0 / 1 / 2

The setting for much information should be shown when your server is queried. Options are:

  • 0 - none
  • 1 - general info
  • 2 - as much as possible
Examples, Generator & More

This command will print to console the name of the map you are currently playing on. This can also be used to change the "host_map" that appears in server queries if you provide a map name as an argument.

Examples, Generator & More
host_name_store <0 / 1>

This command will set whether or not the server's hostname is recorded in game events and on GOTV (demos and live).

Name Description
0 / 1

Enter 0 to not save hostname. Enter 1 (default) to show hostname in events and GOTV.

Examples, Generator & More
host_players_show <0 / 1 / 2>

This command will set how the playercount is disclosed when your server is queried. See argument information for options.

Name Description
0 / 1 / 2

Your desired option for how playercount is shown when the server is queried. Options are:

  • 0 - no playercount shown
  • 1 - maximum playercount without count of online players
  • 2 - full playercount
Examples, Generator & More

This command will reset your host's config. NOTE: You cannot undo the effect of this command, so make sure to save your host's config before using this.

Examples, Generator & More
host_rules_show <0 / 1>

This command can be used to set whether or not your server rules show when your server is queried. Default is enabled (1).

Name Description
0 / 1

Set this to 0 to disable rules being shown when the server is queried. Set this to 1 to enable rules being shown when the server is queried (default).

Examples, Generator & More

This command will make the server run off some time without rendering and updating sounds.

Examples, Generator & More
host_sleep <Milliseconds>

This command will make the server sleep for the specified amount of milliseconds after each frame. Set to 0 to disable (default).

Name Description

The amount of time (in ms) to sleep for after each frame. Set to 0 to disable. By default this is disabled - we recommend you keep this setting disabled.

Examples, Generator & More

This command would print out the CPU timer's jitter for the last 128 frames.

Examples, Generator & More
host_timescale <Multiplier>

This can be used to speed up and slow down the speed of time on the server. In otherwords, you can make things go in slow motion or speed the server up with this command.

Name Description

The number to multiply the time by. Default is 1, meaning no change. 0.5 would make time go by at half speed, 2 would make things go 2x as fast.

Examples, Generator & More
host_workshop_collection <Workshop ID>

This command will get the latest version of the specified workshop collection ID and set the maps in that collection as the server's map list.

Name Description
Workshop ID

The ID of the workshop collection you wish to set as the server's map list (the number part of a workshop page URL).

Examples, Generator & More
host_workshop_map <Workshop ID>

This command will get the latest version of the workshop map with the specified ID (the ID is the numbers at the end of the workshop URL) and set it as your server's map.

Name Description
Workshop ID

The ID of the workshop map you wish to set as the server's map. A workshop map's ID is the number part of a workshop page URL.

Examples, Generator & More
host_writeconfig <Config File>

This command will save all of your server settings that you have set with host_ commands to your config.cfg, so that they apply even when the server restarts.

Name Description
Config File

Optional - will be saved to config.cfg if not specified. The name of the config file to save these settings to: e.g. "examplefile.cfg".

Examples, Generator & More
CS:GO Command


host_writeconfig_ss <Splitscreen Index>

This command will save your server settings to the config.cfg file with the specified splitscreen index.

Name Description
Splitscreen Index

Your desired splitscreen index.

hostage_debug <0 / 1>

This command can be used to enable hostage AI debug information. Default is 0 (disabled).

Name Description
0 / 1

Enter 0 (default) to disable hostage debug AI information. Enter 1 to enable.

Examples, Generator & More
hostfile <File Name>

This command can be used to set the hosts file (default is hosts.txt). If no argument is specified, this command will print to console the name of the hosts file the server is currently using.

Name Description
File Name

Optional - if not specified, the name of the hostfile the server is currently using will be printed to console. The name of the file you wish to set as the server's hostfile.

Examples, Generator & More
hostip <IP> <hostip> <hostip localhost>

This command can be used to assign the server an IP to run on. If not, the IP (bind to all available) will be used.

Name Description

Your desired IP for the server to bind to.


This command sets the host's IP to, meaning the server will bind to all available IP addresses.

hostip localhost

This command would set the host's IP to locahost, meaning only local connections would be allowed (connections from your PC).

Examples, Generator & More
hostname <Hostname> <hostname mycsgoserver.com>

The hostname for the server to use (this is your server domain).

Name Description

Your desired server hostname.

hostname mycsgoserver.com

This command would set your server's hostname to mycsgoserver.com.

Examples, Generator & More
hostport <Port>

The port your server should run on. We recommend you keep this as default. You can run multiple servers on the same IP address if you change this port to a port that isn't in use.

Name Description

The port for the server to run on. We recommend you leave this as default: 27015.

Examples, Generator & More

This console command is used to override the IP if you are in a server that has multiple hosts. This does not show your IP in console; to do that use the command status .

Examples, Generator & More
ip_steam <IP>

This command is used to override the IP that binds Steam profiles on servers with multiple hosts.

Name Description

The IP address of the server's settings that you want to override.

Examples, Generator & More

Use this command in your console to print a list of the user IDs that are currently banned from the server you're on.

Examples, Generator & More

Use this command in your console to print a list of the IP addresses that are currently banned on the server you're on.

Examples, Generator & More
maxplayers <Amount>

This command sets the maximum amount of players that can connect to your server (i.e. the player cap).

Name Description

The maximum amount of players that can connect. 10 would mean only 10 can connect at any given time.

Examples, Generator & More
mp_autokick <0 / 1>

This command sets whether or not the auto kick feature should be enabled. The auto kick feature kicks people for being idle (AFK) and team damage. Default is 1 (enabled).

Name Description
0 / 1

Set this to 0 to disable all auto kick features. Set this to 1 (default) to enable auto kick features (i.e. auto kicking for AFK and for too much team damage/killing).

Examples, Generator & More



This command prints to the console your current ping (to the server you're connected to).

Examples, Generator & More
rate <Rate (Bytes/s)>

This command sets the rate at which your client can receive network data in bytes. Set this to a lower value if you have a bad internet connection.

Name Description
Rate (Bytes/s)

Your desired network rate in bytes per second.

Examples, Generator & More
rcon <Command>

This command will issue the specified rcon command (i.e. issues the specified command on your server). Rcon means remote console - it allows you to execute server commands from the client.

Name Description

The command you wish to run using rcon (run on the server).

Examples, Generator & More
rcon_address <IP Address>

The IP address of the remote console you wish to connect to (default is the address of your own server). Change this only if the rcon address for the server you are connected to is different from the server's IP.

Name Description
IP Address

The remote IP address you wish to use for rcon.

Examples, Generator & More
rcon_password <Password>

This command will authenticate you for rcon with the specified password.

Name Description

The password for rcon on your server.

Examples, Generator & More

This command unbans all players from your current server.

Examples, Generator & More
removeid <Steam ID>

This command removes the specified user ID from your server's ban list.

Name Description
Steam ID

The steam ID of the user you wish to unban.

Examples, Generator & More
removeip <IP Address>

This command removes the specified IP address from your server's ban list.

Name Description
IP Address

The IP address you wish to unban.

Examples, Generator & More

This command will make you attempt to reconnect to the last server you were connected to.

Examples, Generator & More
server_game_time <Seconds>

This command sets your server's game time (curtime) to the specified time in seconds.

Name Description

The amount of time, in seconds, to set the server's game time to.

Examples, Generator & More
servercfgfile <Config File Name>

This command sets your server's config file to the specified config file.

Name Description
Config File Name

The name of the config file to use as the server's config file.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_matchend_drops_enabled <0 / 1>

This command sets whether or not drops at the end of the match are enabled. Rewards gameplay time is accumulated regardless.

Name Description
0 / 1

Set to 0 to disable drops at the end of the match. Set to 1 to enable drops on the server (default).

Examples, Generator & More
sv_matchpause_auto_5v5 <0 / 1>

This command, if enabled, will automatically pause the match at the end of a round if the are less than 5 players on each team. Default is 0 (disabled).

Name Description
0 / 1

Set to 0 to not pause the match if there are less than 5 players on each team. Set to 1 to pause.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_max_allowed_net_graph <Value>

This command sets the maximum value players can set their net_graph to on the server. Default is 1. Higher values show more information.

Name Description

The maximum value that clients can set their net_graph value to.

Examples, Generator & More

This command sets the maximum amount of queries per second that will be responded to from the same IP address.

Examples, Generator & More

This command sets the maximum amount of queries per second that the server will responsd to.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_max_queries_tracked_ips_max <Amount>

The command sets the maximum amount of IPs that will be saved/logged for query-related rate limiting.

Name Description

The maximum amount of IPs to track.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_max_queries_tracked_ips_prune <Seconds>

This command sets how often, in seconds, the tracked IPs for query rate limiting will be pruned.

Name Description

The delay, in seconds, between each tracked IP prune.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_max_queries_window <Seconds>

The time window, in seconds, that average queries per second should be calculated over.

Name Description

The time window, in seconds, to calculate the average from.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_maxrate <Bytes/s>

This command sets the maximum bandwidth rate allowed (both incoming/outcoming) per second (in bytes) for each connection to the server.

Name Description

The maximum bandwidth rate, in bytes per second. Set to 0 to disable.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_maxspeed <Speed>

This command sets the maximum speed for each player on the server. A higher value will allow players to reach faster speeds. A lower value will make players be able to reach lower speeds.

Name Description

The maximum speed players can reach. Default is 320. Higher = faster, lower = slower.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_maxuptimelimit <Hours>

This command sets the maximum amount of time, in hours, that a server can run for before shutting itself down. Default is 0 (no limit).

Name Description

The maximum amount of time, in hours, that the server can run for.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_maxusrcmdprocessticks <Ticks>

This command sets the maximum amount of ticks that can be processed per second when a user is catching up as a result of packet loss.

Name Description

The amount of ticks that can be processed as a result of packet loss. Default is 16. Set to 0 to disable.

Examples, Generator & More
CS:GO Command


sv_maxvelocity <Speed>

This command sets the maximum speed any moving object in the game can reach. Default is 3500. Use sv_maxspeed for player speed.

Name Description

The maximum speed that any moving object can reach (regardless of other settings).

Examples, Generator & More
sv_memlimit <Megabytes>

This command, if set, will shutdown the server at the end of a game if the amount of memory it is using is above this amount in megabytes. Note that this doesn't limit memory during the game, it will only shut down the server at the end of the match if it is exceeding this amount. Set to 0 to disable.

Name Description

The memory limit, in MB. Set to 0 to disable.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_mincmdrate <Tick Rate>

This command sets the server's minimum tick rate. This can be used to change the server to 128 tick, in combination with the sv_minupdaterate command. Default is 64 tick.

Name Description
Tick Rate

Your desired minimum command tick rate, e.g. 128 ticks per second.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_minrate <Bytes/s>

This command sets the minimum bandwidth rate that is allowed for clients connected to the server. Default is 16,000. 0 disables the limit.

Name Description

The minimum network rate, in byte/s, that a client can have. Set to 0 to disable limit (not recommended).

Examples, Generator & More
sv_minupdaterate <Tick Rate>

This command sets the minimum update rate for the server. This can be used in combation with the sv_mincmdrate command to change the server's tick rate (e.g. to 128 tick).

Name Description
Tick Rate

Your desired minimum update rate, e.g. 128 ticks per second.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_minuptimelimit <Hours>

This commands sets the minimum uptime hours required for the server to be stopped due to a memory amount above the amount set by sv_memlimit. Default is 0 (disabled).

Name Description

The minimum amount of hours to be reached before the server can be stopped due to sv_minuptimelimit.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_noclipaccelerate <Multiplier>

This command sets the acceleration multiplier for noclip mode. With this set to 5 (default) you accelerate 5 times as fast.

Name Description

The amount to multiply the server's player acceleration by for those in noclip mode.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_noclipduringpause <0 / 1>

This command sets whether or not you can move around during puases when in noclip mode. Default is 0 (not allowed).

Name Description
0 / 1

Set this to 0 to not allow players in noclip mode to move during pauses. Set this to 1 to allow players in noclip mode to move when the game is paused.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_noclipspeed <Multiplier>

This command sets the speed multiplier for noclip mode. With this set to 5 (default) you can reach speeds 5 times as fast as those set by sv_maxspeed.

Name Description

The amount to multiply the server's player max speed by for those in noclip mode.

Examples, Generator & More




sv_party_mode <0 / 1>

This command can be used to enable (1) or disable (0) party mode. When in party mode, bombs and tasers will shoot confetti. By default, this setting is disabled.

Name Description
0 / 1

Set this to 0 to disable party mode (default). Set this to 1 to enable party mode, making zeuses (tasers) and the bomb shoot confetti.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_password <0 / Password>

This command can be used to set a password required to connect to the server. Set to 0 to disable.

Name Description
0 / Password

Set this to 0 to make it so that a password isn't required to connect to the server (default). Enter a password here to prompt users for it when they try to connect (they cannot connect if they do not get it correct).

Examples, Generator & More
sv_pausable <0 / 1>

This command, if set to 1, will make the server pausable. By default this is set to 0 (server isn't pausable). If the server is pausable, users can type "pause" or "unpause" into the console to pause/resume the game.

Name Description
0 / 1

Set this to 0 to make the server not pausable (default). Set this to 1 to allow users to pause the server via the pause and unpause console commands.

Examples, Generator & More

This command prints to the console precache information.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_pure <0 / 1>

This command, if set to 1, will make it so that the files of every client connected to the server have to match the server's files. Those in the pure_server_whitelist.txt file aren't checked.

Name Description
0 / 1

Set this to 0 to not require clients files to match the server files. Set this to 1 to make it so that clients will be kick if their files don't match the server's.

Examples, Generator & More
CS:GO Command


sv_pure_consensus <Amount>

This command sets the minimum number of file hashes that have to be agreed in order to form a consensus.

Name Description

The minimum amount of file hashes required for a decision to be reached.

Examples, Generator & More
CS:GO Command


sv_pure_kick_clients <0 / 1>

This command, if set to 1, will kick players who fail the sv_pure check (have different files). This is set to 1 by default. Set to 0 to issue a warning instead of kick.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enter 0 here to issue only a warning to clients who fail the sv_pure check. Enter 1 here to kick clients that fail the sv_pure check.

Examples, Generator & More

This command lists the server files that are checked with the client's files (for sv_pure 1).

Examples, Generator & More
CS:GO Command


sv_pure_retiretime <Seconds>

This command sets the amount of time, in seconds, the server should have in idle time before the sv_pure file hash cache is cleared.

Name Description

The amount of time, in seconds, of server idle before the sv_pure file hash cache is flushed.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_pure_trace <0 / 1>

This command, if set to 1, will make the server print a message to console whenever trying to verify a CRC for a file.

Name Description
0 / 1

Set to 0 to not print to console when trying to verify a client's file(s) (default). Set to 1 to print a message to console when trying to verify a file.

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CS:GO Command



This command prints to console statistics about the query cachhe, including the amount of queries in the cache, the amount missed, and free space.

Examples, Generator & More
CS:GO Command


sv_rcon_whitelist_address <IP Address>

This command can set an IP address to whitelist from rcon failed authentication bans. Failed authentication bans are bans issued when you get the rcon password wrong too many times - the IP address this is set to will never be banned for this reason.

Name Description
IP Address

The IP address you wish to whitelist.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_regeneration_force_on <0 / 1>

This command turns on regenerative health, if it is set to 1. Default is disabled (0).

Name Description
0 / 1

Set to 0 to disable regenerative force. Set to 1 to enable regenerative force.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_region <Region #>

This command sets the server's region (that shows in queries, etc) to the specified region. See argument information for regions.

Name Description
Region #

Set to -1 to disable region. Region numbers:

Number Region
0 US - East
1 US - West
2 South America
3 Europe
4 Asia
5 Australia
6 Middle East
7 Africa
255 World (default)
Examples, Generator & More
sv_reliableavatardata <0 / 1 / 2>

This command sets how players avatars are exchanged. Default is 0 (Steam). See argument information for help.

Name Description
0 / 1 / 2

Set to 0 for avatars to be obtained via Steam. Set to 1 for users avatar data to be obtained from the users themselves. Set to 2 for users avatars to be obtained from the server.

Examples, Generator & More
CS:GO Command


CS:GO Command


sv_reservation_timeout <Seconds>

This command sets the amount of time, in seconds, before a lobby reservation expires.

Name Description

The amount of time, in seconds, before a lobby invite expires.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_search_key <Key>

This command sets the search key for dedicated servers you search for when in a lobby. Only servers with keys that match this key will be returned from the search. Set to 0 to disable.

Name Description

The search key to set.

Examples, Generator & More






sv_server_verify_blood_on_player <0 / 1>

This command sets whether or not blood splatters should be verified with the server. Default is 1 (enabled).

Name Description
0 / 1

Set to 0 to not verify player blood splatters with the server. Set to 1 to verify player blood splatters with the server (default).

Examples, Generator & More
sv_show_cull_props <0 / 1>

This command, if enabled (1), prints a list of props that are being culled. By default this is set to 0 (disabled).

Name Description
0 / 1

Enter 0 to disable (default). Enter 1 to enable the debug messages.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_showimpacts <0 / 1 / 2 / 3>

This command can be used to show bullet impacts. Bullet impacts are shown as colored squares at the location your bullets collided with something (e.g. a player, a wall). See argument information for help.

Name Description
0 / 1 / 2 / 3

Options are:

  • 0 - disabled (default)
  • 1 - enabled (show client (red) and server (blue) impact locations)
  • 2 - show only client bullet impact locations
  • 3 - show only server bullet impact locations
Examples, Generator & More
sv_showimpacts_penetration <0 / 1>

This command, if enabled (1), shows extra information at the impact locations when sv_showimpacts is on. Default is disabled (0).

Name Description
0 / 1

Set to 0 to disable (default). Set to 1 to enable.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_showimpacts_time <Seconds>

This command sets the amount of time, in seconds, that bullet impact squares show for before they are removed. Default is 4 seconds.

Name Description

The amount of time, in seconds, that bullet impacts should show for before being removed.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_showlagcompensation <0 / 1>

This command enables (if set to 1) the lag compensated hitboxes of players. Default is 0 (disabled).

Name Description
0 / 1

Enter 0 to not display lag compensated hitboxes (default). Enter 1 to draw lag compensated hitboxes for players.

Examples, Generator & More

This command prints to console the current server's public and private gametags.

Examples, Generator & More

This command will make the server shutdown after the current match (and any in queue) have ended.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_skyname <Skybox Code>

This can be used to change your client's skybox. Specify the name of a skybox to apply that skybox. See argument information for skybox names.

Name Description
Skybox Code

Your desired skybox's code. Codes are:

  • cs_baggage_skybox_
  • cs_tibet
  • embassy
  • italy
  • jungle
  • office
  • sky_cs15_daylight01_hdr
  • sky_cs15_daylight02_hdr
  • sky_cs15_daylight03_hdr
  • sky_cs15_daylight04_hdr
  • sky_day02_05
  • nukeblank
  • sky_venice
  • sky_csgo_cloudy01
  • sky_csgo_night02
  • sky_csgo_night02b
  • vertigo
  • vertigoblue_hdr
  • sky_dust
  • vietnam
Examples, Generator & More

This command flushes the sounds.txt system.

Examples, Generator & More


sv_spawn_afk_bomb_drop_time <Seconds>

This command sets the amount of time, in seconds, that a player much be AFK for in order for the bomb to be dropped.

Name Description

The amount of time, in seconds, players have to be inactive for in order to drop the bomb automatically.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_spec_hear <0 - 4>

This command sets which voice communications spectators can hear. Seea rgument information for help.

Name Description
0 - 4

Options are:

  • 0 - only hear other spectators
  • 1 - all players from all teams, including spectators
  • 2 - only the team they're spectating
  • 3 - only themself
  • 4 - no one
Examples, Generator & More
sv_specaccelerate <Multiplier>

This command sets the acceleration multiplier for spectators in noclip mode.

Name Description

The value to multiply the server's sv_accelerate value by for spectators in noclip mode.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_specnoclip <0 / 1>

This command, if set to 1, enables noclip mode for spectators. Default is 1 (eabled).

Name Description
0 / 1

Set to 0 to disable noclip for spectators. Set to 1 to enable noclip for spectators.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_specspeed <Multiplier>

This command sets the speed multiplier for spectators in noclip mode.

Name Description

The value to multiply the server's sv_maxspeed value by for spectators in noclip mode.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_staminajumpcost <Penalty>

This command sets the stamina penalty you receive after jumping. The stamina penalty reduces your movement speed by this percentage (0.08 = 8%).

Name Description

The stamina penalty to apply when you jump.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_staminalandcost <Penalty>

This command sets the stamina penalty you receive after landing from a jump. The amount given is the percentage your speed is reduced by. 1 = you speed is reduced by 100%, 0.5 = 50%.

Name Description

The stamina penalty to apply when you land from a jump.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_staminamax <Maximum>

This command sets the maximum stamina penalty that you can receive. After reaching this value, your stamina penalty will not go any higher. Default is 80.

Name Description

The maximum value your stamina penalty can accumulate to (it is capped at this value).

Examples, Generator & More
sv_staminarecoveryrate <Units/s>

This command sets the rate at which your stamina recovers (in units per second). Default is 60.

Name Description

The rate your stamina recovers at, in units per second.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_steamgroup <Group ID>

This command sets the offical Steam group of the server. The ID can be found in your group's admin profile page.

Name Description
Group ID

The ID, from the group's admin profile page, of the group to set as the server's official Steam group.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_steamgroup_exclusive <0 / 1 / 2>

This command can be used to whitelist your server to only those in the server's Steam group (sv_steamgroup). Default is 0 (no whitelist). See argument information for settings.

Name Description
0 / 1 / 2

Set to 0 to not make your server exclusive to your Steam group. Set to 1 to allow other people to connect to the server only when someone from the Steam group is online (i.e. when the server is empty, no one can join). Set to 2 to make it so that only people from the Steam group can connect.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_stopspeed <Speed>

This command sets the speed at which your player stops moving completely. When a player's speed is below this value, they will stop moving.

Name Description

The speed at which players will stop moving at.

Examples, Generator & More


sv_tags <Tags>

This command sets the server's tags that show in the community server browser. Separate each tag with a comma.

Name Description

The tags to set for your server, each separated by a comma.

Examples, Generator & More
CS:GO Command






CS:GO Command


sv_visiblemaxplayers <Amount>

This command can be used to set a "maximum players" number that's visible to people in the server browser and server queries. This number is only for show, and the actual maximum number of players that can join is set by the "maxplayers" command.

Name Description

The maximum amount of players ("slots") that are shown to players in the server browser and in server queries for server lists.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_voiceenable <0 / 1>

This command sets whether or not voice is enabled on the server. Default is 1 (enabled).

Name Description
0 / 1

Set to 0 to disable voice communication entirely on the server. Set to 1 to enable voice communication on the server.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_vote_allow_in_warmup <0 / 1>

This command sets whether or not votes (e.g. vote to kick) are allowed during the warmup. Default is 0 (disabled).

Name Description
0 / 1

Set to 0 to disallow voting in warmup (default). Set to 1 to allow.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_vote_allow_spectators <0 / 1>

This command sets whether or not votes (e.g. vote for timeout) can be called or voted on by spectators. Default is 0 (disabled).

Name Description
0 / 1

Set to 0 to make it so that spectators can't call vote or vote in them. Set to 1 to allow spectators voting rights.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_vote_command_delay <Seconds>

This command sets the delay, in seconds, before the action resulting from a vote happens. If this is set to 2, a player would be kicked 2 seconds after the vote has reached a decision.

Name Description

The amount of time, in seconds, to wait before issuing the action that results from a successful vote.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_vote_creation_timer <Seconds>

This command sets how often each player can call a vote, in seconds.

Name Description

The amount of time, in seconds, a player has to wait before calling another vote.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_vote_failure_timer <Seconds>

This command sets how long a player must wait before re-submitting a vote that has failed, in seconds. Default is 300.

Name Description

The amount of time, in seconds, that a player needs to wait before they can re-call a vote that didn't pass.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_vote_issue_kick_allowed <0 / 1>

This command sets whether or not vote to kick players is enabled. Default is 1 (enabled).

Name Description
0 / 1

Set to 0 to disable vote kicks. Set to 1 to allow for vote kicks.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_vote_issue_loadbackup_allowed <0 / 1>

This command sets whether or not players can vote to load match from the most recent backup. Default is 1 (enabled).

Name Description
0 / 1

Set to 0 to disable players voting to load the game from the latest backup. Set to 1 to enable this vote.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_vote_kick_ban_duration <Minutes>

This command sets the amount of time, in minutes, that a vote kick bans a player from the server for. Set to 0 to disable. Default is 15.

Name Description

The duration of a ban from a vote kick, in minutes.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_vote_quorum_ratio <Percentage>

This command sets the percentage of players that must vote in favor of an action in order for it to take place. 0.5 = 50%, 0.4 = 40%, etc.

Name Description

The percentage of players that must vote yes in order for a vote to be successful, given as a demical percentage, 0.5 = 50%, 0.55 = 55%, etc.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_vote_timer_duration <Seconds>

This command sets the duration, in seconds, that players have to vote for a vote that has been called.

Name Description

The amount of time, in seconds, players have to vote on a vote timer.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_workshop_allow_other_maps <0 / 1>

This command sets whether or not workshop maps outside of the server's map cycle can be played on the server. By default this is enabled (1).

Name Description
0 / 1

Set to 0 to not allow players to play other workshop maps. Set to 1 to allow players to play other workshop maps.

Examples, Generator & More
CS:GO Command


CS:GO Command



This command saves the list of user IDs that have been banned to banned_user.cfg, so that the bans apply even after the server restarts.

Examples, Generator & More

This command saves the list of IPs that have been banned to banned_ip.cfg, so that the bans apply even after the server restarts.

Examples, Generator & More
animated_material_attributes <0 / 1>

Controls whether material attributes are animated. This is typically used in development and debugging of animations.

Name Description
0 / 1

Toggle animation of material attributes on or off.

Examples, Generator & More

This command lists all the currently registered animation events in the game.

Examples, Generator & More
animgraph_record_all <0 / 1>

This command controls the automatic recording of AnimGraphs, ensuring they start recording upon creation and are saved to disk upon destruction.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable the feature.

Examples, Generator & More
animgraph_set_parameter_bool <Entity selector> <Boolean parameter name> <0 / 1>

This command allows entities to have a specific boolean parameter set to a designated value, providing a useful tool for animators to test specific animations.

Name Description
Entity selector

Specifies which entities are affected by the command.

Boolean parameter name

The name of the boolean parameter to be set.

0 / 1

Sets the value of the specified boolean parameter.

Examples, Generator & More
animgraph_set_parameter_enum <Entity ID> <Parameter Name> <Value>

Sets a specified enum parameter on specified entities to a given value. This command is primarily used by animators for testing purposes.

Name Description
Entity ID

Specifies the ID of the entity(s) whose parameter is to be set.

Parameter Name

The name of the enum parameter to set.


The value to set the specified parameter to.

Examples, Generator & More
animgraph_set_parameter_float <Entity ID> <Parameter Name> <Value>

This command allows you to set a specific float parameter for specified entities, which is especially useful for animators looking to test animations.

Name Description
Entity ID

The ID of the entity you want to set the parameter for.

Parameter Name

The name of the float parameter you want to set.


The float value to set the parameter to.

Examples, Generator & More
animgraph_set_parameter_int <Entity Name> <Parameter Name> <Value>

This command sets a specific integer parameter for entities to the specified value. It is particularly useful for animators who wish to test different parameters.

Name Description
Entity Name

The name of the entities for which the integer parameter is being set.

Parameter Name

The name of the integer parameter to set.


The integer value to set the parameter to.

Examples, Generator & More
animgraph_set_parameter_string <Entity ID> <Parameter Name> <0 / 1>

This command allows the user to set specific animation graph parameters of a specified entity. It is mainly used by developers and animators for testing purposes.

Name Description
Entity ID

The identifier of the entity whose animation graph parameter is to be modified.

Parameter Name

The name of the boolean parameter within the animation graph to modify.

0 / 1

The value to set the specified boolean parameter to.

Examples, Generator & More
animgraph_set_parameter_vector <Target> <Parameter Name> <Vector Values>

This command allows specified entities to have a designated vector parameter set to a given value. It is particularly useful for animators who wish to test the impact of different vector values on entity animations.

Name Description

The entity or group of entities on which to set the vector parameter.

Parameter Name

The name of the vector parameter to set.

Vector Values

The X, Y, and Z values to set for the vector parameter.

Examples, Generator & More
animgraph_slope_enable <0 / 1>

This command toggles the animation graph's slope calculations. Enabling it allows the animation system to adjust character movements based on slope gradients.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enables or disables the animation graph's slope calculations.

Examples, Generator & More
battery_saver <0 / 1>

This is an obsolete command that was replaced by mobile_fps_* commands. Originally, it was used to toggle battery saver mode on or off.

Name Description
0 / 1

Toggle battery saver mode

Examples, Generator & More
bot_controllable <0 / 1>

This command is used to determine if players can control bots within the game.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines if bots can be controlled by players.

Examples, Generator & More
bot_ignore_enemies <0 / 1>

This command, when enabled, makes bots ignore enemies. This can be useful for debugging purposes.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether bots should ignore enemies or not.

Examples, Generator & More
bot_max_visible_smoke_length <Distance in units>

Defines the maximum distance (in units) up to which bots can recognize players through smoke. This helps to configure bots' visibility through smoke, making gameplay with bots more realistic.

Name Description
Distance in units

The distance in game units up to which bots can detect players through smoke.

Examples, Generator & More
buddha_ignore_bots <0 / 1>

This command, when set, dictates whether bots will ignore the Buddha mode, which prevents them from dying.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether bots should ignore Buddha mode (cannot die from damage).

Examples, Generator & More
buddha_reset_hp <HP value>

This command sets a player's HP to a specified value when their health drops below zero while in Buddha Mode, preventing them from dying.

Name Description
HP value

The HP value to set when the player's health drops below zero in Buddha Mode.

Examples, Generator & More
cash_team_bonus_shorthanded <Bonus Amount>

This command sets the reward in cash that the team receives when they are playing with fewer players than the opposing team.

Name Description
Bonus Amount

The amount of cash to be given as a bonus.

Examples, Generator & More

This command is utilized to test the trajectory and effect of a bullet in-game, primarily used for debugging and testing purposes.

Examples, Generator & More

This command tests capsule collision detection, useful for developers when testing or debugging games physics or interaction models.

Examples, Generator & More

This command tests the convex hull collision detection system within CS2, primarily used for debugging and optimizing in-game physics and collision detection mechanisms.

Examples, Generator & More

This command is used to test cylinder collision detection in the game, useful for developers for debugging and testing purposes.

Examples, Generator & More

This command converts all RGB formatted avatars found in the avatars directory into PNG format.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_clockdrift_max_ticks <Maximum Clock Drift Ticks>

This command sets the maximum number of ticks the client's clock is allowed to drift from the server's clock before it automatically corrects itself to match the server clock. It's primarily a cheat or debug command useful in development or testing scenarios.

Name Description
Maximum Clock Drift Ticks

The maximum number of ticks the client's clock can drift from the server's before being corrected.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_ent_setang <Entity ID> <Pitch> <Yaw> <Roll>

This command sets the angles of an entity in the game. It requires the entity's ID and the desired pitch, yaw, and roll values.

Name Description
Entity ID

The unique identifier of the entity whose angles are to be set.


The angle to set the entity's pitch to.


The angle to set the entity's yaw to.


The angle to set the entity's roll to.

Examples, Generator & More

This command releases any objects that are currently grabbed in the game environment. It is useful for developers or during testing to reset object interactions.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_phys_debug_callback_entities <0 / 1>

Enables debugging output for printing all entities that receive touch callbacks, each entity being printed only once. This is intended for debugging physics interactions.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable the printing of entities receiving touch callbacks.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_phys_sleep_enable <0 / 1>

This command enables sleeping for dynamic physics bodies, potentially improving performance by allowing non-moving objects to save resources by not being constantly simulated.

Name Description
0 / 1

Disable or enable sleeping for dynamic physics bodies.

Examples, Generator & More

This command reloads all response system scripts, which are typically used for managing character reactions and responses in the game.

Examples, Generator & More

This command outputs help information for script functions available in Counter-Strike 2, useful for developers or those exploring game scripting capabilities.

Examples, Generator & More

This command reloads the scripts for the game. It's typically used for debugging or development purposes when changes are made to game scripts.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_script_reload_code <File Name>

This command executes a VScript file, updating existing functions with the newly defined functions in the script being run. It's used primarily for developing and testing scripts.

Name Description
File Name

The name of the VScript file to execute.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_sim_grenade_trajectory <Duration>

This command, when activated, allows players to visualize the trajectory path that a grenade will follow if thrown from the current position. It is primarily used for practice or learning purposes, and can accept an optional parameter to set the duration for how long the trajectory remains visible.

Name Description

The number of seconds the grenade trajectory will be visible.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_tickpacket_recvmargin_spew_interval <0 / 1>

Determines the interval at which information about the tick packet receive margin is output. A value of 0 disables this output.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable the output of tick packet receive margin information.

Examples, Generator & More
cl_ticktiming <print, <interval>> <summary, detail>

This command is used to print the current timing statistics immediately or set an interval for reporting these stats. It is useful for monitoring the performance and timing of game events.

Name Description
print, <interval>

Determines whether to print current statistics immediately or set an interval for future reports.

summary, detail

The level of detail for the timing stats report.

Examples, Generator & More
consoletool <cmd> <0 / 1> <Flags>

This command opens a subtool within the VConsole interface.

Name Description

Specifies the cmd subtool within VConsole to be opened.

0 / 1

Flag to enable or disable the specified behavior.


Control the behavior of the subtool being opened.

Examples, Generator & More
cq_buffer_bloat_msecs_max <Buffer Bloat Milliseconds Max>

Sets the maximum milliseconds of buffer bloat before the system resets and discards buffered user commands to prevent delays or issues with command processing.

Name Description
Buffer Bloat Milliseconds Max

The maximum amount of milliseconds of buffer bloat.

Examples, Generator & More
cq_logging <0 / 1>

Enables or disables command queue logging of events.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enables or disables command queue logging.

Examples, Generator & More
cq_logging_interval <Interval in seconds>

Sets the interval for logging command queue statistics per player in seconds. Setting it to 0 disables this logging.

Name Description
Interval in seconds

Time in seconds between each log. Set to 0 to disable.

Examples, Generator & More
cq_min_queue_size <Size>

Sets the minimum buffer queue target size, impacting server performance and network traffic handling.

Name Description

The minimum size of the buffer queue.

Examples, Generator & More
cq_print_every_command <0 / 1>

This command is used for debugging purposes. When enabled, it prints every command executed by the game server to the console, helping developers or server administrators troubleshoot issues or monitor server actions.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable the option to print every command.

Examples, Generator & More

Intentionally causes the engine to crash by triggering a fatal error on a non-main thread. This command is used for debugging purposes.

Examples, Generator & More
cs_logtouchexpansion <Entity ID>

This command is used to log player touch expansion components for a specified entity or for all entities.

Name Description
Entity ID

The index of the entity to log touch expansion for, or -1 for all entities.

Examples, Generator & More
csm_bias_override_0 <0 / 1>

This command, when enabled, overrides the default shadow mapping technique used in the game with a specific bias setting, potentially affecting the appearance of shadows.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enables or disables the csm_bias_override setting.

Examples, Generator & More
csm_cascade3_override_dist <Distance>

This cheat command is used to override the distance at which the third cascade for cascaded shadow mapping occurs.

Name Description

The override distance for the third cascade shadow mapping.

Examples, Generator & More
csm_max_dist_between_caster_and_receiver <Distance>

This command sets the default maximum distance allowed between the caster and the receiver for certain in-game interactions. It is marked as a 'cheat' command, meaning it may only be usable in cheat-enabled sessions.

Name Description

The maximum distance in units between the caster and the receiver.

Examples, Generator & More
csm_max_visible_dist <Distance>

This command sets the maximum visible distance for cascaded shadow maps, affecting how far shadows can be rendered from the player's perspective.

Name Description

The distance, in units, where shadows will no longer be rendered.

Examples, Generator & More
csm_res_override_1 <0 / 1>

This command is used to override certain rendering settings in Counter-Strike 2, typically for testing or debugging purposes.

Name Description
0 / 1

Specifies whether to enable or disable the rendering settings override.

Examples, Generator & More
cyclevar <Convar name> <Start value> <End value> <Step value>

This command cycles through a set of values for a specified console variable (convar). It is used to iterate through different settings or configurations for testing or optimization purposes.

Name Description
Convar name

The name of the console variable to cycle through.

Start value

The starting value to begin the cycle from.

End value

The end value to stop the cycle at.

Step value

The value to increment with each cycle.

Examples, Generator & More

Toggles visibility of the debug overlay system, used primarily for development and debugging purposes. It helps visualize various engine and game components.

Examples, Generator & More
disable_dynamic_prop_loading <0 / 1>

Prevents the loading of dynamic props in the game when a map is loaded, if set to a non-zero value.

Name Description
0 / 1

Disables or enables the loading of dynamic props on map load.

Examples, Generator & More
ds_workshop_changelevel <Map Name>

This command allows the server to change the current level to a specified workshop map by its name.

Name Description
Map Name

The name of the workshop map to change to.

Examples, Generator & More

This command is used to list all the workshop maps that are available on the current server.

Examples, Generator & More
engine_low_latency_sleep_after_client_tick <0 / 1>

Adjusts the behavior of low latency mode by changing the timing of the sleep function in relation to the client's simulation when r_low_latency is enabled.

Name Description
0 / 1

Disables or enables the adjustment of low latency sleep timing after client simulation.

Examples, Generator & More
ent_animgraph_setvar <Entity ID> <Variable Name> <Value>

This command sets a specific variable within the animgraph of the designated entities, allowing for dynamic adjustments in animations.

Name Description
Entity ID

The ID of the entity whose animgraph variable is being set.

Variable Name

The name of the variable to be set in the entity's animgraph.


The new value to set for the specified variable.

Examples, Generator & More
ent_call <Function Name> <Entity ID>

This command calls a function by name on a particular entity in the game world. It's used primarily for debugging or modifying entity behavior directly from the console.

Name Description
Function Name

The name of the function to call on the entity.

Entity ID

The unique identifier or name of the entity you wish to manipulate. This might vary depending on the entities present in your game session.

Examples, Generator & More
ent_find <Substring>

This command is used to search for and list all entities within the game that have classnames or targetnames containing the specified substring(s). It's a useful tool for developers and server administrators to debug or manage entities in a game environment.

Name Description

The text substring to search for within entity classnames or targetnames.

Examples, Generator & More
ent_fire_output <Entity Name / !self> <Action> <Parameter> <Delay> <0 / 1>

This command allows you to send an input to an entity in the game. It's useful for interacting with the game environment or entities in ways not typically accessible through standard gameplay. Primarily used for testing or debugging.

Name Description
Entity Name / !self

The name of the entity you are targeting with the command or !self to target the entity executing the command.


The action you want the entity to perform.


Extra parameters for the action, if any are needed.


Time in seconds before the action is carried out, after the command is executed.

0 / 1

0 to disable, 1 to enable. Typically relates to boolean settings within the command's parameters.

Examples, Generator & More

The command 'ent_hierarchy' is used to print the entity hierarchy tree, focusing on entities specified in the command's parameters. It serves as a debugging tool that displays the structure and relationships between entities within the game environment.

Examples, Generator & More
ent_kill <Entity ID>

This command is used to instantly kill specific entities in the game. It can target player entities, bots, or other entities within the game environment.

Name Description
Entity ID

Specifies the ID of the entity to kill. Can target specific player entities, all enemies, all allies, etc.

Examples, Generator & More
ent_pivot_size <Size>

This command sets the size of the pivot for entities, used primarily for debugging purposes to visualize entity pivots.

Name Description

The size of the pivot to set for entities.

Examples, Generator & More
ent_scale <Scale>

Changes the scale of selected entities in the game, allowing for the modification of their size. This command often requires 'sv_cheats' to be enabled to work.

Name Description

The scale factor to apply to the entity. 1 is the normal size, values greater than 1 increase the size, and values between 0 and 1 decrease the size.

Examples, Generator & More
ent_show_damage <0 / 1>

Sets damage display mode. When on, you will see the amount of damage dealt over the target's head.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable damage display mode.

Examples, Generator & More
ent_skeleton <0 / 1>

This command is used to display the skeletal structure of entities in the game. It is primarily used for debugging purposes and requires cheat mode to be enabled.

Name Description
0 / 1

Toggle the display of entity skeletons on or off.

Examples, Generator & More
ent_text_filter <Filter name>

This command is used to set filters for the 'ent_text' command, controlling what information is displayed when visualizing entity information.

Name Description
Filter name

The specific filter name to apply for the ent_text command.

Examples, Generator & More
entity_log_load_unserialize <0 / 1>

Controls the output unserialization of entities during map load, allowing you to specify whether this information appears on the client, the server, or both.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enables or disables output unserialization of entities.

Examples, Generator & More
exec_async <File Name>

This command is used to execute a cfg (configuration) file over a period of time instead of all at once. It is particularly useful for applying settings that could potentially disrupt gameplay if loaded instantly.

Name Description
File Name

Name of the cfg file to be executed.

Examples, Generator & More
execute_command_every_frame <0 / 1>

This command, when enabled, allows a specified command to be executed automatically every frame. This is particularly useful for testing or automation purposes but is flagged as a cheat, meaning it can only be used on servers where cheats are enabled.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether the command should be executed every frame or not.

Examples, Generator & More
ff_damage_decoy_explosion <0 / 1>

This command enables or disables the ability for decoy grenades to inflict damage on teammates when they detonate.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether decoys can damage teammates upon explosion.

Examples, Generator & More
fog_override_enable <0 / 1>

This command enables or disables the usage of fog_override console variables instead of the default world fog data specified by the current map.

Name Description
0 / 1

This argument enables or disables the fog override feature.

Examples, Generator & More
fog_override_max_density <Density value>

Overrides the maximum density of the fog present in the game. This command can be used to increase or decrease the visibility of the fog, making it thicker or clearer.

Name Description
Density value

The maximum density of the fog.

Examples, Generator & More
game_alias <cmd>

Allows the configuration of game type and mode based on predefined game aliases, like 'deathmatch'. Useful for quickly setting up games with specific settings.

Name Description

The alias command corresponding to a specific game mode configuration.

Examples, Generator & More

This command outputs a list of in-game lessons that have been completed or shown.

Examples, Generator & More
give_oriented <Item Name>

This command gives a specified item to the player, orienting it based on the player's current angles.

Name Description
Item Name

The name of the item to give to the player.

Examples, Generator & More
host_readconfig_ignore_userconfig <0 / 1>

Controls the behavior of reading or writing to the user config file, specifically whether to ignore the user config file.

Name Description
0 / 1

Ignore user config file setting.

Examples, Generator & More

This command decreases the game's simulation rate by a specific step, making everything in the game move slower.

Examples, Generator & More

This command increments the game's timescale by one step, effectively speeding up or slowing down the pace of the game. It is flagged as a cheat command, meaning it can usually only be used in non-competitive environments where cheats are enabled.

Examples, Generator & More
hostname_in_client_status <0 / 1>

This command allows the server hostname to be shown in the client's status information.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable the display of server hostname in client status.

Examples, Generator & More
ik_enable <0 / 1>

This command enables or disables Inverse Kinematics (IK) on player models, affecting how animations, particularly limb movements, are calculated and displayed.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable Inverse Kinematics.

Examples, Generator & More
inferno_smoke_volume_density <Density>

Adjusts the density of smoke produced by incendiary grenades or Molotov cocktails. A higher number makes smoke thicker.

Name Description

The thickness of the smoke.

Examples, Generator & More
install_dlc_workshoptools_cvar <DLC Install Status>

This command is used to check the install status of the DLC Workshop Tools.

Name Description
DLC Install Status

Indicates the installation status of the DLC Workshop Tools.

Examples, Generator & More
kickid_hltv <User ID or Unique ID> <Reason>

This command is used to kick a player from the game by their user ID or unique ID, optionally allowing a custom message to be attached to the kick action.

Name Description
User ID or Unique ID

The ID of the player to kick. This can be their user ID or unique Steam ID.


The reason for kicking the player. This message will be shown to the kicked player.

Examples, Generator & More
lb_shadow_map_culling <0 / 1>

This command controls the culling of shadow maps, potentially improving performance by not calculating shadows for objects not in view.

Name Description
0 / 1

Toggle the culling of shadow maps.

Examples, Generator & More
log_verbosity <Channel Name> <Verbosity Level>

This command adjusts the verbosity level of a logging channel, influencing the amount and type of data logged.

Name Description
Channel Name

The name of the logging channel to adjust.

Verbosity Level

The verbosity level to set for the channel.

Examples, Generator & More
logaddress_add_http_delayed <URI> <Delay>

This command is used to set a delay and URI of a listener to receive logs via HTTP POST. The URI must be wrapped in double quotes.

Name Description

The URI endpoint to which logs will be HTTP POSTed.


The delay in seconds before the logs are sent to the specified URI.

Examples, Generator & More
logic_npc_counter_debug <0 / 1>

This command toggles the debug mode for NPC logic counters, used for testing and adjusting NPC behavior in the game.

Name Description
0 / 1

Toggle debug mode for NPC logic counters off (0) or on (1).

Examples, Generator & More
map_workshop <Workshop ID>

Launches a specified map directly from the Steam Workshop by Workshop ID.

Name Description
Workshop ID

The unique Workshop ID of the map to launch.

Examples, Generator & More
markup_group_ent_bbox <Markup Group Name>

This command toggles the boundary box visualization (ent_bbox) for all members of a specified markup group in the game environment. This can be particularly useful for developers and map creators to visually inspect and debug entity boundaries within groups.

Name Description
Markup Group Name

The name of the markup group for which to toggle ent_bbox visualization.

Examples, Generator & More
mat_lpv_luxels <0 / 1>

This command, typically marked as a cheat, is used to control Light Propagation Volumes (LPVs) luxel rendering in the game. Luxels represent the smallest unit of light storage in LPVs, which can enhance lighting dynamics and realism but may impact performance.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enables or disables the LPV luxels rendering.

Examples, Generator & More
mat_shading_complexity_max_register_count <Maximum Register Count>

This command sets the maximum register count for shading complexity calculations, used primarily for development and debugging of shader complexity.

Name Description
Maximum Register Count

The maximum number of registers to use for shading complexity calculations.

Examples, Generator & More
mat_tonemap_force_average_lum_min <Minimum average luminance>

Forces the minimum average luminance for tonemapping. A value of -1 disables this override.

Name Description
Minimum average luminance

The minimum average luminance level for tonemapping. Use -1 to disable.

Examples, Generator & More
mat_tonemap_force_log_lum_max <Maximum luminance>

This command set the maximum luminance for tonemapping, which affects how bright scenes appear when HDR is utilized. A value of -1 returns it to the default behavior.

Name Description
Maximum luminance

The maximum luminance value for tonemapping, controlling the brightness of scenes.

Examples, Generator & More
mat_tonemap_force_log_lum_min <Minimum Luminance>

Forces the minimum luminance value in the tonemap control.

Name Description
Minimum Luminance

Sets the minimum luminance for tonemap control. Use -1 to use the default automatic adjustment.

Examples, Generator & More
mat_tonemap_force_max <Maximum value>

Forces the maximum tonemap value to the specified number. A value of -1 returns it to default behavior.

Name Description
Maximum value

The desired maximum tonemap value. A value of -1 resets to default.

Examples, Generator & More
mat_tonemap_force_percent_target <Target Percent>

This command is used to override the default value that controls the tonemap percent target, historically set to 45. It is a cheat command, meaning it can only be used when cheats are enabled.

Name Description
Target Percent

The target percentage for the tonemap force. -1 resets to default.

Examples, Generator & More
mat_tonemap_force_scale <Scale>

Forces the tonemap scale to a certain value. This command affects the overall brightness of the scene. It's useful for developers or players who want to adjust the visual brightness for testing or gameplay reasons.

Name Description

The value to set the tonemap scale to.

Examples, Generator & More
mesh_calculate_curvature_smooth_pass_count <Smoothing passes>

Determines the number of smoothing passes applied when calculating mesh curvature. This affects how smooth the resulting curvature data will be.

Name Description
Smoothing passes

The number of passes used for smoothing in the calculation of mesh curvature.

Examples, Generator & More
molotov_usethrow_direction <0 / 1>

This command dictates whether molotov usage follows the direction of a thrown object, enhancing realism in its trajectory.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines if the molotov's throw direction should be realistic or not.

Examples, Generator & More

Clears the cache for behavior tree files, likely to refresh or update AI behavior scripts without restarting the game.

Examples, Generator & More
mp_consecutive_loss_aversion <0 / 1>

This command modifies how the in-game loss streak calculation adjusts when a round is won.

Name Description
0 / 1

Toggle whether the loss streak calculation adjusts on a round win.

Examples, Generator & More
mp_coopterrorhunt_kill_add_time <Time in seconds>

This command specifies the number of seconds to be added to the game clock whenever players get a kill in a co-op terror hunt game mode.

Name Description
Time in seconds

The amount of time to add to the game clock per kill.

Examples, Generator & More
mp_coopterrorhunt_num_enemies <Number of Enemies>

Specifies the number of enemies that Counter-Terrorists have to eliminate in a co-op terror hunt game mode.

Name Description
Number of Enemies

The total number of enemies to be defeated.

Examples, Generator & More
mp_dm_healthshot_killcount <Kill count>

This command is used in Counter-Strike 2 to grant players healthshots in a deathmatch game mode after they achieve a certain number of kills.

Name Description
Kill count

The number of kills required to grant a healthshot.

Examples, Generator & More
mp_fists_replace_melee <0 / 1>

This command determines if players will default to using fists when their melee weapon is dropped, and conversely, lose the ability to use fists when a melee weapon is picked up.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether fists replace the melee weapon when dropped.

Examples, Generator & More
mp_fraglimit <Limit>

Sets the maximum number of kills a player or team can achieve before the current map ends. A value of 0 disables this limit.

Name Description

The maximum number of kills before the map ends. Set to 0 to disable.

Examples, Generator & More
mp_guardian_ai_bt_difficulty_adjust_wave_interval <Interval>

Adjusts the difficulty of guardian bots every nth wave specifically when utilizing behavior trees.

Name Description

The interval of waves after which bot difficulty is adjusted.

Examples, Generator & More
mp_guardian_ai_bt_difficulty_cap_beginning_round <Round Number>

Applies a difficulty cap to the bots starting from the specified round in Guardian game mode. This cap influences how challenging the AI bots will be.

Name Description
Round Number

The round from which the difficulty cap will start applying.

Examples, Generator & More
mp_guardian_ai_bt_difficulty_initial_value <Difficulty level>

Sets the starting difficulty level for Guardian mode bots.

Name Description
Difficulty level

The initial difficulty level for bots in Guardian mode.

Examples, Generator & More
mp_guardian_ai_bt_difficulty_max_next_level_bots <Number of Bots>

Controls the number of bots whose difficulty level increases per wave in Guardian mode, making them harder to defeat.

Name Description
Number of Bots

The number of bots to increase difficulty per wave.

Examples, Generator & More
mp_guardian_bomb_plant_custom_x_mark_location <X Coordinate> <Y Coordinate> <Z Coordinate>

Specifies the x, y, z coordinates to display an X marker for the bomb plant area in Guardian missions with custom bomb plant boundaries.

Name Description
X Coordinate

The X coordinate for the custom bomb plant X mark location.

Y Coordinate

The Y coordinate for the custom bomb plant X mark location.

Z Coordinate

The Z coordinate for the custom bomb plant X mark location.

Examples, Generator & More
mp_guardian_force_collect_hostages_timeout <Time in seconds>

This command sets the amount of time (in seconds) after which bots are forced to collect hostages if they haven't seen any enemy.

Name Description
Time in seconds

The amount of time in seconds after which bots will be forced to collect hostages if no enemy has been seen.

Examples, Generator & More
mp_guardian_give_random_grenades_to_bots <0 / 1>

This command determines whether guardian bots receive grenades at the start of each wave in the Guardian game mode.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines if guardian bots receive grenades at the start of each wave.

Examples, Generator & More
mp_hostages_spawn_force_positions_xyz <X1,Y1,Z1,X2,Y2,Z2,...>

Sets specific XYZ coordinates to force the spawn positions of hostages in the game. Useful for creating custom hostage scenarios or for testing.

Name Description

Comma separated list of XYZ coordinates for hostage spawn points.

Examples, Generator & More
mp_min_halftime_duration <Minimum Halftime Duration>

Defines the minimum duration of halftime in seconds. This duration applies even if team introductions are active.

Name Description
Minimum Halftime Duration

The minimum number of seconds halftime will last.

Examples, Generator & More
mp_modify_timeouts <Team> <Number of Timeouts>

This command is used to modify the timeout durations for either the Counter-Terrorist (CT) or Terrorist (T) teams. It adjusts the number of timeouts allowed for a team or the duration.

Name Description

Specifies which team's timeout settings are being modified (either CT for Counter-Terrorists or T for Terrorists).

Number of Timeouts

The number of timeouts to allow. Use a specific number to set a limit, or -1 for unlimited timeouts.

Examples, Generator & More
mp_overtime_limit <Overtime Limit>

Specifies the maximum number of overtimes allowed in a match when the overtime feature is enabled. A value of 0 implies that there is no limit to the number of overtimes.

Name Description
Overtime Limit

The maximum number of overtimes allowed in a match.

Examples, Generator & More
mp_promoted_item_enabled <0 / 1>

This command is used to control whether players can purchase the promoted item in the game. When enabled, players will have the option to buy a specific item that is being promoted, typically for a limited time.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable the purchasing of the promoted item.

Examples, Generator & More
mp_retake_ct_count <Number of CTs>

Sets the number of CT (Counter-Terrorist) players when playing retake scenarios.

Name Description
Number of CTs

The number of CT players to set for retake scenarios.

Examples, Generator & More
mp_retake_ct_loadout_light_buy_round <Loadout Configuration>

Defines the Counter-Terrorist loadouts for force buy rounds in the retake game mode.

Name Description
Loadout Configuration

Detailed configuration string setting up specific loadouts for CTs during force buy rounds in retake mode.

Examples, Generator & More
mp_retake_max_consecutive_rounds_same_target_site <Number of rounds>

This command sets a limit on the number of consecutive rounds that can target the same bomb site in retake scenarios.

Name Description
Number of rounds

The maximum number of consecutive rounds allowed for targeting the same site in retake modes.

Examples, Generator & More
mp_retake_t_loadout_bonus_card <Bonus Card Config>

Defines the Terrorist (T) bonus card loadout for a full buy round during bomb site retake scenarios in Counter-Strike 2.

Name Description
Bonus Card Config

A comma-separated string specifying the bonus card details. Format: CardName,PrimaryWeaponCount,SecondaryWeaponCount,UtilityCount.

Examples, Generator & More
mp_retake_t_loadout_bonus_card_availability <T Loadout Bonus Card Availability Pattern>

Configures the availability pattern for Terrorist bonus cards in full buy rounds during bomb site retake scenarios.

Name Description
T Loadout Bonus Card Availability Pattern

The pattern of availability for bonus cards in full buy rounds.

Examples, Generator & More
mp_shield_speed_deployed <Speed>

Defines the maximum movement speed a player can have when a shield is deployed in-game.

Name Description

The maximum speed a player can have when their shield is deployed.

Examples, Generator & More
mp_shorthanded_cash_bonus_round_delay <Number of Rounds>

Specifies the minimum number of previous rounds a team must be understaffed to qualify for the short-handed income bonus.

Name Description
Number of Rounds

The minimum number of rounds a team needs to be understaffed to receive the bonus.

Examples, Generator & More
mp_suicide_penalty <0 / 1>

This command configures whether players should be penalized for committing suicide during a match.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable penalty for suicides.

Examples, Generator & More
mp_team_intro_time <Seconds>

Specifies the duration in seconds for the team introduction sequence at the beginning of a match.

Name Description

Duration in seconds for the team introduction sequence.

Examples, Generator & More
mp_team_timeout_ot_max <Max number of timeouts per OT>

Specifies the maximum number of timeouts each team is allowed to have per overtime (OT) after all OT timeouts have been added.

Name Description
Max number of timeouts per OT

The maximum number of timeouts each team can have per overtime.

Examples, Generator & More
mp_technical_timeout_duration_s <Duration (seconds)>

Sets the duration of a full technical timeout in seconds.

Name Description
Duration (seconds)

The duration for a full technical timeout.

Examples, Generator & More
mp_technical_timeout_per_team <Timeouts>

Determines the number of technical timeouts allowed per team in a match.

Name Description

The number of technical timeouts available per team.

Examples, Generator & More
mp_warmup_offline_enabled <0 / 1>

This command enables or disables the warmup period at the start of an offline (bot) match.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether the warmup period is enabled or disabled in an offline match.

Examples, Generator & More
mp_warmup_online_enabled <0 / 1>

This command enables or disables the warmup period at the start of an online match.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable the warmup period.

Examples, Generator & More
mp_warmuptime_match_cancelled <Warmup Time (seconds)>

Specifies the warmup duration in seconds to use when a match is about to be cancelled, for example, due to a player receiving a live VAC ban.

Name Description
Warmup Time (seconds)

The time in seconds the warmup should last when a match is cancelled.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_avoid_obstacles <0 / 1>

This command specifies whether the navigation for characters (especially bots) should take obstacles into account to avoid them during movement.

Name Description
0 / 1

Whether to enable or disable obstacle avoidance for navigation.

Examples, Generator & More

This command removes all navigation attributes from the currently selected nav area, essentially resetting its special characteristics to their defaults.

Examples, Generator & More

Create a connection between the selected area and the area pointed at by the crosshair. This is primarily used during map development for pathfinding and navigation mesh adjustments.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_curve_alt <0 / 1>

Controls whether the navigation mesh generator uses alternative curves for generating paths. This option may influence the patterns that AI characters follow when moving.

Name Description
0 / 1

A boolean value to enable or disable the use of alternative curves in navigation mesh generation.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_curve_iter <Iteration Value>

This command adjusts the iteration of curve calculations for navigation paths.

Name Description
Iteration Value

The numerical value to set the curve iteration for navigation paths.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_curve_lock <-1,0,1>

This command is used to lock the navigation mesh editing to curves.

Name Description

Specifies the locking state for nav mesh curve editing. -1 leaves it unchanged, 0 unlocks, and 1 locks.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_curve_max_step <Maximum Step Height>

Sets the maximum height that the AI can step up when navigating curves.

Name Description
Maximum Step Height

The maximum height that the AI can step up.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_curve_set <0 / 1>

This command adjusts how the navigation mesh curves are set up or estimated in Counter-Strike 2 maps. It typically affects pathfinding and AI movement.

Name Description
0 / 1

Set to 0 to disable curve estimation, and 1 to enable it.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_curve_step <Curve Step>

This command adjusts the precision of the pathfinding curve step in navigation mesh analysis. A lower value increases precision but may affect performance.

Name Description
Curve Step

The precision level of the curve step in navigation mesh analysis.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_delete_all_hull <Hull category>

Deletes all navigation areas that fit a specific hull size category. This command is mainly used for debugging and developing navigation (nav) meshes for bots in maps.

Name Description
Hull category

The specific hull size category of areas to delete.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_draw_area_gravity <0 / 1>

This command, when enabled, visualizes the 'gravity' of each navigation area in the map for debugging purposes. The visual representation helps understand how 'gravity' affects bot movements.

Name Description
0 / 1

A switch to enable or disable visualization of nav area gravity.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_draw_area_ground <0 / 1>

Toggles the drawing of the ground areas in the navigation mesh. This command is useful for developers or map creators to visualize and adjust navigation meshes.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether the drawing of ground areas in the navigation mesh is enabled or disabled.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_draw_attribute_dynamic <0 / 1>

This command is used to highlight all navigation (nav) areas with a specific dynamic attribute in the game. It's typically used for debugging or map development purposes, allowing developers and mappers to visually identify areas with certain characteristics.

Name Description
0 / 1

This argument enables or disables the visualization of nav areas with the dynamic attribute.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_draw_blocked <0 / 1>

Toggles the visualization of blocked navigation areas used by bots or AI to navigate the map. When enabled, blocked areas will be highlighted.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether the visualization of blocked navigation areas is enabled or disabled.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_draw_blocked_connections <0 / 1>

This command, when enabled, visually indicates blocked navigation connections in the game environment. Blocked navigation connections are routes that AI characters (bots) are unable to traverse.

Name Description
0 / 1

This parameter determines whether the command is enabled (1) or disabled (0).

Examples, Generator & More
nav_draw_connected_area_radius <Radius>

Defines the radius in which connected navigation areas will be drawn from the selected nav area.

Name Description

Defines the radius in units from the selected navigation area.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_draw_jump_links <0 / 1>

This command toggles the visualization of jump links in the navigation mesh for debugging purposes. When enabled, it shows potential jump connections between different levels of the navigation mesh.

Name Description
0 / 1

Toggles the visualization of jump links on or off.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_draw_mesh <0 / 1>

Toggles the visualization of the navigation mesh used by bots for navigation. When enabled, the mesh will be drawn in the game world, showcasing how bots understand and navigate the map.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable the drawing of the navigation mesh.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_draw_mesh_offset <Offset Value>

This command adjusts the vertical offset for drawing the navigation mesh in the game, which is particularly useful for scenarios where the mesh is a fixed offset away from the physical ground, such as on flat planes.

Name Description
Offset Value

The vertical distance between the navigation mesh and the physical ground.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_draw_space_fly <0 / 1>

Toggles the display of pathfinders and connectors in Navigation Mesh (nav mesh) while in free spectate mode, mostly used for debugging purposes.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enables or disables the display of nav mesh pathfinders and connectors in free spectate mode.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_draw_space_portals <0 / 1>

This command is used to enable or disable the visualization of space portals in the navigation mesh, which is mainly useful for developers and map creators for debugging purposes.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable the visualization of space portals.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_draw_space_swim <0 / 1>

This command, when enabled, shows navigation areas that the AI can 'swim' through in the game, typically used for debugging pathfinding in areas like water.

Name Description
0 / 1

Disables or enables the display of swim areas in navigation meshes.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_edit_validate <0 / 1>

This command is used to validate the structures within the game's navigation mesh, ensuring they are set up correctly and without errors. Essential for map developers or those tinkering with custom navigation meshes.

Name Description
0 / 1

This argument enables or disables the validation of the game's navigation mesh structures.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_gen_add_jumps <0 / 1>

This command is used to enable or disable the automatic addition of jump links (connections that require a jump) in the navigation mesh generation process.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable automatic jump link addition.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_gen_agent_radius_buffer <Buffer size>

Defines a buffer to add to the agent radius before passing it to the navigation generator, usually to ensure there's enough space around agents.

Name Description
Buffer size

The size of the buffer added to the agent radius for navigation generation.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_gen_clip_polys_to_clearance <0 / 1>

Determines if navigation polygons should be clipped to the clearance during the generation process, often used during map analysis for optimizing navigation meshes.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enables or disables the clipping of navigation polygons to clearance.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_gen_connect_allow_multiple <0 / 1>

This command controls whether multiple connections between navigation areas are allowed during navigation mesh generation.

Name Description
0 / 1

Whether to allow multiple connections between navigation areas.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_gen_connect_angle <Angle Difference>

Controls the maximum angle difference for generating navigation connections. This command is used in map development to adjust the navigation mesh linking.

Name Description
Angle Difference

The maximum angle difference allowed for navigation connections.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_gen_connect_angle_ignore_z <0 / 1>

This command is used in the context of generating navigation mesh connections, specifically telling the system whether to ignore the Z-axis (vertical axis) when calculating angles for connections.

Name Description
0 / 1

Whether to ignore the Z-axis in angle calculations or not.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_gen_connect_dist_a <Distance Threshold>

This command sets the distance threshold for generating connections between navigation areas on Map A.

Name Description
Distance Threshold

Sets the distance threshold for auto-generation of nav connections.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_gen_connect_dist_b <Distance>

This command adjusts the distance within which the navigation mesh areas are automatically connected as bidirectional links during the navigation mesh generation process.

Name Description

The maximum distance within which two navigation mesh areas will be automatically connected as bidirectional links.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_gen_connect_dist_z_mult <Multiplier>

This command adjusts the multiplier for vertical distance used when generating navigation mesh connections, influencing how far apart navigation areas can be vertically and still be connected.

Name Description

Sets the multiplier for vertical distance when connecting navigation areas.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_gen_connect_overlap <Overlap Tolerance>

This command adjusts the overlap tolerance when generating navigation mesh connections in Counter-Strike 2. It defines how much connectable ledges can overlap each other to still be considered for automatic linking.

Name Description
Overlap Tolerance

The fractional value representing how much two connectable ledges can overlap each other to still be considered for linking.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_gen_degen_limit <Degen limit>

Controls the limit for de-generation in navigational mesh creation, affecting the precision of the generated nav mesh.

Name Description
Degen limit

Specifies the limit for de-generation in navigation mesh creation.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_gen_false <0 / 1>

This command is used to set a navigation generation parameter to always false, primarily for debugging or development purposes in creating navigational meshes for bots. It is marked as a cheat command, meaning it can only be used if cheats are enabled on the server.

Name Description
0 / 1

Sets the navigation generation parameter to always false.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_gen_island_removal <0 / 1>

This command, when enabled, removes isolated 'islands' of navigation meshes in the map. These islands are small, unconnected parts of the navigation mesh that are not reachable by other areas.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable island removal.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_gen_island_removal_all_hulls <0 / 1>

This command, when enabled, removes navigation mesh islands for all hull sizes during the map analysis phase. It is primarily used in the level design and testing phase to optimize AI pathfinding.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether the removal of navigation mesh islands for all hull sizes is enabled or disabled.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_gen_join_nonzup <0 / 1>

This command is used to control whether the navigation mesh generator should attempt to join areas that are not perfectly aligned vertically.

Name Description
0 / 1

Whether to enable or disable the joining of non-perfectly-aligned vertical navigation areas.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_gen_jump_connection_min_overlap_ratio <overlap ratio>

Sets the minimum edge overlap required for jump connection consideration in navigation mesh generation, expressed as a percentage of the agent's radius. This command is used to fine-tune navigation mesh generation.

Name Description
overlap ratio

The percentage of the agent's radius that edges must overlap by to be considered for jump connections.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_gen_markup_split_expand <Markup Split Expand Value>

This command is used to configure settings related to navigation mesh generation, particularly how the markup split expand value is handled during the process.

Name Description
Markup Split Expand Value

A numeric value that influences how the markup split expand is handled during navigation mesh generation.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_gen_markup_split_tol_base <Tolerance Level>

This command adjusts the base tolerance level for markup split generation in navigation mesh creation, specifically affecting how areas are subdivided. It is primarily used for debugging or optimizing navigation meshes for bots.

Name Description
Tolerance Level

A float value representing the base tolerance for markup split generation in the navigation mesh process.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_gen_markup_split_tol_nonav <0 / 1>

This command adjusts the split tolerance for areas without navigation meshes when generating navigation data in the map.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines the split tolerance for non-navigable areas: 0 for default tolerance, 1 for custom tolerance.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_gen_markup_split_tol_nonentity <Tolerance Units>

This command sets the tolerance level for non-entity areas when generating navigation markup for maps in development or for map analysis.

Name Description
Tolerance Units

The tolerance level for non-entity areas in units.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_gen_match_ground <0 / 1>

This command generates or updates ground details in the navigation mesh used for bots and other AI decision-making processes.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether to disable or enable the updating of ground details in the navigation mesh.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_gen_max_bottleneck_width <Bottleneck Width>

Specifies the maximum width for a bottleneck in the navigation mesh used by bots. This command is marked as a cheat and controls bot movement pathways.

Name Description
Bottleneck Width

The maximum pixel width considered for a navigation mesh bottleneck.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_gen_max_bottleneck_width_do_clip <0 / 1>

Specifies if the navigation generator should clip bottlenecks wider than the maximum defined width during navigation mesh generation. This is a cheat command.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether the nav generator should clip bottlenecks wider than the maximum defined width (1 to enable, 0 to disable).

Examples, Generator & More
nav_gen_max_edge_len <Edge Length>

This command sets the maximum length that any automatically generated navigation mesh edge can have in-game. It is used primarily in the process of generating nav meshes for maps.

Name Description
Edge Length

The maximum length in units that an edge of the navigation mesh can be.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_gen_max_edge_len_do_clip <0 / 1>

This command dictates whether to clip nav mesh edges during the navigation mesh's generation process based on maximum edge length.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether the nav mesh edges are clipped based on maximum length during generation.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_gen_max_edge_len_split_tol <Tolerance Level>

This command specifies the tolerance level for splitting edges during navigation mesh generation, influencing the mesh's granularity.

Name Description
Tolerance Level

The maximum distance between edges for them to be considered for splitting during navigation mesh generation.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_gen_opt_to_quads <0 / 1>

This command optimizes the navigation mesh generation process by converting it into quadrilateral shapes, typically used for improving the AI pathfinding.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enables or disables the optimization of navigation mesh generation to quadrilateral shapes.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_gen_opt_to_quads_angle_limit <Angle Limit>

Specifies the angle limit for generating optimized quadrilateral navigation mesh areas.

Name Description
Angle Limit

The maximum allowed angle (in degrees) for generating optimized quadrilaterals in the navigation mesh. Lower values result in more, smaller areas.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_gen_opt_to_quads_num_steps <Number of Steps>

This command is used to set the number of steps for 'Navigation Mesh Generation' to optimize its conversion into quadrilateral shapes during map generation in development or testing modes.

Name Description
Number of Steps

The value denotes how many steps the optimization process will take during the conversion of navigation meshes into quadrilateral shapes.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_gen_opt_to_quads_planar_deviation_limit <Planar Deviation Limit>

Adjusts the planar deviation limit in the navigation mesh generation process, which can affect the detail and accuracy of generated nav meshes.

Name Description
Planar Deviation Limit

Determines the allowed planar deviation for quad generation in navigation mesh generation.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_gen_opt_to_quads_se_limit_end <End Limit>

This command sets the end limit for the optimization of nav meshes to quadrants during the generation phase, influencing how areas are optimized and simplified.

Name Description
End Limit

The end limit value for optimizing nav meshes to quadrants.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_gen_opt_to_quads_se_limit_start <Start Threshold>

This command likely relates to the navigation mesh generation process in Counter-Strike 2, specifically dealing with the optimization phase for converting optimal pathfinding nodes into quadrilateral shapes. The 'se_limit_start' parameter possibly influences the start threshold for this optimization process.

Name Description
Start Threshold

Start limit for optimization to quadrilateral conversion.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_gen_opt_to_quads_weld_limit_end <Welding Limit End>

Determines the welding limit end parameter for the navigation mesh generation optimization process, influencing how the geometry of navigation meshes is simplified or detailed.

Name Description
Welding Limit End

The limit parameter for ending welding during navigation mesh optimization.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_gen_opt_to_quads_weld_limit_start <Weld Limit Start>

This command sets the starting threshold for welding when optimizing navigation areas into quadrilaterals during map generation. A higher value starts the welding process with stricter criteria.

Name Description
Weld Limit Start

The starting threshold value for welding optimization.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_gen_remove_vertical_polys <0 / 1>

This command influences the navigation mesh generation process, specifically determining whether vertically oriented polygons should be removed during the mesh's creation. Appropriate primarily for developers and mappers.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether vertical polygons are removed during nav mesh generation.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_gen_split_boundary_polys <0 / 1>

This command is used to control whether the navigation mesh generation process should split boundary polygons.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether the splitting of boundary polygons during navigation mesh generation is enabled or disabled.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_gen_split_multi_connection_polys <0 / 1>

This command is used to control the navigation mesh generation process, particularly influencing how polygons that connect multiple areas are split.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether to split polygons that connect multiple areas during navigation mesh generation.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_gen_split_multi_connection_polys_tol <Tolerance Level>

This command is used in the context of generating navigation meshes for CS2. It dictates the tolerance level for splitting multiple connection polygons while generating navigation meshes.

Name Description
Tolerance Level

The tolerance level for splitting multiple connection polygons in navigation mesh creation.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_gen_vertical_limit <Vertical limit>

Sets the maximum vertical limit that the AI navigation mesh can generate paths for. This is relevant in maps with significant verticality.

Name Description
Vertical limit

The maximum vertical distance (in units) the navigation mesh generation process will consider for creating paths.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_genrt_debug <0 / 1>

This command is used to toggle the debug mode for navigation mesh generation, which is primarily useful for developers or mappers wanting to fine-tune or troubleshoot the AI pathfinding.

Name Description
0 / 1

This argument toggles the debug mode for navigation mesh generation on or off.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_genrt_no_splice <0 / 1>

This command prevents splicing when generating navigation meshes in CS2. It is used primarily during map development and optimization for better navigation pathfinding.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether splicing is disabled (1) or enabled (0) during navigation mesh generation.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_genrt_no_split <0 / 1>

This command controls whether the automatic generation of navigation meshes should avoid splitting areas when processing the game map, which can influence the detail of generated navigation paths for bots.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether the navigation mesh generation should avoid splitting areas.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_genrt_step <Step Size>

This command is used to adjust the sampling rate or step size used during the generation process of navigation meshes. A lower value increases precision but may require more processing time.

Name Description
Step Size

Specifies the granularity or distance between sampling points during navigation mesh generation. A value of -1 uses the game's default setting.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_obstacle_genrt <0 / 1>

This command is used to toggle the generation of navigation obstacles in the game world. It's primarily a development and debugging tool used for testing and optimizing pathfinding and navigation.

Name Description
0 / 1

Toggles the generation of navigation obstacles.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_obstacle_validate <0 / 1>

Toggles the validation for navigation obstacles, ensuring that they are properly placed and configured within the game's map. Typically used for development and debugging.

Name Description
0 / 1

Toggle navigation obstacle validation.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_obstruction_draw_dist <Distance>

Sets the draw distance for navigation obstructions. A value of -1 disables this feature.

Name Description

The distance at which navigation obstructions should be drawn. -1 for unlimited.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_path_debug <0 / 1>

Enables or disables the debug display of navigation paths for bots. When enabled, it visually shows how bots decide their paths.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable navigation path debug.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_path_draw_arrow <0 / 1>

This command controls the drawing of arrows on navigation paths for debugging purposes in map navigation meshes.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable the drawing of arrows on navigation paths.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_path_draw_climb_segments <0 / 1>

Toggles the visualization of the navigation paths for climbing areas in the game, primarily for debugging and map development purposes.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enables or disables the visualization of climb segments in navigation paths.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_path_draw_jump_segments <0 / 1>

This command toggles the display of jump segments in the navigation paths used by bots. When enabled, areas that bots consider as jumps in their pathing will be highlighted.

Name Description
0 / 1

Whether to display jump segments in bot navigation paths.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_path_draw_ladder_segments <0 / 1>

This command toggles the visual representation of ladder segments in the navigation mesh used by bots. When enabled, it visually outlines the segments of ladders that bots recognize and use for navigation.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enables or disables the feature.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_path_draw_link_segments <0 / 1>

Toggles the visualization of link segments in navigation paths, primarily used for debugging path-finding in bots.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether to enable or disable the visualization of navigation path link segments.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_path_fixup_climb_up_segments <0 / 1>

Adjusts the navigation paths to enable or disable the automatic inclusion of climbing segments for navigation meshes, aiding in the accurate pathfinding of bots or AI-controlled characters over terrains where climbing is required.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable the climbing segments path fixup for navigation.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_path_fixup_gap_segments <0 / 1>

This command is used to adjust the navigation path's gap segments, modifying how gaps in the path are treated or fixed up in-game. Typically used for debugging or tweaking AI pathfinding.

Name Description
0 / 1

This argument enables or disables the fixing up of gap segments in navigation paths.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_path_optimize <0 / 1>

This command optimizes navigation paths for bots in the game, potentially improving their movement efficiency and decision-making.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether to enable or disable the navigation path optimization for bots.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_path_optimize_portals <0 / 1>

Optimizes pathfinding by enhancing portals' efficiency in the navigation mesh used by bots. This command can potentially make bot movements smoother and more efficient when navigating complex maps.

Name Description
0 / 1

Toggle the path optimization for portals.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_path_optimizer_debug <0 / 1>

Toggles the debug mode for the navigation path optimizer, used for AI pathfindings.

Name Description
0 / 1

Toggles the debug mode for the navigation path optimizer on or off.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_path_record_enable <0 / 1>

Enables or disables the recording of navigation paths, typically used in conjunction with AI and bot pathway optimizations for navigation meshes.

Name Description
0 / 1

Whether to enable (1) or disable (0) navigation path recording.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_pathfind_debug_log <0 / 1>

Enables or disables the pathfind debugging log, which provides detailed information about the navigation pathfinding process used by bots and other navigation features within the game.

Name Description
0 / 1

Set to 0 to disable the debug log, or 1 to enable it.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_pathfind_draw_blocked <0 / 1>

Toggles the visualization of blocked paths in the navigation mesh used by bots. Blocking areas are marked to prevent AI navigation through them.

Name Description
0 / 1

Set to 0 to disable visualization of blocked paths, 1 to enable.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_pathfind_draw_costs <0 / 1>

This command toggles the visualization of pathfinding costs on the navigation mesh used by bots. When enabled, it displays the cost associated with traveling through different parts of the map for AI navigation.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enables or disables the display of pathfinding costs.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_pathfind_draw_fail <0 / 1>

This command, when enabled, visually marks areas where AI pathfinding has failed in the navigation mesh, allowing developers or map creators to diagnose and address navigation issues for bots.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable the visualization of pathfinding failures.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_pathfind_draw_total_costs <0 / 1>

Toggles the drawing of total pathfinding costs used in the navigation mesh for debugging pathfinding. This command is useful for developers or map creators to visualize and troubleshoot navigation paths of bots.

Name Description
0 / 1

Toggle state for drawing pathfinding costs.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_pathfind_inadmissable_heuristic_factor <Inadmissible Heuristic Factor>

This command adjusts the factor of the inadmissible heuristic used in navigation pathfinding, influencing how the AI calculates paths.

Name Description
Inadmissible Heuristic Factor

The multiplier applied to the heuristic used in navigation pathfinding, influencing its speed and accuracy.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_pathfind_multithread <0 / 1>

Determines if the navigation pathfinding operations should be executed in a multithreaded environment, potentially improving performance on multi-core systems when calculating paths for bots or other navigation queries.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether multithreaded pathfinding is enabled or disabled.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_select_allow_blocked <0 / 1>

This command, when enabled, allows the selection of areas marked as blocked during navigation editing.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable the selection of blocked areas in nav_edit mode.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_select_area_id <Area ID>

This command selects a navigation area in the game with a specific ID. It is used for debugging and modifying the game's navigation mesh.

Name Description
Area ID

The identifier of the navigation area to select.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_select_block_id <Block ID>

This command selects a navigation space block that matches the given ID. It is used especially in map development or debugging navigation paths.

Name Description
Block ID

The ID of the navigation space block to select.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_select_hull <Hull Size Category>

This command restricts area selection in the navigation mesh to areas that can accommodate an entity with the specified hull size category. This is useful for level design or debugging pathfinding for different types of entities.

Name Description
Hull Size Category

Specifies the size category of the hull for which area selection in the navigation mesh will be restricted.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_select_with_attribute <Attribute>

This command is used to select navigation areas that have a specific attribute within the game map. Useful for map developers or during debugging.

Name Description

The specific attribute of navigation areas to select.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_show_area_info_font_size <Font Size>

This command sets the font size of the area information displayed when using the 'nav_show_area_info' command in CS2. A value of -1 resets it to the default font size.

Name Description
Font Size

The font size for the area information text. -1 resets to default.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_smooth_calc_z <0 / 1>

This command, when enabled, smooths out the Z-axis calculations for navigation meshes, which can help with more accurate pathfinding for bots or AI entities on maps with varying elevations.

Name Description
0 / 1

Sets the state of Z-axis smoothing for navigation mesh calculations.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_smooth_constrain_results <0 / 1>

This command, when enabled, makes the navigation mesh smoothing process constrained within the result set limits during map development or debugging.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether the navigation mesh smoothing process is constrained within the result set limits.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_smooth_constrain_results_relax <Relaxation factor>

This command adjusts the accuracy of the navigation mesh smoothing process, specifically how relaxed the constraints on the results are. Higher values allow for more relaxation in the smoothing process.

Name Description
Relaxation factor

The number indicating how much the constraints on the smoothing results should be relaxed.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_smooth_constrain_spring <Constraint level>

The command adjusts the 'spring' constraint level used in the navigation mesh (nav) smoothing process, affecting how agents navigate the map.

Name Description
Constraint level

The level of constraint applied during the navigation mesh smoothing process.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_smooth_constrain_spring_relax <Relaxation Factor>

This command adjusts the relaxation factor of the spring constraint in the navigation mesh smoothing process.

Name Description
Relaxation Factor

The numerical value representing the relaxation factor for the spring constraint in the navigation mesh smoothing.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_smooth_draw_boundary <0 / 1>

This command, when enabled, provides a visual representation of navigation boundaries in-game for debugging and map development purposes.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable the visual representation of navigation boundaries.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_smooth_draw_speed <Speed>

This command sets the speed at which the navigation mesh is drawn in smooth mode, affecting how quickly the outlines of the navigation areas are rendered when inspected.

Name Description

The draw speed of navigation meshes in smooth mode.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_smooth_enable <0 / 1>

Enables or disables the smoothing of navigation meshes, used primarily for debugging and development purposes in map creation.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable the smoothing of navigation meshes.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_smooth_relax <0 / 1>

This command controls the relaxation smoothing for the navigation mesh. Used for debugging path-finding.

Name Description
0 / 1

Turns the navigation mesh relaxation smoothing on or off.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_smooth_relax_use_timesteps <0 / 1>

This command controls the relaxation of pathfinding in the navigation mesh using timesteps, typically for debugging or modifying AI pathfinding behavior.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable the relaxation of pathfinding using timesteps.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_smooth_separating_dist_override <Distance>

This command overrides the default distance for smoothing the separation between nav areas when generating a navigation mesh.

Name Description

The overriding distance in units for smoothing separation between nav areas. A value of 0 will reset to the default behavior.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_smooth_spring_const_override <Spring Constant Value>

This command is used to override the default spring constant value used in navigation smoothness calculations, primarily for AI. A value of -1 indicates the default setting is being used.

Name Description
Spring Constant Value

The value to override the default spring constant with. A value of -1 resets to the default.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_smooth_spring_factor_dist <Distance Factor>

This command adjusts the navigation smoothness related to the distance factor in controlling how spring physics are applied for smoother movement and transitions within the navigation mesh used for NPC pathfinding.

Name Description
Distance Factor

Determines the scale of the distance factor for the application of smooth spring physics in navigation.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_smooth_spring_factor_speed <Speed>

This command adjusts the speed at which the 'smooth spring factor' operates in the navigation mesh system, typically used for AI pathfinding adjustments.

Name Description

The speed at which the smooth spring factor operates.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_smooth_spring_forward_dist_base <Base distance>

This command adjusts the base distance for the 'smooth spring' behavior in navigation, affecting how non-player characters and certain game elements move.

Name Description
Base distance

The base distance for the smooth spring forward navigation behaviour.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_smooth_spring_forward_dist_time_limit <Time limit>

This command determines the time limit for moving the navigation mesh forward with a smooth spring action in 'cheat' mode.

Name Description
Time limit

The time limit for the smooth spring action, in seconds.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_smooth_spring_max_dist <Distance>

Defines the maximum distance for the smooth spring during navigation mesh editing.

Name Description

The maximum distance for the smooth spring effect in navigation mesh editing.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_smooth_spring_tension_max_override <Tension Override Value>

Overrides the maximum spring tension for smooth navigation. The default value of -1 means there is no override in place.

Name Description
Tension Override Value

The value to override the maximum spring tension. -1 disables the override.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_smooth_spring_timestep_factor_accel <Acceleration Factor>

This command adjusts the acceleration factor of the smooth spring timestep in navigation operations, often used for bot movement or navigation mesh calculations. It's primarily a development tool used in map creation and AI behavior tuning.

Name Description
Acceleration Factor

The factor by which to accelerate the smooth spring timestep in navigation.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_smooth_spring_timestep_factor_speed <Speed Factor>

This command adjusts the speed factor of the smooth spring timestep in navigation mesh processing.

Name Description
Speed Factor

The speed factor for the smooth spring timestep.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_smooth_spring_timestep_max <Maximum timestep>

This command specifies the maximum timestep for the smooth spring simulation used in navigation mesh updates, under cheat conditions. It ensures smoother transitions or updates within the navigation mesh system.

Name Description
Maximum timestep

The maximum timestep value for the smooth spring simulation in navigation mesh updates.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_smooth_spring_yaw_rotation_speed <Speed>

Sets the rotation speed of the yaw when smoothing spring navigations.

Name Description

The rotation speed of the yaw in units.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_smooth_spring_yaw_threshold <Threshold>

This command sets the threshold for smooth spring yaw adjustments when navigating.

Name Description

The threshold value for smooth spring yaw adjustments.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_smooth_use_opt <0 / 1>

Controls whether the navigation smoothing optimization is used. This is mainly a development tool related to AI pathfinding.

Name Description
0 / 1

Disable or enable the navigation smoothing optimization.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_space_select_dist <Distance>

This command sets the maximum distance for selecting navigation spaces within CS2's map editor or when working with the Artificial Intelligence navigation mesh.

Name Description

The maximum distance (in units) for navigation space selection.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_split_show_line <0 / 1>

This command toggles the visibility of the free split line in navigation mesh editing, used in map development and testing.

Name Description
0 / 1

Toggles the visibility of the free split line in navigation mesh editing.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_test_area_gravity <0 / 1>

This command is used to test the effects of gravity in a specific navigation area in CS2, primarily useful in map development and testing scenarios.

Name Description
0 / 1

Sets whether the gravity testing in the navigation area is enabled or disabled.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_test_bfs_lattice_dist_1 <Distance>

This command is used to set the beginning distance for testing the Breadth-First Search (BFS) on the navigation mesh's lattice. It serves as a debugging tool for developers to assess pathfinding and navigation mesh connectivity.

Name Description

The initial distance to set for the BFS lattice test.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_test_bfs_lattice_dist_2 <Value>

This command is used within the context of CS2's navigation mesh system, likely for debugging or analyzing the second distance parameter in breadth-first search (BFS) operations on the navigation mesh lattice. The exact nature of its use might relate to pathfinding or analyzing map connectivity.

Name Description

Sets the second distance parameter for testing BFS on the nav mesh. A negative value likely disables or resets this parameter.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_test_bfs_lattice_hex <0 / 1>

Demonstrates searching hexagonal lattice over the navigation mesh in the game for troubleshooting or testing purposes.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable the testing command.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_test_bfs_lattice_spacing_0 <Lattice Spacing>

Sets the spacing for Breadth-First Search (BFS) lattice used in the navigation mesh tests. This command is often used in debugging and optimizing pathfinding.

Name Description
Lattice Spacing

The distance between each point in the lattice used for BFS in navigation mesh testing.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_test_bfs_lattice_spacing_2 <Spacing Value>

Sets the spacing between lattice points used in the navigation mesh testing for BFS (Breadth-First Search).

Name Description
Spacing Value

The value to set the spacing between lattice points for BFS in navigation mesh testing.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_test_bfs_simple <0 / 1>

This command is used for testing the navigation mesh system within Counter-Strike 2. Specifically, it enables or disables a simple breadth-first search (BFS) algorithm debugging mode.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enables or disables the BFS navigation mesh testing mode.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_test_boundary_zone_circle <0 / 1>

This command is used to test the navigation boundary zone circle in Counter-Strike 2, primarily for debugging purposes related to in-game navigation meshes.

Name Description
0 / 1

Sets whether the navigation test boundary zone circle is enabled or disabled.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_test_boundary_zone_grid_dim <Grid Dimension>

Configures the dimensions of the zone grid used for navigation testing, particularly in debugging map navigation for bots.

Name Description
Grid Dimension

Specifies the size of the grid dimension for the navigation test boundary zone.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_test_boundary_zone_path <0 / 1>

This command is used to test the navigation path within boundary zones when set to 1. It visualizes how the navigation mesh behaves at the boundaries of zones for troubleshooting and development purposes.

Name Description
0 / 1

Sets whether to enable or disable the visualization of navigation path within boundary zones.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_test_boundary_zone_rays_margin <Value>

This command adjusts the margin for testing boundary zones with rays in navigation mesh analysis.

Name Description

The margin value for boundary zone rays margin tests.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_test_boundary_zone_rays_random <0 / 1>

This command is used to toggle the testing of boundary zone rays randomly within the navigation mesh areas when debugging navigation meshes for bots.

Name Description
0 / 1

Specifies whether to enable or disable random testing of boundary zone rays.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_test_curve_opt <0 / 1>

This command is a development tool related to navigating curves optimally within the game's artificial intelligence pathfinding. It is primarily used in testing and debugging navigation meshes and AI behavior.

Name Description
0 / 1

Toggles the test curve optimization feature for navigation meshes.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_test_detour <0 / 1>

When enabled, it tests the detour system in the navigation mesh used by bots for pathfinding, useful for debugging bot movement.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enables or disables the detour testing.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_test_find_nearest <0 / 1>

This command calculates the nearest point on the navigation mesh (navmesh) to a specified trace point, using the hull selection criteria defined by the command nav_select_hull.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether the command is active or not.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_test_find_random_connected <0 / 1>

This command demonstrates the process of finding random points within the navigation mesh that are connected to a predetermined start point, typically used for testing or debugging navigation paths in maps.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enables or disables the demonstration of finding random connected points in the nav mesh.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_test_find_random_connected_dist_max <Maximum Distance>

This command sets the maximum distance for finding a randomly connected navigation area in testing scenarios.

Name Description
Maximum Distance

The maximum distance (in units) for finding a randomly connected navigation area.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_test_find_random_connected_dist_min <Distance>

This command sets the minimum distance for finding a randomly connected navigation area in test mode.

Name Description

The minimum distance in units that defines how far a randomly connected navigation area should be.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_test_force_npc_repath <0 / 1>

Forces the non-playable characters (NPCs) to repath, used for debugging the navigation of bots in the game.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether to force NPCs to repath.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_test_genrt <0 / 1>

This command is used to test the generation of the navigation mesh (nav mesh) for bots within the game. When enabled (set to 1), it performs specific tests on the generation algorithms of the nav mesh. This is primarily used for debugging or development purposes.

Name Description
0 / 1

Disable or enable the test generation of the navigation mesh.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_test_genrt_place <0 / 1>

This command is likely related to generating or testing navigation mesh (nav mesh) areas related to specific places on a map. This is generally used in the development and testing phase for creating bot navigation.

Name Description
0 / 1

Disables or enables the generation or testing of navigation mesh places.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_test_getareaoverlapping_gravity <0 / 1>

This command tests the NAV area's overlap based on gravity settings and is primarily used for debugging navigation meshes in Counter-Strike 2.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable the NAV area overlapping test based on gravity.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_test_getnearestnav_gravity <0 / 1>

This command is used to test the nearest navigation area based on gravity, useful in mapping and pathfinding algorithm development.

Name Description
0 / 1

Sets whether to test the nearest navigation area based on gravity.

Examples, Generator & More

This command is used to find entities that are intruding into the navigation mesh. It lists such entities in the console output and also displays bounding boxes around them temporarily.

Examples, Generator & More

This command is used in the context of navigation mesh testing. It moves the player's collision hull through the navigation mesh to test connectivity or pathfinding without actual player movement.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_test_multi_connection <0 / 1>

This command toggles the testing of multi-connections for the navigation mesh used by bots. When enabled, additional information about multi-connections on the nav mesh will be displayed.

Name Description
0 / 1

Toggles the nav mesh multi-connection test on or off.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_test_npc_area <0 / 1>

This command is used to test if non-playable characters (NPCs) can navigate to a specified area in the game.

Name Description
0 / 1

Sets whether or not to test NPC navigation to a specified area.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_test_npc_collision <0 / 1>

Toggles the testing mode for NPC collisions with the navigation mesh in-game. This command is useful for developers or map creators to ensure NPCs navigate maps correctly.

Name Description
0 / 1

Toggle NPC collision testing mode.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_test_npc_collision_range <Range>

This command is used to set the range at which the navigation testing for NPC collision detection occurs, marked as a cheat command.

Name Description

The range in units for testing NPC collision.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_test_path_expansion_search <0 / 1>

This command extends the functionality of nav_test_path by performing an expansion search along the specified path. The value of the console variable sets the distance parameter for the search.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether the path expansion search feature is enabled or disabled.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_test_path_lock_goal <0 / 1>

Locks the pathfinding goal to the current intersection point. Useful for debugging navigation paths in game.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether the pathfinding goal is locked or not.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_test_path_lock_start <0 / 1>

Locks the pathfinding start point to the current intersection point. This is used mainly for debugging and testing navigation paths in the game environment.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether the pathfinding start is locked to the current intersection point.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_test_path_move <0 / 1>

This command, when enabled, allows for testing path moves in the game. It is primarily used for debugging and optimizing navigation paths.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enables or disables the test path move functionality.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_test_path_opt <0 / 1>

Enable path optimization for paths during navigation editing.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether path optimization for nav_edit_path paths is enabled or disabled.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_test_path_return <0 / 1>

This command calculates a return path from the cursor's current position to the path that was previously calculated by the nav_test_path command. It is used for debugging navigation paths in map development.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether the return path from cursor position is calculated.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_test_path_space <0 / 1 / 2>

Determines if the nav_test_path command should test 3D navigation, with options for space to space, and multi-modal space/ground navigation. Marked as a server command that requires sv_cheats to be enabled.

Name Description
0 / 1 / 2

Set to 0 to disable 3D navigation testing, 1 for space to space navigation, and 2 for multi-modal space/ground navigation.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_test_path_space_fly <0 / 1>

This command is used for testing flight paths in the game's navigation system in a 'fly' mode, typically used in development or cheat modes.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines if the test flight path space fly mode is enabled or disabled.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_test_path_space_swim <0 / 1>

This command is used to test the swim paths in the navigation mesh for bots.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable testing of swim paths.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_test_ray_space_scatter <0 / 1>

This command is used to test the scattering of rays in space for navigation purposes, specifically in determining valid paths or areas in maps. It is primarily a debugging tool used with navigation meshes.

Name Description
0 / 1

Turns the testing of ray space scatter on or off.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_test_smooth <0 / 1>

This command is used for debugging purposes, specifically related to the navigation mesh. When enabled, it smooths out the pathing of bots or AI entities on the navigation mesh, which is useful for developers or mappers trying to optimize or debug the AI pathfinding.

Name Description
0 / 1

Disables or enables the smoothing feature for navigation mesh pathing.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_test_smooth_extern_push <0 / 1>

Controls the behavior of AI navigation smoothing for external pushes, generally used for testing or debugging AI pathfinding.

Name Description
0 / 1

Toggles the smoothing of external pushes in AI navigation testing.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_test_smooth_in_speed <Speed>

This command adjusts the speed at which the navigation mesh smoothing process occurs in CS2, primarily used for debugging and developing navigation meshes.

Name Description

The speed at which the navigation mesh is smoothed.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_test_smooth_path_speed <Speed>

This command sets the speed of the 'smooth' pathing test in the navigation mesh used by bots. A value of -1 disables smooth path testing.

Name Description

The speed in units per second for smooth path testing. A value of -1 disables the testing.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_test_smooth_separating_dist <Distance>

This command is used to test the smooth separation distance in navigation, typically for debugging purposes in map development and AI behavior.

Name Description

The separation distance to be set for smooth navigation testing.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_test_smooth_spring_tension_max <Tension>

This command is used to set the maximum spring tension for smooth navigation testing.

Name Description

The maximum spring tension value for smooth navigation testing.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_test_spline <0 / 1>

This command is used for testing spline paths in navigation meshes when developing or debugging map navigation for bots.

Name Description
0 / 1

Disables or enables the testing of spline paths in navigation meshes.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_test_split_obstacle <0 / 1>

This command is used for testing navigation mesh splitting by allowing the creation of split obstacles in the navigation mesh when set to enabled.

Name Description
0 / 1

A toggle to enable or disable the test splitting of obstacles in the navigation mesh.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_test_split_obstacle_leave <0 / 1>

This command is used for testing the navigation mesh behavior around obstacles. It affects how the AI navigates around obstacles when the feature is enabled.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable the test split obstacle leave feature.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_test_split_obstacle_size <Obstacle Size>

This command is used for testing the navigation mesh generation. It sets the size of an obstacle that the navigation mesh split algorithm considers as a separate obstacle.

Name Description
Obstacle Size

The size in units of an obstacle for the navigation mesh splitting algorithm to consider as a separate obstacle.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_test_split_obstacle_update_pos <0 / 1>

This command is used for testing purposes, specifically for updating the navigation mesh in relation to obstacle positioning, within the context of CS:GO's AI pathfinding.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether to enable or disable the test functionality for splitting obstacles and updating their positions on the navigation mesh.

Examples, Generator & More
nav_validate <0 / 1>

This command sets the level of validation for the navigation system in the game, where a higher value increases the thoroughness of the validation at the cost of speed.

Name Description
0 / 1

Sets the level of validation for the navigation system.

Examples, Generator & More
navspace_create_water_smooth_connections <0 / 1>

This command controls whether to create smoother connections in navigation spaces under water areas.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enables or disables smoother connections in underwater navigation spaces.

Examples, Generator & More
navspace_create_water_transition_connections <0 / 1>

This command is used to automatically create navigational connections for paths that transition through water in maps, making bot movement across such areas smoother and more logical.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether to automatically create water transition connections or not.

Examples, Generator & More
navspace_path_use_water_level_locator <0 / 1>

This command determines whether the navigation paths should factor in water levels during their calculation, affecting how NPCs navigate through water in the game.

Name Description
0 / 1

Set whether to include water levels in navigation path calculations or not.

Examples, Generator & More
net_validatemessages <0 / 1>

This command activates or deactivates the net message validation, which is commonly used for debugging purposes to ensure that network messages are correctly formatted and valid.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable net message validation.

Examples, Generator & More
particle_test_create <Particle System Name>

This command creates the specified particle system at the location where the player is currently looking, used for testing and development purposes.

Name Description
Particle System Name

The name of the particle system to create.

Examples, Generator & More
particles_multiplier <Multiplier>

This command multiplies the number of rendered particles by a specified factor for performance testing purposes.

Name Description

The factor by which to multiply the number of rendered particles.

Examples, Generator & More
phys_dynamic_scaling <0 / 1>

This command adjusts the dynamic scaling of in-game physics, potentially impacting performance and physics interaction realism.

Name Description
0 / 1

Sets whether dynamic physics scaling is enabled or disabled.

Examples, Generator & More
phys_expensive_shape_threshold <Threshold value>

Sets the threshold for the complexity of physics shapes considered 'expensive' by the game engine. Increased values may impact performance.

Name Description
Threshold value

The numeric value to set as the threshold for considering physics shapes 'expensive'.

Examples, Generator & More
phys_joint_teleport <0 / 1>

This command is used to toggle the teleportation of joint anchors if they are connected to the world. It's primarily a cheat command used for debugging or modifying physics interactions in a server that has cheats enabled.

Name Description
0 / 1

Toggle the teleportation of joint anchors.

Examples, Generator & More
phys_length_damping_ratio <Damping Ratio>

This command adjusts the spring damping ratio for a length constraint, used for physics simulations.

Name Description
Damping Ratio

The ratio value to set for spring damping.

Examples, Generator & More
phys_length_frequency <value>

Determines the spring stiffness for length constraints in physics simulations, affecting how rigid or elastic the length constraints behave.

Name Description

The stiffness value for the length constraint.

Examples, Generator & More

This command highlights or 'marks' a physics object for debugging purposes, typically used to visually identify and troubleshoot physical interactions or behaviors in the game.

Examples, Generator & More

This command shoots a physical object from the player's current position in the direction they are facing. It is a cheat command, used for testing physics interactions.

Examples, Generator & More
phys_use_block_solver <0 / 1>

This command determines whether to use block solving for constraint entities in the game. It's a technical setting often used for debugging or optimizing physics interactions.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether to enable or disable block solving for constraint entities.

Examples, Generator & More

Forces the player to plant a bomb at the location they are currently looking at, regardless of whether they are in a bomb site. This command is useful for testing purposes.

Examples, Generator & More
player_competitive_maplist_2v2_10_0_C8D88986 <Map list>

Sets the default map list for 2v2 competitive matches.

Name Description
Map list

Comma-separated list of map group names to include in the map list for 2v2 competitive mode.

Examples, Generator & More
player_ping_token_cooldown <Cooldown Time>

Sets the cooldown time before a player's ping token refreshes, allowing them to ping again. Players initially have 5 tokens.

Name Description
Cooldown Time

The time in seconds before a player's ping token is refreshed.

Examples, Generator & More
player_use_radius <Radius>

Defines the radius within which players can interact with objects in the game environment.

Name Description

Radius in game units within which players can interact with objects.

Examples, Generator & More
player_wargames_list2_10_0_0 <0 / 1>

This command likely pertains to setting or querying a specific configuration or state related to the 'Wargames' feature in CS2. The exact purpose of this command is not clear without further context.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enables or disables a specific wargames feature or setting.

Examples, Generator & More

This command prints to the console all the console variables (convars) that have been changed from their default values.

Examples, Generator & More

Opens a graph referencing the selected entity. It lists all active pulse graph instances referring to that entity, allowing selection if there's more than one.

Examples, Generator & More
pvs_debugentity <Entity ID>

This is a server-side command used in debugging. It provides detailed output about an entity's visibility determination process based on the potentially visible set (PVS) computation.

Name Description
Entity ID

The ID of the entity for which to enable verbose PVS computation logging.

Examples, Generator & More
pvs_flowtype <0 / 1 / 2>

Controls the flow through spawn groups for visibility, affecting whether certain areas or objects are always visible, never visible, or their visibility is determined by the default game mechanisms.

Name Description
0 / 1 / 2

Determines the visibility flow through spawn groups.

Examples, Generator & More
r_csgo_depth_prepass <0 / 1>

A command that controls whether a depth pre-pass is utilized for rendering in CS:GO. Enabling this can help with performance and rendering issues, especially in complex scenes, by determining the depth of objects before the main rendering pass.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable depth pre-pass.

Examples, Generator & More
r_csgo_depth_prepass_cull_threshold <Cull Threshold>

This command sets the culling threshold for the depth prepass in CS:GO, potentially affecting performance and visual depth precision.

Name Description
Cull Threshold

The value to set the culling threshold for the depth prepass, affecting how objects are processed in the rendering pipeline.

Examples, Generator & More
r_csgo_override_global_time <0 / 1>

This command is used to override the global time for various CS:GO systems when debugging or for specific cheat functions. A developer or player with cheating permissions can use this to manipulate how certain timed events or systems operate within the game.

Name Description
0 / 1

Whether to enable or disable the override of the global time.

Examples, Generator & More
r_csgo_render_inferno_decals <0 / 1>

Controls the rendering of inferno decals, often related to aspects like fire or explosion marks on walls within the game.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether inferno decals are to be rendered.

Examples, Generator & More
r_csgo_render_post_colorcorrection <0 / 1>

This command enables or disables the post-processing color correction in Counter-Strike 2. When enabled, it can alter the game's color balance and intensity for visual enhancements or specific map atmosphere.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable the color correction.

Examples, Generator & More
r_csgo_render_post_film_grain <0 / 1>

Controls the rendering of film grain effect in-game.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable film grain effect.

Examples, Generator & More
r_csgo_render_post_mirror_vertical <0 / 1>

This command is used to enable or disable the rendering of vertical mirror effects in the game, primarily for debugging or graphical effect purposes.

Name Description
0 / 1

This argument enables or disables the vertical mirror rendering effect.

Examples, Generator & More
r_csgo_volume_mboit_optimization <0 / 1>

Optimizes the volume MB OIT (Multi-Bounce Order-Independent Transparency), which may improve performance with certain graphical settings.

Name Description
0 / 1

Disables or enables the volume MB OIT optimization.

Examples, Generator & More
r_csgo_water_refraction <0 / 1>

Toggles the rendering of water refraction effects in CS:GO. When enabled, water surfaces will refract the scenery beneath them, creating a more realistic appearance.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable water refraction effects.

Examples, Generator & More
r_dof_override <0 / 1>

This command is used to override the game's default Depth of Field settings. When enabled, it allows for custom configuration of depth of field effects.

Name Description
0 / 1

Whether to disable or enable Depth of Field override.

Examples, Generator & More
r_fallback_texture_lod_scale <Scale Factor>

This command adjusts the scale factor for requested texture sizes, specifically for geometry that lacks a precomputed UV density measure. It is used in texture streaming to optimize performance.

Name Description
Scale Factor

The factor by which to scale the requested texture size.

Examples, Generator & More
r_indirectlighting <0 / 1>

This command enables or disables the use of indirect lighting in the game, which can affect the game's visual appearance.

Name Description
0 / 1

Toggle the use of indirect lighting.

Examples, Generator & More
r_particle_max_draw_distance <Distance>

Sets the maximum distance at which particles will be rendered in the game, improving performance by not drawing particles that are too far away.

Name Description

The maximum distance (in units) at which particles will be rendered.

Examples, Generator & More
r_shadows <0 / 1>

Toggles the rendering of shadows in the game. Only works if cheats are enabled.

Name Description
0 / 1

Toggles the shadow rendering.

Examples, Generator & More
r_skinning_enabled <0 / 1>

This command controls the skinning feature in the graphics rendering process, primarily affecting how models are animated and rendered in-game. Being marked as a cheat, it can only be used on servers with cheats enabled.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether the skinning feature is enabled or disabled.

Examples, Generator & More
r_stereo_multiview_instancing <0 / 1>

This command is used to toggle the use of multiview instancing for stereo rendering. Useful primarily for developers or for those experimenting with VR or 3D functionalities.

Name Description
0 / 1

This parameter enables or disables the multiview instancing for stereo rendering.

Examples, Generator & More
ragdoll_lru_min_age <Age in seconds>

This command sets the minimum age (in seconds) that ragdoll physics objects must be before they can be removed to make room for new ones.

Name Description
Age in seconds

The time in seconds that ragdoll objects must reach before being eligible for removal.

Examples, Generator & More
ragdoll_resolve_initial_conflict <0 / 1>

Determines whether the game resolves initial conflicts for ragdoll physics, potentially improving physics behavior upon death.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether to enable or disable initial conflict resolution for ragdoll physics.

Examples, Generator & More
ragdoll_resolve_separation <0 / 1>

Determines whether the game attempts to resolve ragdoll collisions that result in large separations or not.

Name Description
0 / 1

Turn off or on the resolving of ragdoll separations.

Examples, Generator & More
rcon_connected_clients_allow <0 / 1>

This command, when enabled, allows clients to use remote console commands (rcon) on the server.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enables or disables the ability for clients to use rcon commands.

Examples, Generator & More
recast_mark_overhang <0 / 1>

This command enables or disables the detection of overhangs in the game environment. It is primarily used for development and debugging purposes.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable overhang detection.

Examples, Generator & More
recast_partitioning <0 / 1 / 2>

This command adjusts the method of partitioning used in the recast navigation mesh generation. It can select between watershed, monotone, and layers partitioning methods.

Name Description
0 / 1 / 2

Choose the partitioning method for recast navigation mesh generation.

Examples, Generator & More

This command is used to reload the most recent saved game. It is a cheating command that requires cheats to be enabled.

Examples, Generator & More

This command forcefully respawns the player if they are currently dead, bypassing the normal respawn timer or conditions.

Examples, Generator & More

This command executes the perftest.cfg file, which is typically used for performance testing in the game.

Examples, Generator & More

This command saves all currently active animation graph recordings to the disk, normally used for debugging or analysis purposes.

Examples, Generator & More
save_maxarray_spew <Maximum array entries>

Sets the maximum number of array entries to display when using the SaveRestoreIO debugging feature.

Name Description
Maximum array entries

The maximum number of array entries to spew.

Examples, Generator & More
sc_aggregate_indirect_draw_compaction <0 / 1>

Enables the use of multidrawindirect...count for drawing operations if it is supported by the driver/hardware, which can improve rendering performance by reducing the number of draw calls needed.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable the use of multidrawindirect...count for compacting draw calls.

Examples, Generator & More
sc_aggregate_indirect_draw_compaction_threshold <Compaction Threshold>

Sets the threshold for when indirect draws in a scene should be compacted, potentially improving performance.

Name Description
Compaction Threshold

The number of indirect draws necessary to trigger compaction.

Examples, Generator & More
sc_disable_spotlight_shadows <0 / 1>

This command disables the shadows cast by spotlights in the game, potentially improving performance on systems where shadows significantly impact framerate.

Name Description
0 / 1

Toggles the spotlight shadows off (1) or on (0).

Examples, Generator & More

This command dumps a list of objects currently present in the scene world to the console. This is mainly used for debugging purposes to understand what entities are currently loaded in the scene.

Examples, Generator & More
sc_extended_stats <0 / 1>

Enables or disables the display of extended statistics in the console.

Name Description
0 / 1

Flag to enable or disable extended statistics.

Examples, Generator & More
sc_setclassflags <Classname> <Value>

This command is used to set specific flags for a given object class, altering its behavior or properties at a low level.

Name Description

The name of the class to set the flags for.


The byte value to set for the class' flags.

Examples, Generator & More

This command lists all the object class names that are recognized by the game's scenesystem, used mainly for debugging and development purposes.

Examples, Generator & More

Connects the VScript Virtual Machine to the script debugger. This command is primarily used for debugging VScript scripts in a development or testing environment.

Examples, Generator & More
script_find <Key name>

This command is used to search for a specific key within the virtual machine's (VM) scripting environment. It is primarily intended for debugging and development purposes, allowing developers to locate and examine the values of keys in the script.

Name Description
Key name

The name of the key to search for within the VM.

Examples, Generator & More

This command reloads all scripts currently in use by the game. It's useful for developers or during debugging to apply changes without restarting the game entirely.

Examples, Generator & More
script_remove_debug_filter <Filter name>

This command removes a previously added filter from the game debug overlay, which is used for development and debugging purposes.

Name Description
Filter name

The name of the filter to be removed from the debug overlay.

Examples, Generator & More
script_remove_watch <Command>

Removes a watch previously set on a variable in the game's debug overlay, aiding in debugging scripts.

Name Description

The specific command or variable name to stop watching.

Examples, Generator & More

This command is utilized by the game engine's scripting system to use the garbage collector in order to identify and handle reference cycles that are unreachable, as part of debugging or optimization processes. It's a cheat-protected server-side command primarily used in development or testing environments.

Examples, Generator & More

This command disables all trace output, useful for debugging scripts without cluttering the console.

Examples, Generator & More
script_trace_disable_key <Table/Instance>

This command is used to disable specific trace outputs by targeting their table or instance, useful for debugging scripted elements in the game.

Name Description

The specific table or instance name for the trace output to be disabled.

Examples, Generator & More
script_trace_enable_all <0 / 1>

This command enables all script trace outputs, providing detailed script execution information, useful for debugging. It's marked as a server-side command and requires cheat mode to be enabled.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable all script trace outputs.

Examples, Generator & More
script_trace_enable_key <Table/Instance Name>

Enables specific script trace output by its table or instance name, useful for debugging script behaviors.

Name Description
Table/Instance Name

The name of the script table or instance to enable tracing for.

Examples, Generator & More
server_snd_cast <Disable / Enable>

This command casts a ray from the player's current position in the game world and initiates a sound event at the location where the ray intersects with an object or terrain. The sound event will repeat at intervals for as long as the command is active. It is primarily used for testing and development purposes within the game environment.

Name Description
Disable / Enable

Turns the periodic sound event trigger caused by the ray cast off or on.

Examples, Generator & More

This command simulates the breaking of glass objects within the game environment.

Examples, Generator & More
shatterglass_cleanup <0 / 1>

Determines whether broken glass debris is automatically cleaned up in the game environment, aiding in performance and visual clarity.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enables or disables the automatic cleanup of broken glass.

Examples, Generator & More
shatterglass_cleanup_max <Max Shattered Glass Pieces>

This command determines the maximum amount of shattered glass pieces that can exist in the environment at one time before older pieces are cleaned up to make room for new ones.

Name Description
Max Shattered Glass Pieces

The maximum number of shattered glass pieces allowed before cleanup.

Examples, Generator & More
shatterglass_edge_uv_scale <UV scale>

Sets the UV scale for shatter glass edge effects, impacting how textures on shattered glass edges appear.

Name Description
UV scale

The scale factor for UV mapping on shattered glass edges.

Examples, Generator & More
shatterglass_hit_tolerance <Tolerance Level>

Determines the tolerance level for the shattering of glass upon being hit in the game.

Name Description
Tolerance Level

The numeric value indicating the level of tolerance towards impacts before glass shatters.

Examples, Generator & More

This command restores shattered glass back to its original state.

Examples, Generator & More
shatterglass_shard_lifetime <Lifetime (seconds)>

Determines the lifetime of glass shards produced by shattering glass in-game.

Name Description
Lifetime (seconds)

The duration in seconds that glass shards remain in the game world.

Examples, Generator & More
shatterglass_voronoi_size <Voronoi Size>

This command adjusts the size of the Voronoi cells for shattering glass effects in Counter-Strike 2.

Name Description
Voronoi Size

The size of the Voronoi cells used in glass shattering effects.

Examples, Generator & More
silence_dsp <0 / 1>

When on, silences all DSP mixes. It is primarily a debug tool and flagged as a cheat, meaning it can only be used on servers where cheats are enabled.

Name Description
0 / 1

Specifies whether to enable or disable the silence of all DSP mixes.

Examples, Generator & More
skeleton_instance_scaleset_enable <0 / 1>

This command enables or disables the skeleton instance scale set.

Name Description
0 / 1

This argument enables or disables the skeleton instance scale set.

Examples, Generator & More

This command lists all available audio samplers that can be utilized within the game. It's a cheat command, meaning it can only be used if cheats are enabled on the server.

Examples, Generator & More

This command lists all available midi sequences in the game. Primarily used for debugging or customizing game sounds.

Examples, Generator & More

This command stops all currently playing audio sequences in the game, which can be useful for debugging or resetting the game's audio state.

Examples, Generator & More

This cheat command allows the user to set physics surface properties for materials.

Examples, Generator & More
snd_sos_block_stop_global_stack <0 / 1>

This command is used to control whether sound stacks globally stop on the server.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable the stopping of global sound stacks.

Examples, Generator & More

This command prints a list of currently cached strings related to the game's sound system.

Examples, Generator & More

This command is used to print the current state of sound tool properties, aiding in debugging and configuration of sound settings.

Examples, Generator & More
snd_sos_set_operator_field_by_guid <GUID> <Field name> <Value>

This command adjusts a specified field value within the Source sound operation system by using a globally unique identifier (GUID). It primarily deals with float values.

Name Description

Globally Unique Identifier for the sound operator.

Field name

The name of the field within the operator to be modified.


The float value to set the field to.

Examples, Generator & More

This command dumps a record of the current sound events along with their profile data to help in debugging or analyzing sound configurations.

Examples, Generator & More
snd_sos_start_soundevent_at_pos <Event Name> <X Coordinate> <Y Coordinate> <Z Coordinate>

Initiates a specified sound event at the designated position in the game world. This command is typically used for debugging or altering the game's audio environment temporarily.

Name Description
Event Name

The name of the sound event to start.

X Coordinate

The X position in the game world where the sound will be played.

Y Coordinate

The Y position in the game world where the sound will be played.

Z Coordinate

The Z position in the game world where the sound will be played.

Examples, Generator & More
snd_sos_stop_soundevent_guid <GUID>

This command stops a specific sound event that is currently playing in the game using its global unique identifier (GUID). It requires the unique identifier of the sound event to function properly.

Name Description

The global unique identifier of the sound event you want to stop.

Examples, Generator & More

Unpauses the first sound event in the list, allowing it to continue playing if it was previously paused.

Examples, Generator & More
snd_soundmixer_setmixlayer_amount <Layer name> <Amount>

Sets the mix amount for the specified sound mix layer. This command adjusts how sounds are mixed in the game.

Name Description
Layer name

The name of the mix layer to adjust.


The amount to set the mix layer to, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0.

Examples, Generator & More
snd_steamaudio_enable_pathing <0 / 1>

Enables or disables the pathing feature in Steam Audio for audio processing, improving the spatial accuracy of sounds.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable Steam Audio pathing.

Examples, Generator & More
snd_steamaudio_load_pathing_data <0 / 1>

This command controls the loading of baked pathing data for Steam Audio Hammer entities, allowing them to use pathing successfully if enabled.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether baked pathing data is loaded.

Examples, Generator & More
snd_steamaudio_load_reverb_data <0 / 1>

This command determines whether baked reverb data is loaded or not. Specifically useful during format changes of baked data until all data is updated.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether to load baked reverb data or not.

Examples, Generator & More
snd_steamaudio_num_diffuse_samples <Number of Diffuse Samples>

This command configures the number of directions that are considered for ray bounces by Steam Audio, impacting how audio reflections are calculated.

Name Description
Number of Diffuse Samples

The exact number of diffuse samples for Steam Audio's ray bounces.

Examples, Generator & More
snd_steamaudio_num_rays <Number of rays>

Specifies the number of rays to be traced for modeling reflections in the game's audio through Steam Audio, primarily affecting the accuracy and quality of audio reflections.

Name Description
Number of rays

The number of rays that will be traced for audio reflection modeling.

Examples, Generator & More

This command is used to purge and reload all vmidi data and files, primarily for troubleshooting or updating sound configurations.

Examples, Generator & More
snd_vmix_override_mix_decay_time <Decay Time>

This command determines the duration in seconds for the mix graphs decay time, if set to a value greater than 0; -1 returns it to default behavior.

Name Description
Decay Time

The duration in seconds for how long the decay time lasts on all mix graphs. Setting it to -1 sets it to the default behavior.

Examples, Generator & More
spawn_group_activate <Spawngroup ID>

Activates the specified spawn group in the game, allowing entities within that group to spawn. This command is typically used in development or testing environments to control entity spawning.

Name Description
Spawngroup ID

The ID of the spawngroup to activate.

Examples, Generator & More

This command lists all spawn groups available in the game. It is useful for developers or server administrators who are tweaking or debugging spawn settings.

Examples, Generator & More
spawn_group_load <Spawn Group Name>

This command is used to load a specific named spawn group within the game. It requires cheats to be enabled to use.

Name Description
Spawn Group Name

The name of the spawn group to be loaded.

Examples, Generator & More
spawn_group_unload <Group Name>

This command unloads a named spawn group from the server, typically used in development or testing environments to manage game resources.

Name Description
Group Name

The name of the spawn group to unload.

Examples, Generator & More

This command is used to print the current game status, including player and server information, in JSON format for easier parsing and automation tasks.

Examples, Generator & More
subclass_change <Entity ID> <Subclass ID>

This command changes the subclass of a specified entity, affecting its behavior or characteristics in the game.

Name Description
Entity ID

The unique identifier of the entity whose subclass is to be changed.

Subclass ID

The ID of the subclass to change the entity to.

Examples, Generator & More
subclass_create <Subclass name>

This command creates an entity of the specified subclass at the location where the player is currently looking.

Name Description
Subclass name

The name of the subclass of entity you wish to create.

Examples, Generator & More
suspicious_hit_odds_threshold <Threshold value>

Sets the threshold for considering hits as suspicious in terms of odds. Lower values are more stringent.

Name Description
Threshold value

The threshold value for considering hits as suspicious, based on odds. Lower values will consider more hits as suspicious.

Examples, Generator & More
suspicious_hit_player_radius <Radius>

This command sets the radius for detecting suspicious hits around players in Counter-Strike 2. It is used primarily for anti-cheat measures.

Name Description

The radius around players within which hits are considered for suspicious activity detection.

Examples, Generator & More
suspicious_hit_strategy <0 / 1>

Defines the handling strategy for suspicious hits in the game. This is a server-side setting that can influence how potential cheating or unusual hit detections are managed.

Name Description
0 / 1

The strategy mode for handling suspicious hits.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_autoexec_mapname_cfg <0 / 1>

Automatically executes a configuration file named after the current map on the server for custom game modes that require specific settings.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable automatic execution of map-specific configuration files.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_banid_enabled <0 / 1>

Determines if the server supports the use of the 'banid' command to ban players.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable the banid command feature.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_cluster <0 / 1>

Specifies the data center cluster in which the server is located. Mainly used for networking optimization and server management.

Name Description
0 / 1

Sets the server's data center cluster identification. 0 to use the default cluster, 1 to specify a custom cluster.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_debug_client_not_in_pvs <0 / 1>

This command is used for debugging purposes. When enabled, it visually represents failed client Potentially Visible Sets (PVS) checks with a red box in the game world, helping to identify visibility issues.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines if the debug visualization should be enabled or disabled.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_debug_overlays_bandwidth <Bandwidth>

This command is used to broadcast server debug overlays traffic.

Name Description

Defines the maximum bandwidth for broadcasting server debug overlays.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_debug_overlays_broadcast <0 / 1>

This command enables or disables the broadcasting of server debug overlays. It's primarily used for debugging purposes.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable the broadcasting of server debug overlays.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_disable_teamselect_menu <0 / 1>

This command is used to disable the team selection menu on client interfaces. When enabled (set to 1), players will not be able to access the team selection menu in-game.

Name Description
0 / 1

Disable or enable the team selection menu.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_disconnected_player_data_hold_time <Time>

Specifies how long, in seconds, the game server should keep the data of players who have disconnected. This data is primarily used for scoreboard information.

Name Description

The duration in seconds to hold the data.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_disconnected_players_cleanup_delay <Cleanup Delay>

This command sets the time delay (in seconds) between a player disconnecting from a game and their corpse being removed from the game world.

Name Description
Cleanup Delay

The time in seconds to wait before cleaning up a disconnected player's corpse.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_dz_cash_mega_bundle_size <Size>

Specifies the size of a mega cash bundle in Danger Zone mode.

Name Description

The size of the mega cash bundle.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_dz_squad_wipe_reward <Number of Cash Bundles>

Sets the number of cash bundles awarded to a player for eliminating an entire squad in Danger Zone mode.

Name Description
Number of Cash Bundles

The amount of cash bundles awarded for a squad wipe.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_enable_alternate_baselines <0 / 1>

This command enables or disables the alternate baseline system. Setting it to 2 activates debugging spew.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable the alternate baseline system.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_ents_write_alarm <0 / 1>

Controls the printing of the callstack related to the CNetworkGameServerBase functionality.

Name Description
0 / 1

A switch to enable or disable the feature.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_fade_player_visibility_farz <0 / 1>

This command controls the fading of player visibility at long distances, determining whether players become less visible as they are further away.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether players become less visible at long distances. 0 disables fading, 1 enables it.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_game_mode_flags <Game Mode Flags>

This command sets specific game mode flags on a dedicated server, modifying how certain game modes function.

Name Description
Game Mode Flags

The specific flags to set, altering game mode functionalities.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_gameinstructor_enable <0 / 1>

This command forces all clients to enable their game instructors, which provide in-game tutorials and guidance.

Name Description
0 / 1

Setting this to 0 disables the game instructor, 1 enables it for all players.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_grenade_trajectory_prac_pipreview <0 / 1>

This command enables or disables a picture-in-picture preview showing the trajectory of grenades in practice mode.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether the grenade trajectory picture-in-picture preview is enabled or disabled in practice mode.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_grenade_trajectory_prac_trailtime <Trail Time>

This command is used to visualize the trajectory of grenades for a specified number of seconds. It is useful for practice and learning grenade paths.

Name Description
Trail Time

The duration in seconds for which the grenade trajectory trail remains visible.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_guardian_extra_equipment_ct <0 / 1>

This command configures the extra starting equipment for Counter-Terrorists (CT) in guardian game modes. It allows customization of the initial loadout in these scenarios.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether extra starting equipment is enabled or disabled for CT players in guardian modes.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_guardian_extra_equipment_t <0 / 1>

Sets extra starting equipment for Terrorist players in guardian game modes, enhancing their initial loadout.

Name Description
0 / 1

Toggle extra starting equipment for Terrorists in guardian modes.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_guardian_health_refresh_per_wave <Health Refresh Per Wave>

This command sets the amount of health that survivors are given at the start of each new wave in the Guardian game mode.

Name Description
Health Refresh Per Wave

The amount of health given to survivors at the start of each new wave.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_guardian_refresh_ammo_for_items_on_waves <Weapon names>

This command specifies a list of additional weapons for which ammo is refilled at the start of each wave in Guardian game mode.

Name Description
Weapon names

Comma-separated list of weapon names to have their ammo refilled on wave starts.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_guardian_reset_c4_every_wave <0 / 1>

This command determines whether the C4 (bomb) in Guardian game mode is reset at the beginning of every wave.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines if the C4 is to be reset at the start of every wave in Guardian mode.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_guardian_respawn_health <Health Points>

Sets the starting health points for players when they respawn in Guardian mode.

Name Description
Health Points

The amount of health points players will spawn with in Guardian mode.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_guardian_spawn_health_ct <Health>

Sets the starting health for Counter-Terrorists in Guardian game modes.

Name Description

The amount of health CT players start with in Guardian modes.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_guardian_spawn_health_t <Health>

Sets the starting health of players in guardian modes.

Name Description

The starting health value for players in guardian modes.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_guardian_starting_equipment_humans <Equipment Value>

This command sets additional starting equipment for human players in Guardian mode, allowing customization of the starting loadout in these scenarios.

Name Description
Equipment Value

The additional equipment value to grant human players at the start of Guardian mode.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_hide_roundtime_until_seconds <Seconds>

This command configures the delay before the round timer is revealed to players. By default, the round timer is always visible.

Name Description

Number of seconds before the round ends when the timer should be shown.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_hoststate_quit_syscall <0 / 1>

This command, when enabled, makes the game server quit immediately through a system call instead of following the usual host states shutdown sequence.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether the server quits immediately via syscall or not.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_human_autojoin_team <0 / 1>

This command controls whether human players are automatically placed onto a team upon joining a game. When disabled, players can choose their team.

Name Description
0 / 1

Whether to automatically place human players onto a team.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_invites_only_mainmenu <0 / 1>

This command, when enabled, will make the game ignore any game invites received while the user is playing a match, only allowing invites to be acknowledged when in the main menu.

Name Description
0 / 1

Set to '1' to ignore invites during matches, '0' to allow invites.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_jump_spam_penalty_time <Penalty Time>

Sets the time penalty for pressing the jump key too frequently. Making this value lower facilitates easier bunnyhopping by reducing the penalties for spamming the jump key.

Name Description
Penalty Time

The duration in seconds to penalize spamming the jump key. Lower values make bunnyhopping easier.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_ladder_slack_z_mult <Multiplier>

This command adjusts the difference in Z axis (vertical position) towards the middle of the slack ladder, affecting how the ladder behaves in terms of vertical movement.

Name Description

The multiplier value for the Z difference increase towards the middle of the ladder.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_late_commands_allowed <Number of allowed late commands>

This command configures how many late commands are permitted to run at a 0 time scale before an on-time command is executed. It supports negative values for calculations based on network round trip, with a limit set to the absolute value of the input.

Name Description
Number of allowed late commands

The number of late commands allowed to run at 0 timescale before an on-time command. Negative values enable network round trip calculation with a hard cap.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_lightquery_debug <0 / 1>

This command, when enabled, is used to debug lighting queries in the game environment. It's intended for developers or to troubleshoot lighting issues.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable lighting query debug mode.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_log_roundstats <0 / 1>

This command enables or disables the logging of round statistics in server logs.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether logging of round statistics is enabled or disabled.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_mapvetopickvote_maps <Map list>

Specifies the maps available for the map veto pick sequence in competitive matches.

Name Description
Map list

Comma-separated list of map names to be included in the veto pick sequence.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_mapvetopickvote_rnd <0 / 1>

When enabled, this command shuffles the veto pick maps list order every time.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether the shuffling of the veto pick maps list order is enabled or disabled.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_max_deathmatch_respawns_per_tick <Number of Respawns>

This command specifies the maximum number of respawns allowed per tick in a Counter-Strike 2 Deathmatch game mode.

Name Description
Number of Respawns

The maximum number of players that can respawn in a single game tick.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_merge_changes_after_tick_with_calcdelta <0 / 1 / 2>

Addresses bugs related to pure calcdelta usage due to recipient changes, ensuring field changes are properly recognized even when values revert to their previous state. Setting to 2 enables detailed logging of changes.

Name Description
0 / 1 / 2

Control merging changes and logging: 0 to disable, 1 to enable without logging, 2 for detailed logging.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_metaduplication <0 / 1>

This command checks the serializer metadata for any duplications. When 'verbose' is added to the command, it provides a detailed output of the findings, which can be useful for debugging purposes.

Name Description
0 / 1

Toggle the duplication check and verbose output on or off.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_minimum_desired_chicken_count <Desired chicken count>

This command sets the minimum number of chickens that the game will attempt to spawn on the map. It is mainly used in server configurations for fun or specific game modes that involve chickens.

Name Description
Desired chicken count

The minimum number of chickens to attempt to spawn on the map.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_networkvar_perfieldtracking <0 / 1>

This command configures the server to track individual field offset changes for network variables, rather than using a single 'dirty flag' for an entire entity. This can improve networking efficiency in some scenarios.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enables or disables per field tracking of network variable changes.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_networkvar_validate <0 / 1>

Used to enforce validation of each 'StateChanged' event against known offsets, ensuring data integrity in state changes.

Name Description
0 / 1

Toggle the validation of 'StateChanged' events on or off.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_noclipfriction <Friction value>

Sets the amount of friction applied during movement in noclip mode, affecting how quickly movement stops when no input is given.

Name Description
Friction value

The friction level applied during noclip movement, influencing how quickly movements stop.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_packstats <Command>

Displays statistics about entity packing in the game; used for debugging and optimizing network performance. The command can also clear current statistics when provided with a specific argument.

Name Description

Specifies the action for sv_packstats.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_pause_on_console_open <0 / 1>

This command dictates whether the game pauses when the console is opened via the '' key. Pressing CTRL+ opens the console without pausing the game, regardless of the command's setting.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether the game pauses when the console is opened.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_phys_debug_callback_entities <0 / 1>

This command is used to print all entities that receive touch callbacks in the game. Each eligible entity is listed only once, making it easier for developers or server administrators to debug entity interactions.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enables or disables the printing of entities receiving touch callbacks.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_phys_enabled <0 / 1>

This command enables or disables all physics simulation on the server. It is often used for testing purposes and requires cheat permissions to be enabled.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether the physics simulation is enabled or disabled.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_phys_sleep_enable <0 / 1>

This command enables or disables the sleeping feature for dynamic physics objects in the game. When enabled, objects can go into a 'sleep' state to improve game performance.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable sleeping for dynamic physics bodies.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_phys_stop_at_collision <0 / 1>

This command determines whether physics-based objects stop moving upon colliding. When enabled, objects will halt on impact.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether physics objects should stop upon collision.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_playerradio_use_allowlist <0 / 1>

This command determines whether player radio commands can only use responses from a predefined allow list, enhancing control over in-game communications.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether the playerradio commands are restricted to an allow list.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_pvs_max_distance <Distance>

This command sets a maximum range to Potentially Visible Set (PVS) and Potentially Audible Set (PAS) checks, which can influence network optimization and the visibility/audio of objects and entities in the game.

Name Description

The maximum range for PVS/PAS checks in units. A value of 0 disables this feature.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_radio_throttle_window <Seconds>

This command sets the time in seconds before the tokens for radio commands are refreshed, i.e., how frequently players can use radio commands in-game.

Name Description

The time in seconds before radio command tokens are refreshed.

Examples, Generator & More

This command forces the server to emit the last grenade that was thrown. It is useful for testing grenade trajectories and effects in a cheating-enabled environment.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_shield_bash_damage_to_nonplayer <Damage Amount>

Determines the amount of damage inflicted to non-player entities when bashed by a player holding a shield.

Name Description
Damage Amount

The damage amount to be inflicted to non-player entities by a shield bash.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_shield_bash_damage_to_players <Damage>

This command sets the damage that a shield bash will inflict on other players.

Name Description

The amount of damage a shield bash will inflict on players.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_shield_explosive_damage_cap <Maximum Damage>

This command sets the maximum damage that a player's shield can take from a single explosive.

Name Description
Maximum Damage

The maximum amount of damage a shield can take from a single explosive.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_shield_explosive_damage_crouch_bonus <Damage bonus percentage>

Adjusts the bonus damage protection percentage shielded players receive from explosive damage when crouching.

Name Description
Damage bonus percentage

The percentage of additional damage protection shielded players receive from explosives while crouching.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_shield_explosive_damage_mindist <Minimum Distance>

Sets the minimum distance below which the damage from explosives does not increase when a player is using a shield.

Name Description
Minimum Distance

The distance below which the damage from explosives does not increase for shielded players.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_shield_explosive_damage_mult <Multiplier>

This command sets the multiplier for the amount of explosive damage absorbed by shields in the game.

Name Description

The multiplier for explosive damage absorbed by shields.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_shield_explosive_damage_scale <Scale>

This command sets the scale of explosive damage dealt to a player holding a shield.

Name Description

The scale at which explosive damage is applied to shield-holding players.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_shield_hitpoints <Value>

Sets the hitpoint value (health) for the player's shield in the game.

Name Description

The hitpoint value to set for the player's shield.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_show_move_collisions <0 / 1>

Enable this to visualize collisions between player and geometry. This command is especially useful for map developers and players interested in understanding how movement is affected by the environment.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable the visualization of move collisions.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_show_teammate_death_notification <0 / 1>

This command configures whether a notification is shown in the chat when a teammate dies.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether the death notifications for teammates will be shown in chat.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_showhitregistration <0 / 1>

This command controls the visualization of lag_compensated hitboxes, allowing to see where shots are hitting on players, which can be helpful for debugging issues with lag. The visualization can be set for server, client, or both.

Name Description
0 / 1

Toggles the display of lag_compensated hitboxes.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_skel_constraints_enable <0 / 1>

This command enables or disables skeletal constraints in the game, which can affect physics and animation.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable skeletal constraints.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_snapshot_unlimited <0 / 1>

This command is used for debugging purposes. It prevents the system from discarding old snapshots, allowing for a return from a debugger break without needing an uncompressed update. However, using this may lead to memory issues.

Name Description
0 / 1

Whether to stop discarding old snapshots for debugging.

Examples, Generator & More

This command is used to dump or display serializer metadata, used mostly for debugging purposes related to how game data is serialized.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_strafing_inaccuracy_bias <Inaccuracy Bias Value>

Adjusts the amount of inaccuracy bias applied when strafing to simulate movement inaccuracies.

Name Description
Inaccuracy Bias Value

The value to set for strafing inaccuracy bias. Lower values make strafing shots more accurate, and higher values make them less accurate.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_strafing_inaccuracy_enabled <0 / 1>

This command enables or disables inaccuracy while strafing. When enabled, it makes firing less accurate during movement.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines if inaccuracy is added while strafing.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_strafing_inaccuracy_scale <Scale>

Adjusts the scale of inaccuracy applied to a weapon when the player is strafing. A higher value increases the inaccuracy.

Name Description

The scale of inaccuracy applied during strafing.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_unpause_on_console_close <0 / 1>

This command controls whether the game unpauses when closing the console using the tilde (~) key.

Name Description
0 / 1

Whether to unpause the game on console close.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_update_animgraph_movement_in_finish <0 / 1>

This command determines if animgraph movement updates should occur in the FinishMove phase, which is part of the game's internal movement and animation processing.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable the updating of animgraph movement in FinishMove.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_usercmd_queue_spew_threshold <Threshold>

This command sets a threshold for queuing user commands. If the command queue exceeds this threshold, it will issue a warning indicating the backlog of commands has exceeded the set limit.

Name Description

The threshold number of backlogged commands before issuing a warning.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_versus_screen_scene_id <Scene ID>

This command sets the specific scene display on the versus screen in multiplayer games. It allows customization or changes to the versus screen that players see.

Name Description
Scene ID

The ID number of the scene to be used for the versus screen.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_warmup_to_freezetime_delay <delay>

This command sets the delay time in seconds between the end of the warmup period and the start of the match.

Name Description

The number of seconds of delay between the end of the warmup and the start of the match.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_watchtransmit <Entity Index>

This command is used to monitor the NetworkStateChanged information for a specific entity based on its index.

Name Description
Entity Index

The index of the entity whose network state changes are to be monitored.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_water_slow_amount <Slowness Amount>

Sets the amount by which player movement is slowed in water.

Name Description
Slowness Amount

The factor by which player movement speed is slowed in water.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_wateraccelerate <Acceleration Speed>

Defines the acceleration speed of players when they are underwater.

Name Description
Acceleration Speed

The speed at which players accelerate underwater.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_waterfriction <Friction value>

Adjusts the friction applied to players when they are moving in water.

Name Description
Friction value

The level of friction applied to players in water, where a lower value means less friction.

Examples, Generator & More
sv_weapon_swap_difficulty_near_hi_pri <0 / 1>

This command controls how the game handles weapon swapping when near high-priority items, with options to adjust the search cone's behavior for weapon swapping.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines the weapon swap difficulty near high priority items.

Examples, Generator & More

This command prints out detailed system information to the console, including CPU, GPU, memory usage, and other system-related statistics.

Examples, Generator & More
telemetry_message <Message>

This command is used to place a custom message in the telemetry timeline, primarily for debugging or tracking specific events during server analysis.

Name Description

The custom message text to be placed in the telemetry timeline.

Examples, Generator & More

This command starts or stops a timespan with an incrementally increasing name for telemetry purposes. It is used primarily for debugging and development, tracking how much time specific operations or events take within the game engine.

Examples, Generator & More
Test_CreateEntity <Entity Type>

Creates an entity of the specified type for testing purposes. This command is generally used in testing environments and requires cheat mode to be enabled.

Name Description
Entity Type

The type of entity you want to create.

Examples, Generator & More

Displays a list of entities currently present in the game. This is generally used for debugging purposes to ensure that entities are being created and destroyed as expected.

Examples, Generator & More
tv_broadcast_keyframe_interval1 <Interval>

Sets the frequency, in seconds, at which keyframes and delta fragments are sent to the broadcast relay server.

Name Description

The time in seconds between each keyframe and delta fragment transmission.

Examples, Generator & More
tv_broadcast_max_requests1 <Maximum Requests>

Sets the maximum number of simultaneous HTTP requests for broadcast1 in flight to avoid server performance degradation due to network issues. Exceeding this limit results in new requests being dropped.

Name Description
Maximum Requests

The maximum number of simultaneous HTTP requests allowed for broadcast1.

Examples, Generator & More
tv_enable_dynamic <0 / 1>

Enables or disables the dynamic startup or shutdown of the HLTV server based on changes in tv_enable convars.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable the feature.

Examples, Generator & More
tv_record_immediate <0 / 1>

This command starts recording a demo in CS2 instantly, ignoring the usual delay set by tv_delay.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable immediate demo recording.

Examples, Generator & More
tv_secure_bypass <0 / 1>

This command is used to bypass the secure challenge on the TV port, which is often related to network security settings for game broadcasting.

Name Description
0 / 1

A flag indicating whether to bypass the secure challenge on TV port.

Examples, Generator & More
tv_show_allchat <0 / 1>

This command controls whether all chat messages are shown in GOTV broadcasts, allowing viewers to see team chats as well as all chat.

Name Description
0 / 1

Controls the visibility of all chat messages in GOTV broadcasts.

Examples, Generator & More
ui_playsettings_flags_listen_casual <0 / 1>

This command is used to configure settings related to casual matches in a listen server environment. It likely adjusts parameters that affect the casual game mode when playing in a non-dedicated server setup.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enables or disables casual match configurations in a listen server setup.

Examples, Generator & More
ui_playsettings_flags_listen_competitive <Flags Value>

This command is likely used to configure user interface elements related to competitive settings in a listen server environment. The default value '16' might correspond to specific UI flags.

Name Description
Flags Value

Value to set the UI play settings flags for competitive listen servers.

Examples, Generator & More
ui_playsettings_flags_listen_cooperative <0 / 1>

This command is used to set or get the cooperative play settings for listen servers.

Name Description
0 / 1

Set to 0 to disable cooperative play settings on listen servers, or 1 to enable them.

Examples, Generator & More
ui_playsettings_flags_listen_deathmatch <Value>

This command controls specific settings for a listen server in deathmatch mode. The default value is 32, which relates to certain predefined settings in deathmatch.

Name Description

The settings value for a listen server in deathmatch mode.

Examples, Generator & More
ui_playsettings_flags_listen_skirmish <0 / 1>

This command is used to configure the default play settings for setting up a skirmish match in a local listen server environment. It's likely used in the game's user interface configurations.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether default play settings for skirmish matches in local listen servers are enabled or disabled.

Examples, Generator & More
ui_playsettings_flags_listen_survival <0 / 1>

This command configures the default game mode settings for listen servers in Survival mode.

Name Description
0 / 1

Enable or disable Survival mode as the default for listen servers.

Examples, Generator & More
vconsole_rcon_server_details <0 / 1>

This command, when set to a non-empty value, facilitates an easy connection for the VConsole to a dedicated server. It is primarily used for server administration and debugging purposes.

Name Description
0 / 1

Sets whether the VConsole can connect to the dedicated server without the need for manual server details entry.

Examples, Generator & More
viewmodel_always_on <0 / 1>

This command forces the view model (the visual representation of the player's weapon and arms) to always be visible, even when the camera is in third-person view. This can be useful for content creators or those wanting a consistent visual reference.

Name Description
0 / 1

Determines whether the view model is always visible or not.

Examples, Generator & More
vphys2_friction_factor <Friction Factor>

This command changes the global friction factor, affecting how objects interact with each other physically in terms of movement friction.

Name Description
Friction Factor

The value to set the global friction factor to.

Examples, Generator & More
weapon_accuracy_reset_on_deploy <0 / 1>

This command configures whether or not the accuracy of a weapon should be reset to zero upon deployment.

Name Description
0 / 1

Whether or not to reset weapon accuracy on deploy.

Examples, Generator & More